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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I know it was hilarious. Talking about Vader in all of his black beauty, and then this scrawny white boy, with blond hair blue eyes goes and chops off his hand. If I remember, Banky says something along the lines of "So? White is right" or some off the wall totally racist remark, and the speaker ends up shooting him.
  2. Nah, she already had a 6'7" boyfriend, and was probably too much of a ball-buster for me Britney Spears had a bit less flamboyant personality, and was all in all a very sweet person. Ashley Judd was very outspoken, and would rip your heart out if she felt it was necessary. For the most part she was nice and fun, but whoa....you didn't screw up her order without feeling her wrath....aieee! Hilary Swank was also pretty fun, but I found her to have too many mood swings for my liking. The ones that interested me the most in a more "romantic" sort of way were the ones that seemed to deal with the stress of working in a restaurant in a unique, often times fun way.
  3. We're both famous!! I also had a coworker that looked like Harry Potter, and he was really made fun of by the guys in the kitchen (along with me). However, we were able to successfully turn it around on them because I never heard any of the waitresses talk about them, just the two look-a-likes. That put things in perspective. One guy looked a bit like Edward Norton, but not enough to make fun of him (plus the young staff probably didn't know who Edward Norton was). Some of the waitresses looked like famous people too. One was a dead ringer for Hilary Swank, and another had quite a resemblance to Ashley Judd. There was also one that looked like a younger Britney Spears (young as in before she went wacko and started with the insano makeup and whatnot). I asked her out, she said no...my heart was crushed :D
  4. I've heard Alias has gone down the tubes according to my roommate. I just watch the odd episode, usually for the Garner factor I'm really looking forward to 24. Not only is it the bestest show evah, I'm really curious how they're going to pick up after last season's ending.
  5. That's me in disguise! But seriously I have quite a resemblance to Tobey Maguire, especially when I have my hair short. I don't usually see it, but the picture I posted there seemed quite accurate. I could totally see that expression on my face too!! All my friends and coworkers would always bring it up, and my basketball buddies would sometimes refer to me as "Parker" while on the court. Whenever I made a nice play I attributed it to my Spidey senses I knew things got bad though, when a little kid in West Edmonton Mall pointed me out to his mother saying "Look mom! Spiderman!" hehehe
  6. Interesting. It's nice to see the open relationship. What's Sarah think of your Mom? (funny story, I have a friend of mine that works at her local Boston Pizza, and I guess she had two lesbians making out in her section, and the table of young guys staring in fascination....she said it was an "interesting" day at work :D) And Hugh does have that rugged handsomeness! Here's a picture of me :cool::
  7. All right. I'll admit I have a pretty big list, but I'll squeeze it in there somewhere.
  8. Hahahaha. But to give yourself credit, you were just acting out in the SciFi universe. You could argue that you DO differentiate between fantasy and reality, and that you associate the rules of the Star Wars universe to Star Wars games. Although I think calling you a murderer while you play corrupting murder simulators might be a bit easier.
  9. I voted for Vader. It's likely a nostalgic Bias, but the machinery and glossy panelling, with a skull-like face just scream "don't fuxx0r with me d00d"
  10. It's probably not as subconscious as you think. Especially given that's the picture Yoda paints in ESB.
  11. It's not colour coding so we wouldn't get confused. He's playing to archetypes. Did you think it was a coincidence that Darth Vader has a deep powerful voice, is tall wearing a suit that is entirely black?
  12. Sadly enough given some time and experience, reading binary isn't all that hard. The hard part was just seperating the bytes
  13. Reminds me of a neat quote I saw, and I chuckled, probably because I recognized some truth in it: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -- Albert Einstein
  14. They hand out enough Godly Crystals of the Whale as it is......
  15. I'd kill most enemies with a single force jump in KOTOR 2 and KOTOR 1 if I was playing as a Guardian.
  16. I thought I heard someone on this forum mention a quote from a developer stating how murderous it was to develop a game for a cell phone.
  17. Okay so anyways.... I like the idea behind Will Wright's creation of the animations and whatnot. Apparently it's not going to be all created by tons of expensive animators. He's hoping to help keep costs down, because the game itself will interpolate how creatures should move as they evolve (which I imagine will take at least a couple of expensive programmers as well).
  18. From what I understand, it's completely opposite in Europe. They don't mind sex, but have more social concern for violent media.
  19. Yikes...wouldn't that mean like a base 81 damage?
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