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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. This had nothing to do with your complaint. Sargy was talking about things he expects from the game (though tongue in cheek). The "And" at the beginning of my next sentence signified an additional statement, not related to the initial point of my post. EDIT: OMG KOTOR GAMES HAD ME AT PERFECTLY BALANCED LS/DS!!@ TWTFW#@
  2. I'm thinking the story will be pretty good. And neutral doesn't mean "never made a moral choice"
  3. It is the great power that grants you innate abilities that no other person gets. Was always nice putting powerbuffs on me for free.
  4. Are their abilities affected by arcane penalties from armor?
  5. I think the Internet will implode once SC2 news becomes more official.
  6. Well jeez, if you want to get all anal you could say that the final decision was by the 3rd party company that employed the techie that transferred over the forums. It doesn't matter if they had the final decision or not....the decision to move the boards was Atari's, as it was their idea. Had they never made that decisions, Bioware would never have even had the opportunity to make their decision.
  7. alanschu


    Ovechkin and Lundqvist I imagine?
  8. I don't think anyone knows anyways.
  9. How did I make it sound like that? The only reason why it "sounds" like it, is because you're trying to read too much into my statement. Here's what I said: Unless Bioware approached Atari to suggest that the boards be moved, it would not have been their decision to move the boards. The only decision they would have made, would have been to accept the idea suggested by Atari.
  10. I never once said they had no choice. Look closely. Bioware ACCEPTED
  11. alanschu


    Hehehe. In other news, J.S. Giguere following in Hextall's footsteps? 16 PIM for a goalie = lollerskates.
  12. We all make due with what is given to us. h4x0r the chat then. Go incognito with a NWN2 news site nickname, and wait for someone to give you mod access to the channel or something.
  13. I did not actively take part in the forums at IP, mostly because I didn't like their format. But I do remember my first encounters with people like Gromnir and Karzak. Kudos to Gromnir for staying in character for so long.
  14. Just PM it to one of the channel mods asking him to pass it along. Maybe you can PM Chris himself!
  15. Just a bizarre rule you hold yourself to. The Internet is a means of communication, and if you're conscious while taking part in it (hint: we all are), then it's real life. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Psssst, remember that Hades is part of the simulation. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whoops. Minus TOMBS points for me!
  16. Sorry if we were elsewhere during the discussion. It's an internet forum. Who gives a smeg! Then why are you so adamant in your position If you're going to state something on the Internet, but not care because somehow it's not "real life," then why state it? Just a bizarre rule you hold yourself to. The Internet is a means of communication, and if you're conscious while taking part in it (hint: we all are), then it's real life.
  17. Yup. If I say something that I shouldn't, then it will likely mean that someone ELSE (at the company) is going to be in crap. And I'd feel bad about that.
  18. I have been invited to a games night there this Saturday, so I could probably ask. I get along well with most of the guys there so they'd probably answer. Except....... That I probably wouldn't feel proper coming on here and saying it anyways. I am always acting under the assumption that, unless it's common knowledge, I shouldn't say anything. As an programmer myself though, I have had quite a few interesting discussions with them. It was funny when we were watching a guy play CoD2 on an XBOX 360, the graphics guy started talking about about how the game looks good. I didn't realize he was the graphics guy and started talking with him, and then I ended up being on the receiving end of a ton of technical jargon about what was and was not being done in the game, and stuff he felt was there for optimizations and whatnot :D
  19. Fair enough. A policy I often employ too....though depending on the game it might not be until after a couple of playthroughs.
  20. Gah - I clicked on this topic from the main page hoping it would be about FO2...but sadly 'twas not to be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HAHAHA, So did I. I thought I was going into Computer and Console, and I was like "WTF? Oh....I'm in the KOTOR 2 forums!"
  21. Like I said, we have no idea what Bioware's actual expectation were, so we can't say if it's good or bad.
  22. Like I said, we have no idea what Bioware's actual expectation were, so we can't say if it's good or bad.
  23. I thought that that tagging didn't work quite like that, as it doubles your "points" in those skills, but after you reach certain values it starts costing more skill points to improve them. How the heck did you reduce your skills anyways?
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