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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Did you read the write up about him? Parts of it talk about how sad it would be for him to not get a gig somewhere.
  2. Yeah, I have 1.5 working with Half-Life version A friend wants to have a guys weekend together as a pre-bachelor party for himself, and it's going to include a LAN on Friday, with paintball on Saturday. I haven't gone to a LAN in like 3 years, so it should be fun. But I want to get Half-Life working since it has a few games in one, plus counterstrike and it should be easy enough with the 10 or so people we have coming. Other games we're considering are Serious Sam and Action Quake 2. Perhaps it's just because we have good LAN memories with those games, but few other games scream LAN. Plus older games seem to be easier to play without everyone bringing their own copy of the game :ph34r:
  3. Half-Life 2 utilized a very similar music style to Half-Life 1. I would have been disappointed if they decided to change the music personally. But the title screen music for Halo that I had grown so familiar with when I was watching the game's development for the Mac/PC in 2000 was perfect. I don't think that style of music would be appropriate for Half-Life 2 however. The worst thing about the music in the Half-Life games is that there isn't enough of it. Having said that, there's one Half-Life track that made its way into Half-Life 2 that is probably the best action music track I had ever experienced. If you're not sure which track I'm talking about, it's on the We've Got Hostiles level . That same track was played during a . It's a heavy guitar riff with a good beat and excellent tempo, and is perfect for any chaotic action scene.
  4. Even when I was 2/18 Scoundrel/Consular I never had much problems with KOTOR 1. Although Malak was a bit more tedious with a force user than a saber master IMO.
  5. I think Halo is impressive to any console gamer that didn't play Half-Life a few years earlier.
  6. Artificial Lifeform Limited to Assasination and Nullification
  7. I was kind of waiting for Epiphany's response. I had a really good second punch waiting Oh well. Bold prediction, Sony for teh win based on the games they have. Of course it's always easy voting for the defending champion
  8. Neither game provided challenges IMO. I died more in KOTOR 1 simply because I stayed level 2 for all of Taris in one playthrough.
  9. How many would vote for Bastila if there wasn't a cheesy romance with her in KOTOR?
  10. I'm just curios what's the latest version of Half-Life you can download without getting Steam? I've seen which should be sufficient. Alternatively, what's the latest version of Counterstrike that will run on
  11. Except you need a PC to log onto the forum.
  12. The Flood? The Flood sounds more correct. It's a "the" something. I didn't like the Strogg either
  13. Or make good games crappy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never!!!! Coop never makes a game crappy. How on earth can playing a game coop make the game worse? As for Halo, I waited since 1999/2000 for this game. Followed it closely, and then it went to XBOX. Then they made the PC port and decided coop wasn't good enough. And while I like the game and since I love Half-Life and Halo was definitely inspired by it, I did enjoy Halo. However, the copy and paste school of level design made the middle levels cool. The beginning was sweet, but the the Strogg or whatever came into the game, and I found things just became blah. Trudging through the library and the rest of the identical looking levels was just unfun, and uncreative IMO. And since I didn't have a coop mode to carry me through the game, by the time I finally played Halo my expectations of it had been thoroughly crushed, and I immediately went back to Half-Life and waited hoping for Half-Life 2 to be announced. I haven't played Halo 2 except for the first little bit, and the only reason why I played it was because it was coop. I wasn't overwhelmingly impressed, and certainly didn't see how the game apparently looked so superior to Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 that all the Epiphany's of the world kept telling me it was. In the end, 7/10 for Halo. So much anticipation for a developer hitting CTRL-C and CTRL-V to make a level was rather disappointing.
  14. I think the Joe/Gary acquistion might be good for Atlanta, and I'm thinking the Isibister trade was a bit of a salary dump.
  15. It's just that you quoted numbers man, and then made a post that seemed to criticize numbers man, although it seemed more like violent agreement or something.
  16. Hahaha thanks! I should see if I can find my old VHS copies of the Kevin Smith movies. I love the discussion in clerks about the morality of the Rebels destroying the second death star. What with the independent contractors and all.
  17. I almost wonder if it'd be better if they didn't take the story from one of the games and just worked in the environment.
  18. Wait wait...where's my pen??!??! Do they have to stalk celebrities?
  19. The story itself has the potential for a cool movie, and special effects could have a field day with it. Although whether or not it turns into a good movie is another story..... But I can see it having some promise. The main concern is that the game was actually quite long, and seemed to keep going (but in a good way). I'm not sure how much justice can be done in a 2-3 hour movie.
  20. If that's true, I bow to your womanizing skills (and takes this idea down into his notes).
  21. Then I'd wager there's something wrong with the cones in your eyes.
  22. Messier in Edmonton would be quite appropriate for what's likely his final season. It'd surely get fans in the seats, although I doubt that'd be a problem. When Edmonton offered to return money to season ticket holders or allow season ticket holders to earn a small percentage as "investment" in the team, virtually all of them kept their season tickets. All in all there's quite the buzz in the air about the prospects, as well as any unrestricted free agents.
  23. I did tell her to bring it on. I still have the scars to prove it!!!
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