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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Like I said. If you have to use "fixed" to describe continuity....then continuity isn't that strong. The Holocron just tries to make it work given the information that it has. "Continuity" won't do anything because "continuity" isn't an entity capable of doing anything. I think maybe the word you have been looking for is "canon." In any case, people try to patch up continuity errors, but it's just a blind eye being turned towards the errors with explanations. It doesn't mean that Star Wars continuity is intact (or even strong). It just means that they've chosen to ignore the stuff that breaks it or make it make sense in some way. Since they have had to make all sorts of corrections and explanations, the continuity of all the stories in the Star Wars universe is clearly not that strong. How does the Holocron determine what breaks continuity?
  2. That's just it. You cannot just erase it. Who gives a fark if some Holocron people that determine what breaks continuity when the majority of the people out there will think differently. As for changed....well, there's already two games out that have it look like that. Are they going to go and update everyone's version of the game or something? Overlook it? Didn't you just say it WILL be changed? And this goes with erasing it. You cannot overlook it because the majority of people out there now have KOTOR's version of the Valley as their perception of what it is.
  3. They should make dual wielding lightsabers and double-bladed sabers DS only!!!! :D
  4. There's a game coming out that I believe uses the NWN engine, and looks really nice despite being tilebased. Tile based does not necessarily mean NWN style. If someone can remember the name of that game for me I would really appreciate it. I think it had "witch" in it or something like that. Or they have played them. The vast majority of those mods suck ass. And for joe-schmoe user, using the toolset is not exactly great fun. Sure the adventures you can create are almost limitless....unfortunately most the people out there cannot design a module worth crap.
  5. If you ever need to add the word "fixed" when discussing continuity, then continuity isn't that strong.
  6. What he heck is "LFL?" How does it get fixed. In KOTOR, the valley clearly has a Tomb of Marka Ragnos. Considering more people have probably played KOTOR than read anything in the EU, it's probably more canon than the TOTJ version :D You talk about "continuity" as if it were some sort of entity or something. "Beware...continuity is coming for your KOTOR!!!!" LOL Oh, how did you change the Valley for the PC version? You said you did something to make sure it was better???
  7. One last feeding of the off-topic flame: I think it's more impressive that Jordan was able to win with the teams that he had compared to the teams Kobe had.
  8. 34 hours is acceptable. Might even be considered a tad slow.
  9. Just to set the record straight, virtually all DVDs are "DVD-ROMS." DVD stands for Digital Video Disc (at first), but since they are now used for more than videos the acronym has evolved into Digital Versatile Disc. These discs, like CDs, tend not to be writable, hence ROM (Read-Only Memory). Soooooooo, unless you are dealing with DVD-RWs (Rewritables) or DVD-RAMs (sort of like RWs...similiar to a Hard Drive but you need a DVD-RAM drive to use it). I do not include DVD-Rs (Recordables) since after writing to them, they become a DVD-ROM (i.e. cannot change them). Furthermore, any DVD player is able to read the information on a DVD-ROM drive. The catch is whether or not the hardware knows what the heck to do with it (the firmware and whatnot has to interpret the information). I suspect this is why the X-Box needs an update to play DVD movies (I believe PS2 needs one as well, but not sure). But I looked into it, and the XBOX media most definitely is DVD. Which makes sense, since they got KOTOR on one disc, and PC users got it on 3 CDs. As for which is better to play on? If you have the computer, I'd recommend PC version (but I'm biased). Both games will likely be identical. On a side note, I heard a rumor that the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban is different on the X-Box version? Is there any validity to that statement?
  10. I agree. Computer Science isn't about programming....it's about algorithms (which are useful in programming)
  11. The problem being Muad'Dib, is that who knows where they are going to go with Bastila. You say you want to see her grow from the self centered brat into something better....but what if the developers don't see things your way. What if they send Bastila down an entirely different path than you would like?
  12. If you look at the question I was answering. To say that someone in the movies is level 20 is inherently flawed, especially when video games allow you to reach that point in much less time. If we just look at what level the players attained and say "oh...he's higher level" then I would say that Jolee, Bastila, and Juhani along with Revan could all wipe the floor with Vader since they are a higher level than him. And from some quick looking around, Darth Vader does purge the galaxy of the Jedi. So I suppose he probably wouldn't have had a hard time slaying "Hundreds of Sith acolytes and Combat droids without any difficulty." Especially considering an "acolyte" isn't particularly powerful. Just like how Anakin got beat up on by Dooku.
  13. Because rating characters along the lines of d20 rules is inherently flawed.
  14. He had a great experssion with his eyes....that confused bug eyed look. Hehehe
  15. Vader does do that....during the clone wars. AFAIK, he has a pretty big role in the Jedi purge. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. Vader Doesn't participate in Clone Wars, Analkin does.... <_< 2. Anakin looses his arm to an old fart like dooku for christ sake.... :D Yep, he'll last about 7 seconds against my PC. B) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Padawan vs Master...big surprise Dooku beat him. Doesn't Anakin become Vader during the clone wars? In any case, IIRC Vader is the one that hunts down the Jedi.
  16. You could debate that Morrowind isn't a fun game all the way through though. Most of the length of the game was because of the huge walking times, which isn't very fun IMO. People get turned off by the huge spans of time where you do nothing but go to a different destination.
  17. I thought that's all the X-Box used? I'll admit I don't use one. I could've sworn it was a DVD Player in that thing though.
  18. Wow. Never have I seen such horrid and inappropriate use of the word "continuity." I found it quite hard to read actually As far as the Valley, who cares? What's been done has been done. Obsidian CANNOT change it now, because then it won't have any continuity with the previous game. Unfortunately for the EU afficiandos out there, I'm pretty sure most people that played KOTOR have no idea WTF the EU Valley looks like, so they're gonna expect the KOTOR2 Valley to look like the KOTOR1 Valley. IMO, if they change that KOTOR2 Valley, that would be much more stupid than putting in the wrong Valley to begin with. Deal with it. It's different, and NOTHING you say is going to make any difference. And I'm with Eduardo......how is Korriban different on the X-Box than on the PC, since apparently Darth Nuke did a big giant favour and saved us PC gamers from an even worse Valley.
  19. Vader does do that....during the clone wars. AFAIK, he has a pretty big role in the Jedi purge.
  20. Or that they would be too hard to implement... I actually partially agree with Hades... I think they've made a mistake (though not a big one). As long as they pull it off I guess I'm happy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I say "best" implementation, I was also considering the difficulty of implementation. If the d20 rules are too hard to implement, then they aren't the best implementation. I wasn't judging the quality of d20, since I've never actually sat down and played with them (I have only PnP gamed once, and it sucked).
  21. That implies that the d20 rules are the best implementation. Obviously Bioware didn't think so, so they didn't use them.
  22. You could probably find a lot of debate as to whether or not "most of the experience is online." Bioware made Hordes of the Underdark a single-player only campaign for a reason. I think it's easy to overlook the people that only play the single player because I would suspect that many of them don't care for posting their thoughts on the internet forums (if they have internet at all). I would wager most NWN owners only played the single player game.
  23. I agree, but my comments are not directed specifically for NWN2. I know the game will have co-op. But there are still a large number of games out there that I would just love to play co-op. Some of them have generic enough stories that I don't think they would hinder things too much. I started this thread because not because I want co-op in NWN2, but I would like Obsidian to consider co-op for future projects as well. Adding co-op gameplay at the last minute is not easy, but if considerations are made at the beginning of development (which will be more likely if developers, and probably more importantly publishers, begin to see a market for them), it will be easier to implement and create a story around it.
  24. A casual gamer isn't necessarily unable to play a game that would take a hardcore gamer 60 hours. A fun game is a fun game. If they can make a game that takes 100 hours to beat, but is fun the whole way through...casual gamers will still play through it.
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