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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I find it ironic, given Steam is essentially a form of DRM. Gabe Newell also supports automated information retrieval from people's computers!!!!!11 For the record, I think the article is good and agree with most of what is said.
  2. My guitar theory is teh sucky, and shifting the chromatic scale won't work so well for me at the moment.
  3. A "guess" is less than anecdotal evidence. What's your point? Well his point was that back in the day developers just had to learn to deal with the fact that their games were being pirated. Probably one of the most successful anti-piracy tools I've ever seen was the Starcraft multiplayer Spawn that you could put on any computer and then have that computer play with the main game. Well that and steam, mainly because they don't limit you to putting it on one computer or what have you. I don't know if the spawn copy is really the great anti-piracy measure. The big anti-piracy measure for Starcraft, IMO, is the good ol' CD game since it's main draw was playing on Battle.net EDIT: Except your local game doesn't require you to validate your CD-Key on a central server.
  4. Because of him, I have learned of a game I hadn't even heard of before
  5. Thanks. I usually use the middle mouse button click to allow me to move my mouse to scroll the screen, but that kept opening up a new tab haha.
  6. Please don't make the whole quote box a link. It's exceptionally annoying.
  7. I don't think Gorgon is blaming technological improvements. Just stating that piracy has become a bigger issue with bandwidth being so available.
  8. I did invite my friend out to another team, but unfortunately by this time he had already decided to help his younger brother coach a soccer team on that day. So I am SOL on playing volleyball with him now. Which is part of the reason why I'm pissed off. The only response I have gotten to my email to get together and talk was a "I just want to play volleyball" email from someone that I figured would say that. The other two people haven't responded, but I'll give them a little bit of time. I suspect it'll be this same stuff.
  9. Sooooooo, I have decided that I no longer want to be that person that turns a blind eye and does nothing when people are slighting me....for the most part Some stuff isn't worth fighting over, but lately there was a rift in my recreational volleyball team, and I think some people might not have been really aware. Essentially I felt that the team was yelling at its players too frequently. One guy didn't seem to mind, and while I never got yelled at (because I'd snap back), it still bothers me to see my friends get yelled at. One incident had a friend of mine of 15 years get yelled at, and he has since decided that the team isn't for him so now I'm not playing volleyball with one of my best friends (he went to his first love, soccer). There was also mixed messages about how competitive we were to be as a team. It's a rec league, but it's always nice to win. But at one point people will be getting frustrated for playing poorly (individually or as a team), and the next they are trying to say that it's all just fun and games and trying to rationalize that the score isn't affecting them. We always talk about "unleashing" our best player, yet if he makes a solid hit that happens to go off a girl hard, the girls on our team get all mad at our player...even if the girl on the other team doesn't care. I was just invited to rejoin the team for a roadtrip tournament, which was a blast last year, but I need to discuss these issues with the team, for myself. So I responded saying I'd like to discuss things, because I believe a large part of the problem was that I was too apprehensive to say anything because I didn't really want to hurt anyone's feelings. It led to me not doing anything, and hence sort of assuming that the people that were annoying me, knew they were annoying me. That's not necessarily true though, and it's not fair for them since if I don't mention anything, how can I expect them to change? How much is too much though. I really just want to have a talk, and I do think that they are great people. I still respect them and certainly don't hate them (otherwise I wouldn't waste my time), but there's only so much "ignoring" I can do before things build up.
  10. Never! I just think of all the women that will swoon and perform all sorts of crazy sexual acts with me and I feel better!
  11. Getting a lot better at alternate picking the chromatic scale. And without cheating. I noticed that regardless of my previous pick, I'd always downstroke when moving down a string. I now truly alternate every stroke.
  12. It's interesting because you get two pretty distinct camps regarding DRM. You get those that blame publishers because they are ultimately ineffective. This group seems to be the larger majority. I on the other hand, blame the pirates and piracy.
  13. Haha classic. Got in some good practice today.
  14. My brother was a ham radio operator and god was it annoying when he would start talking via morse code around the world at 7 AM!!!
  15. People tried to set up an alternative to battle.net?
  16. Yup. Reviews we agree with are lauded. Reviews we disagree with are obviously wrong and should be chastised. Cognitive dissonance won't allow it! (it's my phrase of the day).
  17. Agreed, the conversation progressed.
  18. I'd bet Rhomal's life on it. > Don't wagers need actual value? > Wow, quite the persecution complex you got going there, Rhomal. I know silly me, I must be paranoid or something thinking folks are taking shots at me for the simply fact that disagree and too immature to express such. My bad... It isn't. It's because you present your disagreements in self-righteous, judgmental ways with a condescending tone. You may think you express yourself maturely, but you don't. Couple that with your latest "woe is me" type stuff, and you're just asking for it. The funny thing is you try to rationalize your superiority, by continuing to act immature about it. Treat people like they're inferior to you, and they'll respond in kind. Especially over the internet. Personally I feel as though the vast majority of ire slung your way is justified. Other stuff, like Maria's comments, are probably more joking, but you still seem sensitive to that. We all sling mud. The fact that you try to cast yourself off as being above it and better than it is what makes you a target. Especially since by bringing light to it, and making sure everyone else knows you're the victim by reminding people that you're a target, ensures that you're right at the same level as the rest of us. You take the same shots at people for disagreeing, even if cognitive dissonance prevents you from realizing it. Cheers!
  19. So too do broadband internet companies. I feel it's a precipitate drop to set this as a precedent. What about a bar where drug deals happen? How do you think the authorities would react if the proprietors of that bar were telling the people where to go to get their drugs?
  20. I didn't know about all the raid selection. I thought that many of those came in content updates after BC was first released.
  21. The ironic thing is that they make FAT money off that site too, promoting the free acquisition of software.
  22. It didn't make much sense but I did LOL a lot.
  23. I like that raids are more accessible. I will be running my first on Wednesday.
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