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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. In an attempt to make up for some holes left by Adam Foote and Peter Forsberg, the Avalanche have signed Patrice Brisebois and Pierre Turgeon.
  2. The Elder Scroll games were PC first as far as I know. Morrowind is indeed a PC game, and has plenty of mods that improve character models and all that jazz too.
  3. I really couldn't say anything different about most movie stars however...given that I don't know them
  4. It was neat in its idea. I'd never thought I'd play a game as much as I did where my most popular action was walking/jumping to build up my skillz0rs! EDIT: Also, I'm going to have to disagree with metadigital. After playing many games that now have spoken dialogue, it's a bit of a downer when I go back and play say a Planescape: Torment and I see how little of the dialogue is actually spoken. Not that it really takes much away from PS:T, but I do find spoken lines to be more immersive.
  5. Good luck! If you're lucky you might be able to find it on an abandonware site somewhere.
  6. Also, an unconfirmed report has it that one factor was the fact that the YF-23 had its internal AAMs "stacked" in its bays, while the YF-22's missiles each had a bay to themselves; this meant that, on the YF-23, a malfunction in one launcher might prevent the launch of another missile in the same bay. Although I don't know why Hildegard disregards the YF-22's manouverability with the following qualifying statement ("even though this was not a mandatory USAF requirement"). I'm sure it's not his words and he just copied and pasted it from somewhere, but I can't understand what the point is of saying it. Sure the thrust vectoring isn't a requirement, but the increased manouverability is certainly a nice bonus. I could probably show some pictures of accidents with the YF-23 as well....if it had been chosen instead of the YF-22.
  7. Always loved that "near miss" term. In the words of George Carlin: "Oh look at those two planes <kaboom> Oh look...they nearly missed"
  8. It was suitable spooky. I remember watching my friend run in front of a mirror as we posed jumping up and down laughing with a giant scythe in our hands....then we both noticed a shadowy figure hovering over our shoulders.....we both looked at each other and then turned around but by that time he was gone. It was classic :D
  9. Boba Fett was beaten by a blind man.
  10. The best evil options are when you convince people to do stuff completely against their character. Like Zaalbar in KOTOR 1.
  11. It's certainly going to look nicer. Wow
  12. Maybe more like Clive Barker's Undying. Or maybe even Half-Life....with a bit more spookiness and a bit less action.
  13. I got raising the bar for free with my collector's edition :D I think part of the charm of Half-Life is being in a WTF is going on type setting. As for the "derailment" the original post asked me to post my thoughts on Halo 1 and 2. And unfortunately that requires me to state "overhyped" and point out a game that I feel is much better, despite being released years before.
  14. Considering Bethesda themselves said they weren't too thrilled with everything that came after FO2, and how they were huge fans of FO and FO2.
  15. I expect it to be a lot more action oriented than Silent Hill was. From what I understand, you're part of a F.E.A.R. team (First Encounter Assault Recon.....I think they were just looking for something to fit the Acronym!) responding to a call of paranormal creepiness. It looks like a good chunk of commando type combat against more humanish enemies at times, but at the same time you see some absolutely creepy shyte. The girl takes the cake. I can totally see myself crapping my drawers once I see her just because of what [little] I know about her And GoA, the haunted house scared me too. Best level in recent memory. I quit playing because it was 3 in the morning when I got to that level. I played it at noon the next day and it was still scary :D
  16. Thats D&D and d20. Never in the history of Elder Scrolls games have EVER armor hurt spellcasting but it was only possible to cast spells without holding anything in the hands. I read a explination they done so to remove the need of a player to having to "read magic" but that is bull****, they already made it so when you press the attack key your will automatic ready weapons and strike so such system would be implement in relation to magic as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well if that's all that's wrong with the game, then I guess we have a real winner here.
  17. What experience did Bioware have with AD&D RPGs (or RPGs in general) before Baldur's Gate? What experience did idSoftware have making FPS games before Wolf3D? What experience did BIS have with a D&D RPG before Torment? I could go on.
  18. Unfair question!!! Jessica Alba is also might attractive!
  19. Yeah, and Peter is gone too. On the Oil front, Pronger signed for 5 years!
  20. Yeah. There's leafs fans everywhere!
  21. Hahaha, it was kind of silly seeing all the Calgary banners in Edmonton. I figured I was in the twilight zone or something. Given the fact that we'll play Calgary like 8 times this year, I suspect the rivalry will be coming back. The additional competitiveness is also useful, as the cheering for Calgary was as much cheering for Canada/Alberta/smaller market teams.
  22. Do you need to acquire OpenGL? I know there are parts of it that have costs, but it does stand for Open Graphics Language.
  23. Here's hoping :D It's certainly where the bulk of the moves in the west have occurred. Calgary really beefed up. McCarty and Amonte, and they just secured Iginla for a 3 year deal.
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