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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. It's informative, in an albeit cryptic way. And it doesn't take much to extrapolate why the Gman can "walk around" everywhere you go in Half-Life 1 (and 2) without "bashing enemies in with his suitcase." He's supposed to be mysterious and confusing.
  2. Then Jacko would come after this game for also becoming a sex simulator!!!
  3. I'd bet Master Chief looks like Anakin under the Darth Vader mask. Small price to pay for cybernetics.
  4. So you didn't like the game because you sucked at it?
  5. Stop talking. It's clear you don't understand the Gman. Furthermore, you never see the Gman attacking anyone in the game, so I don't know where you get this "smacking anything to death with a briefcase" crap. Play Half-Life 2. It's much more enlightening behind the mystery of the Gman.
  6. I imagine that that was in the novelization? Still, in Episode 1 there's a part with the two on the ledge, and Maul is going on about how the Jedi are going to pay and all that...which indicates hatred and revenge as motivators to me.
  7. Yup. You still get some sort of compensation if it doesn't succeed however. I always thought it was kind of silly that when I built a big giant wonder, the AI would just switch over to the next one it had and not lose any time.
  8. Rage isn't necessarily displayed externally (speaking from personal experience "). Based on what you told me about him (haven't read novelization), he's motivation is based on revenge and hatred. Which are darkside paths. I wouldn't put him up there with the Sociopathic murderer type, but I still contend that he was darkside. I mean, Darth Plageus didn't sound like all that evil of a guy, but he was a Sith Lord. He could save lives because of his power...but I suspect it's the selfish nature of that power and his lust for power that made him dark.
  9. It's just not a murder simulator without realistic physics.
  10. I'd suspect that, given the Star Wars motif, his form of justice was fueled throught the anger and rage. And I think we could thank Sidious for that. Anakin also thought that what he was doing was right. I'd imagine Maul was seduced by the Darkside (thank you Palps) and his rage and anger is what fuels his drive to eliminate the Jedi.
  11. In the movie, it looked like they took a detour and never went through the door where Maul was. I'd imagine Maul had still fully committed his rage towards the Jedi, and as a result had fallen to the dark side. He's just not stupid evil...which results in the mindless killing of those that aren't necessary.
  12. I might understand it a bit better after a night's sleep. EDIT: Also, I guess I'll find out if I'm a vengeful, spiteful SOB that, thanks to murder simulators, no longer can tell the difference between fantasy and reality...just a word of warning to those that plan on backstabbing me
  13. Them and Philly. I know the Flyers already bought out Amonte and Leclair. I've heard rumors that Forsberg is trying to coordinate a package deal with him and Naslund. Same goes with Scott Neidermeyer with his brother Rob. I guess they feel they won't get the money, so they might as well play with players they want to play with.
  14. Adam Foote is a Bluejacket!
  15. Anybody else love the way Maul force threw that debris into the door panel to open the door. Just the very specific moves he does makes it seem soooo cool.
  16. Ah yes. Theoretical Physicists practically build murder simulators. Surely he also experienced Genocide Simulators (like Civ) which is why he could whup-ass on Xen.
  17. It's possible the HEV suit assisted him in many things (aside from living).
  18. Fleet X dislodges Army Y when supported by Fleet Z. An exception is during Equinox, when Army Y has cut support from the convoy of Gamma to Kappa, at which point armies are transmuted into pansies and do nothing, but only if given a convoying attack support order, if they are doing a hold convoy attack, or even the support convoy attack, on any day than Equinox (solistices are opposite, in virtually every way except for the similarities with Equinox) result in the dislogding of fleet kappa. But if there's an additional move from adjacent ttero.....ugh And I mean I find Axis and Allies to be an excessively simple game.
  19. That wasn't Keira in Episode 2. It was a completely different body double. EDIT: And I voted for Padme.
  20. Odd that games that portray wanton acts of reckless violence and sex are considered "mature." ^_^
  21. Errr, I was being less than serious when I was talking about Gordon. As for the Gman...well....play Half-Life 2. A bit more of his type of background is given, albeit in a rather cryptic way.
  22. That manual sucks IMO. Not the easiest read. Where's my calculus textbook??
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