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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Probably one of those Fire mages that likes leaving the Guardian/Hydra things out and joins your party, sending a TP for you.
  2. Riiight, sure. Perfectly believable. You have gay friends who use the term 'gay' in a negative sense. Maybe in PlanetHomophobe, Alberta there are gays made so completely backward and nutty by virtue of cultural disenfranchisement that they consider their own identity to be a casual pejorative, but living in saner parts of this planet, such wackos are not to be found among gays in or out of the villages, in my experience. I have literally never heard a gay man use 'gay' as a general casual pejorative. And this is not for lack of experience, given my experience in the area is centred on but not limited to several years in Canada's largest gay village. Personally, I think you're just pulling it out of your ass. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Absolutely. I just like to randomly pull stuff out of my behind, just because. After all, if you haven't experienced it, it just isn't possible. You may think I'm pulling it out of my ass. You'd be thinking wrong.
  3. Sooo, what did YOU think of the Empire at War demo :D
  4. What were you shooting the sniper with? In any case, bullets are not hitscan in BF2. You'll only get a hit straight on if your target is not moving. I got pretty good at leading my targets after a while. I can't remember, but you might have to be prone to get perfect accuracy with them though.
  5. Operaton Barbarossa has just commenced. Kampfgruppe Manstein, with support from Von Kluge, Rommel, and Von Blomberg have pushed in up at the Northeast, surrounding and capturing an entire Soviet Regiment. Kampfgruppes Guderian and Rundstedt have broken through in the south with support from Hungary, surrounding Bessarabia and cutting them off. Romanian troops are now pushing to the North in an attempt to eliminate the German divisions. Rundstedt has chased the Soviets into the swamps, and Guderian is attempting to meet up with Manstein on the eastern portions of the swamps, just north of Kiev. However, Guderian has been slowed as Soviet troops try to break through the encirclement south of Kiev. It may be possible for additional Soviet's to get through the blockade prior to the encirclement, but we anticipate heavy Soviet losses regardless. The encirclement will cut them off from supply, and Dornier Do-17s and Stukas continue to inflict heavy strength losses as the Soviets are pushed into the Swamps. The rest of the armies in central Poland will then push east, and rendezvous with Manstein and Guderian on the Eastern edge. Rommel and Von Kluge will attempt to defend the Northern flank near Riga, with support from Von Braustich. Concurrently, simultaneous offensives are being conducted in Sweden and Turkey. Sweden for its metals, as well as the possibility of creating a greater Scandianvian puppet to help protect my northern flanks, particularly the fjords in Norway. Turkey is being attacked to gain access to the Black Sea. As Italian conquests were quite effective, my ability to deploy ships in the mediterranian is limited, coming only from conquered Spain. On the plus side, the only threat left in the Mediterranian is Malta, which was effectively cut off when Italy was able to capture the Suez Canal. Blockades there and at Gibralter have effectively made the Mediterranian Allies free. Only Italy, Syria (who recently staged a coup in Iraq), Myself, and Vichy France have appropriate ports given the inevitable fall of Turkey.
  6. Wow, one little aspect and suddenly Arcanum was not a game that they wanted to make.
  7. Appeal to her nationalism. Comment about how her country is very involved with world affairs, and understanding outside world affairs is important when making decisions about electing governments spend HER tax dollars, to take part in these world affairs.
  8. I don't think use of the term "gay" indicates homophobia. I have homosexual friends that say it in the same context of "that sucks" as well. I think the word is so over used that it's essentially lost all meaning...but that's just me.
  9. Coming from the guy that, in previous discussions would accuse people of lying just because they used hyperbole.
  10. I'd rather they work on making an interesting game than horses. I never understood why they are in such demand. I guess because they add a bit of flavour...but IMO that's all they add.
  11. Yes, because a corporation has never been known to paint something in more positive image than it actually is.
  12. @Hurlshot Yes, I don't now how much it takes to make a game on a PC compared to a console. I can't imagine it being much easier on a PC though, given large varieties of hardware configurations.
  13. Sounds like I have not yet fully evolved.
  14. As you can see in my desktop, real estate is far too expensive to justify the use of a wider task bar :D
  15. The biggest selling point for me is that I can bulid cool imperial navies. THough it's handicapped by typical RTS mechanics. In the end I think I'll be passing this one over. To be honest, I wanted more of a Rebellion type game, without the horrid interface.
  16. My wallet is very picky. It just means I'd hold a $13 grudge against you than a $40 grudge. EDIT: On topic My PanzerArmees have just pushed into Yugoslavia. War started on August 30, 1939, and I was able to crush Poland in 7 days thanks to some deft manouvering by Rommel, Manstein, and Guderian. This allowed for an early offensive against France, which had them capitulating in the middle of October, just as winter was starting to head in. As Franco lost the Spanish Civil War, Republican Spain still existed, and I was worried about their motives to ally with the Allies, so once winter ended, I quickly rushed in. Hausser did a large flank in the mountain side to secure Barcelona, while Manstein, Rommel, Von Kluge, and Guderian made a blitzkreig to the Spanish Capital. Once Madrid fell, armies dispersed to clean up a few remnants of Spanish divisions, as well as secured Gibralter. With access to the mediterranian secured, I fortified my Atlantic beaches, and moved some forces to prepare for the invasion of Yugoslavia and Denmark/Norway. In response of the Altmark incident, I declared war on Denmark/Norway next. Denmark was a pushover, pretty much surrendering the second I took Kolding. Norway was difficult in that it required an amphibious landing, but once Oslo fell it was just a quick drive up to Narvik to secure the country. Yugoslavia paid shortly thereafter, for not upholding its part of the Pact of Steel. During the invasion, I also allied with the Italians and have sent air forces to Lybia to help with North Africa. I'm considering invading Sweden, to create a greater Scandinavian puppet state, but I'm concerned about possible retaliations from the Soviet Union. My Eastern Front is not quite ready to have a war yet, as most of my army is still in Yugoslavia. Though I'm considering taking control of Hungary's forces, and integrating them into my Eastern Front. Not sure what I have planned yet for places like Bulgaria and Romania. Ploesti's oil fields would be nice, so perhaps an alliance with Romania to ensure that the bulk of that oil goes to me. As it is right now, I'm trading for oil primarily from Venezuela, as well as the Soviet Union (I can't wait for the looks on their faces when they see the gas powered Panzer divisions heading towards them, built with precious materials and oil from their country. Oil is not a huge concern at the moment though, as I have healthy stockpiles. But I do expect to start working at a deficit once I organize a few more Armored, Mechanized, and Motorized divisions.
  17. I can't really comment on the English language, since I speak it fluently.
  18. Yeah, the jumping while prone was interesting. I remember when the game first came out, with tons of people spamming the Grenade Launcher hopping around. What exactly was Dolphin Diving?
  19. Wasn't FF8s even longer? I remember enjoying FF8s a lot more than FF7s too.
  20. If my local store still has a copy (I know they had one not too long ago), I'll pick it up. If I hate it, it's on your shoulders
  21. I just don't think it flows very nicely, especially when compared to Spanish, French, Italian, etc. Having said that it's probably the language I would prefer to learn as a second language. The accents on pronunciation seem rather heavy, and it's not so much G
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