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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Stuff like that is cool, and I'd love it. The only "problem" with it is that it becomes a design mess. In order for it to be good, the options need to be fully fleshed out, which means you'd be programming the equivalent of many games in one. If the bulk of the truly unique stuff was in sidequests, then it'd be more plausible, as long as the main storyline still in someway acknowledges the choices that you have made in the game.
  2. A good story is a good story. Revan's not the lifeblood of KOTOR, a good story is. If I got a kickass, perfect game with excellent characters and believable reactions and fantastic gameplay, I would not care if it does or does not have Revan. I don't understand why so many people want sequels to the same game. Remember how awesome KOTOR was when you first played it? Would it not be just as cool to have a new game just like that, that surprised you and knocked you off your feet? It doesn't need Revan. Having said that, I would understand if the third installment did include Revan and the Exile in some way. I did like them and they are neat characters, but in the hands of good writing any characters can be just as awesome. But for the love of god please, I do not want to play Revan/Exile anymore. Wandering around killing hordes of godlike characters gets old quickly IMO. And it diminishes the "coolness" of the godlike characters since they turn out to be a dime a dozen. If the game includes Revan and the Exile (I do agree it should include both), I'd still rather it be played from the perspective of a new PC.
  3. Only the descontruction :D It could just be a bug.
  4. It's nothing all that special. I could tell you essentially what happens if you want.
  5. I personally know some that didn't like it. However, they are traditional console gamers, and I know that one of them fought the random spawns on Tatooine just levelling up like he'd do in Final Fantasy games. He reached level 20 after like his second planet, and felt it was silly that his character would never get any stronger throughout the game. He also was like level 10 scoundrel or something, because he fought hordes of Rakghouls on Taris to level up his skills.
  6. Construction of items is based on the person you approach the work bench with. Deconstruction of items is based on the repair skill of your party leader (which is usually the PC). I suspect they did this to increase the value of the repair skill for the PC, otherwise they'd be no point as you could have someone else have all the repair skill.
  7. It makes more sense that the Millenium Falcon is in the original 3 movies....the guy that owns it (Han Solo) is in all three. It'd be stupid for them to NOT have the Millenium Falcon, since Solo loves it so much. Having one ship bounce around many different owners is much more "dumb" in my opinion.
  8. Absolutely. The choice to resist whatever event(s) would tempt someone with the darkside would have to be in the game.
  9. Why does everyone blame Lucasarts. Obsidian had the choice to NOT release it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because of the realities of publisher/developer relationships. Lucasarts owns the rights to the game.....and Obsidian was under contract to make it. Obsidian could not avoid releasing it if they wanted to.
  10. Heh...there's no pleasing people They could have capped it lower, but then people would complain that the game artificially limits their player. They probably allowed level 50 because it was easy enough to do.
  11. Fortunately there's no need to be level 35
  12. I think Revan is nothing like Charlie in Charlie's Angels. He was the main star of the first game, and was the one that did everything. I would expect (and hope rather) that if there is 10 KOTOR games, the remaining 8 would be more like the Final Fantasy games, in that the sequels have nothing to do with their predecessors. I wonder if people got as upset when they found out Final Fantasy 8 didn't include Cloud in any way.
  13. Learning any programming language is never a waste of time. The logic and algorithms that you learn can be quickly adapted to different programming languages. C# seems good for rapid application development, but I think it still limited in it's capabilities compared to C/C++.
  14. Find the remains of the Jedi that spawn the Hssiss. Everytime you do it, 2 more hssiss respawn. Try this.....repeatedly use it over and over very fast. This will spawn a ton of them. Then use force wave to stun ALL of them, and then use force storm to kill ALL of them. Easily the most bang for your buck with force storm, as you hit 50 guys with one attack. I would immediately level up (and I was about level 20 or so) everytime I did it, and I tried it about 3 times. You just gain so much xp for killing them, and you do it by the horde!
  15. People aren't alerted to stay inside because of high carbon dioxide levels. There's much worse stuff emitted into the air than carbon dioxide. That smoky haze you see in big cities, is NOT carbon dioxide.
  16. If Half-Life 2 doesn't have a story, then how can it possibly be a story driven game? And IMO, Half-Life 2 has just as much story as Half-Life 1...without the annoying Xen parts.
  17. I think humans are a bit arrogant to think we are having as much influence as we claim to have over the climate. Weather has been doing wierd **** for millenia. Many of the same scientists that predict global warming were the same people predicting an upcoming Ice Age. And now with climate acting so bizarre, it's no longer being referred to as global warming, but climate change. There's still anticipation of a Little Ice Age in some circles.
  18. Ok, I'll bite. I'll give an explanation for my stats as well. Everything will be 3rd Edition D&D, with 10 being considered average (and none of this average of tomorrow or medieval or anything....average by today!). Strength: 9 I'm not too strong. If given an extreme situation, I can usually dig a bit deeper...but I can't do much for weights, and my upper body is meh. My legs are strong though, which keeps the stat at least decent Dexterity: 12 My strong legs let me move fast :D Playing basketball has improved my reactions, and I seem to have decent anticipation IMO. I don't have any uncontrolled twitching or spasms, and can hold stuff with limited shaking. Constitution: 16 I barely remember the last time I actually had an illness. I've never broken a bone, and my experiences with basketball based on outside perspectives was that I was someone that would take a beating, dive for a loose ball, smashing myself into a wall, and still be the first guy back on defense :D I also do not drink and have excellent blood pressure and a good resting heart rate (although I am getting out of shape...but I've started doing cardio again). Intelligence: 15 Never had a real hard time understanding concepts in school. Slacked my way to a 90% average in high school and have a 3.85 GPA in University, which has also included some slacking. The two semesters where I didn't slack I had a 4.0 Wisdom: 14 I am not blinded purely by my own beliefs and have an understanding about situations from most (if not all) angles of it. I do not pass judgement on people or ideas, and always try to examine situations empirically. Not buying into the hype has led to startling discoveries about things previously thought to be only good (like recycling ). I considered going higher, but my tendency to slack off in my studies, particularly after a good semester, is certainly unwise " Charisma: 11 I can joke around and get along well with people. I have absolutely zero trouble making acquaintances, and consider myself to be a fun person. I'd consider having this maybe a 12, but I will admit I'm a dork when it comes to women. My mouth continually gets bigger as I never fail to put my foot in it
  19. I'm looking into it, since I was certain it was the other way. A friend of mine from University plays PnP games with a guy from Bioware, so he could provide some insight. Look at my address...the answer is literally in the proximity :D
  20. I disagree with it because it'll spark pointless political debate on an otherwise interesting thread.
  21. I would disagree. I liked the idea of when I helped a guy, Kreia started going off about how I didn't help that man, and it shows a guy getting jealous and mugging him. Truly my "lightside" ideals didn't make things better for that person.
  22. I'm pretty sure that Knights of the Old Republic was a completely original idea by Bioware. It's just that all of their ideas had to be run by Lucasarts for approval.
  23. That looks like Revan's mask.
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