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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. The MIT part is gold, especially when Barney gets asked to flip the switch at one point.
  2. THat's what I suspect. People have gone to great lengths to classify RPG games that they don't like as something other than an RPG. Roguelike is my favourite....wtf does that mean?
  3. Always depends on who you play with I suppose. I have never played a DM game though, just "standard" MP.
  4. I find it's only bad if I cut corners by jumping.
  5. alanschu


    My point is that your desire for him to be ROTY is influenced by the fact that he plays for your team.
  6. This is an incorrect statement. While Reagan did increase the national deficit because of his military spending to keep up in the arms race, he certainly didn't "screw up" the economy. Deficit != screwed up economy. Reagan's terms saw a substantial decrease in inflation, and economic growth higher than in the Carter-Ford eras (and also higher than the Bush-Clinton years) Here's an interesting graph as well. As a percentage of GDP, George W. Bush still hasn't reached Reagan's level of deficit spending.
  7. I think people would defend bush regardless of what he did. If he actually did raise or debt, then his praisers would probably praise him about being resolute on hating gays or something stupid. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not a Bush defender. I have little opinion of him at all. I was pointing out the absurdity of your post.
  8. I think people would criticize Bush regardless of what he did. If he actually lowered the debt, then his critics would probably complain about him not aggressively pursuing Al-Qaeda or something stupid.
  9. I think it's the comic relief.
  10. BBC Reports US owes 9 billion Not including the extra trillion. Your right, its not deficit its debt. I still don't support is his excessive spending, along with everything else he stands for. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You'll also notice that at no point during Clinton's reign did that bar go down. So he didn't really matter that he was running a surplus. If he couldn't cover the interest, then he wasn't technically running a surplus. You know what else I notice with that graph. Every president since the mid 1960s has put the debt to the highest point ever. Because it has never gone down. Next up, try adjusting those numbers for inflation. To criticize Bush for having the debt the largest its ever been, means you have to criticize every president for the last 65 years.
  11. No. We were kicking ass, and some LSF came in saying "Looks like you could use some help." And we both typed in the "Not really" at the exact same time.
  12. I suspect no. But I am making a NWN2 module
  13. A deficit of 9 trillion dollars? Somehow I find that hard to believe, especially when the CNN just announced that the deficit is $477 billion. I'm assuming you mean debt (an exceptionally important distinction is required between debt and deficit). Well, would Bush really be alone in this? Haven't most presidents in recent years left office with a larger debt than when they started? $9 trillion dollars, and an alleged surplus under Clinton (especially since your use of surplus is meaning lack of debt). You make me laugh. Learn your financial terms before you start to criticize people.
  14. alanschu


    Yeah, he got beat 5-hole that I'm sure he'd like to get back. The two on one started because Greene lost an edge. Speaking of hitting, Peca is definitely doing it now. He has been very active in the past few games.
  15. Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter is one of the funniest B-Movies I've seen in a long time. Right up there with the Cheerleader Ninjas.
  16. alanschu


    We lost to three odd man rushes that Minnesota capitalized on. I felt Edmonton carried the play for the most part. EDIT: Sorry about the quadruple post :">
  17. alanschu


    Not technically, but Theodore winning the Vezina/Hart was likely heavily influenced by his playoff performance.
  18. alanschu


    I doubt you'd even know who Lundqvist was if he wasn't a Ranger.
  19. alanschu


    Teemu didn't lead the league, he was tied with Mogilny. Besides they should both retire from pro hockey. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He still lead the league. No one scored more goals than him.
  20. I didn't mind the mouse flight. IMO they handled it quite well. Oddly enough, it's very similar to the excellent mouse flight of the early Wing Commander games (which were made by the same dude). I disagree with the notion that a space sim needs a joystick to be proper. Never was a problem for me.
  21. alanschu


    He also has a very real chance of leading the league in goals scored as a rookie, a feat not done since Teemu did it if I remember correctly.
  22. I'm not sure about that GameDad or whatever site. I remember running away from fight near a town, and a good number of civilians were killed. The thing about walking away from the main plot, I find it easy to "deal with" as when I'm in a situation that requires "immediate" results, I don't just leave and come back.
  23. I think I prefer Civ4 more, but I still really enjoy GalCiv 2.
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