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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. alanschu


    Assuming Calgary holds on the first in the division. 2 point difference between 1st and 3rd!! I have no problems with an Edmonton 3rd - Calgary 6th BOA.....wait....maybe we would rather play on the road
  2. Well, since ShadowPaladin can provide a good avenue for feedback, I thought I'd point out an interesting "quirk" with the selling system. I understand that the gold value is the maximum trade I can make. It should probably be addressed for multiples though. I couldn't sell 2 items at 90x2=180 gold, because the merchant was only buying 100 gold transactions. However, it had no problems when I sold them separately. IMO it should check the individual sale price, rather than the final sale price.
  3. alanschu


    The Rolonator, knocking back pucks as if he WAS a robot from the future! Excellent game. And yes, I do feel our defense is playing better. I like Matt Greene, and he's really impressed me as a rookie. I like MAB as well, but I'm starting to think his earlier performance was helped out a lot by being Pronger's partner. He still works hard though, so I love that. I think that the tendenitis in the knee might actually be bothering him, but at the same time I think it might just be a convenient way to get a struggling MAB out of the lineup without the fans flipping out.
  4. No, but it points to some sorta sloppy garbage collection. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I suppose they could use a garbage collector for the end stuff. I suspect they don't during the gameplay, as I find they are too slow (relatively) The Elven Longsword looks really cool, and I'm working on improving my Illusion skill to gain some useful spells such as Chameleon and Invisibility. Thank god for instatravel, as I think Ongar is the only fence (and therefore my sole way of making money).
  5. Anyone know of any other fences aside from Ongar? As for CTDs, I always seem to get them when I quit the game. Oddly enough, I don't find it to be much of an inconvenience
  6. I successfully fought and killed a 2 on 1 fight in the arena. As just melee. I haven't even seen this health display you talk about. I'd love to know how much health the enemies have. Quite frankly, to me it seems you're making stuff out to be as bad as humanly possible, to the point where you are starting to make things up, just to slag on the game.
  7. I saw "The Hills Have Eyes." My friends are lucky they are still my friends after taking me to see that for my birthday.
  8. alanschu


    Mad props to the Pisanian one. I like Fernando. One of those excellent role players that every team needs.
  9. Everyone likes Ninjas. Not that I blame them. They should like ninjas
  10. alanschu


    When he "bashed" the coaching, he also bashed the veterans of the team, including himself.
  11. There's no way he's doing 28k posts per day.
  12. Soooo, where exactly can I find a better, not too expensive healing spell? I guess I could just stock up on healing potions My tip for the lock picking is to wait for the "really slow to move up" one. Once I see that one, I click. I probably locked about 100 consecutive tumblers in a row at one point. It's a bit nerve racking when doing the "hard" ones though, because if I screw up I have to do another 3 tumblers as well
  13. Hmmm, is it just me, or do the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild lines not overlap too much? I guess I'll finish up my thieves Guild stuff first.
  14. alanschu


    I think people are blowing things out of proportion. And important thing to realize with these comments is that you don't know what question was asked. For all we know the Vancouver reporter asked "You were brought in to play a more offensive role. Care to comment?" "If it's going to be in the role....etc etc" I think he's always been close to his extended family, and it's been quite a change for him to move out West. All I know, is that the game immediately following those statements was probably his best game as an Oiler. He was just giving himself some self-therapy.
  15. Well, they are equipping it the instant before the combat starts
  16. Heh, you are certainly progressing quite a bit faster than I am. I'm no where near 100 in Strength. I think I just hit 55.
  17. Awww...poor troll. Always sad when something takes its own life.
  18. ERrr, isn't it just that the guards aren't wearing their armor before you start fighting? I mean, if you unequip the armor you are wearing, you look naked too.
  19. I swallowed my pride and downed the difficulty level a little bit. The Mithril Armor though, is easily the best light armor I have found in the game so far. I have not found any orcish armor. It's looking like I should probably spend more time using my bow from what I can tell, rather than my sword. I figured I'd need a better shield, though I didn't really have a hard time in one on one fights where I can use my shield, but rather the fact that the NPCs died in nanoseconds and it was suddenly 5 on 1.
  20. alanschu


    Edmonton holds on to win with one of the best defensive displays I have ever seen in the third period. Vancouver could hardly clear their zone.
  21. My armor and weapons are all above 90. Using Mithril pretty much everywhere, and a Dwarven Long Sword. My shield still kind of sucks though, I believe it's just a leather shield (or something...looks like wood to me). I think my sneak attacks may have been compromised by being low on fatigue. Still having a bitch of a time. I get the impression that I can't really leave and go do other stuff until I'm finished. Is that the case, or is there some sort of magical "Timestop for the PC" land in effect here?
  22. This makes sense. I was very surprised that their own employees wouldn't get a copy of the game
  23. I am a melee fighter, with the only spells being the two I was given at the beginning of the game. I spam Cure a lot though, and I think I am actually an apprentice of Restoration now from that spell alone. So maybe I should invest in some new spells. Though I typically don't like playing spell casting characters. I'm surprised how ineffective the sneak attack seems to be. While fighting in Kvatch, I was able to put myself behind one of the Daedric creatures, and I was able to hit it about 4 times with x6 damage (I'm assuming they were, as it kept spamming it on the top of the screen), while the guards were attacking it in the front, and it was still alive. Once the guards are gone though, I'm screwed.
  24. Yeesh, maybe I've waited too long or something, but I'm totally getting my ass handed to me when trying to save Kvatch. The guards that I'm with last nano-seconds, and I'm left trying to kill 4 or 5 guys by myself, and use cheap exploitative tactics like kill a guy, run away back to a bed, rest for an hour, and continue. I have to let Slavin keep going unconscious and coming back to have any hope. So far, have not really given much thought to the scaling, but I'm having a real bitch of a time in Kvatch. . I had no idea I'd suck so bad at this game I had no problem killing Vampires and whatnot a little earlier though :\
  25. And the fact that Bioware came to my University recruiting interns to work on the project. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/iip/Jobs06/BioWare.html The fellow I spoke with was Kevin Barrett. If it wasn't for the fact that an excellent opportunity came for me in late December to start working in January, I was going to apply for this position. If you'd like, you could try emailing either the Director of the IIP program (Dr. Ryan Hayward) or the coordinator (Britta Nielsen) and ask them if Bioware mentioned recruiting for Dragon Age, though the meet and greet was about 4 months ago, so they may not remember. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/iip/ In case people are curious if I actually do attend the University, here's my name on the Dean's List: http://www.science.ualberta.ca/nav03.cfm?n...8&nav01=10548#s Allan James Schumacher is me On a side note, stop being a hypocrite. You were livid when you found out that horses were gone in NWN2. Anything that Bioware shows for Dragon Age now, is going to be assumed by people like you to be in the game. A total damned if they do, damned if they don't scenario. You complain when developers show stuff that eventually gets cut, but then complain because developers are hesitant to show stuff. Dragon Age IS still a long ways away, so don't get too excited. Don't forget that it's basically coming with TWO games in one. The idea is for the multiplayer adventure that ships with the game to be completely different and unique from the single player adventure.
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