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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Today was pretty good! Probably played guitar for over 6 hours! Another song I played around with was Pearl Jam's cover of Last Kiss. It's probably my best song now! I am getting decent at chords, but still struggle with individual notes. I am thinking that more scale practice will help with that though. Was mucho fun though! My song "repertoire" is still work in progress for most of them, but the songs so far are: Last Kiss Leaving on a Jet Plane Brown Eyed Girl Summer of '69 American Pie Times Like These That's roughly in rank of how well I can play them too. The thing that was funny was Last Kiss goes G Em C D and Brown Eyed Girl (which I had played a ton of first that uses a similar strumming pattern) goes G C G D so when playing Last Kiss at first I would always go G C instead of G Em Had an absolute blast today though. Did piss all for school related stuff
  2. I have been playing around with some more easy style songs. Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison Summer of '69 - Bryan Adams Saga Begins - Weird Al
  3. I love the games people play. For the most part my friend and I keep distance and don't really interact, but a casual reference to a movie she and I watched together will undoubtedly result in us taking a quick glimpse at each other. It was a mutual friend's birthday this past weekend, and when we were at the bar the cover band started playing Summer of '69 and my "ex" apparently mentioned to a friend of hers on the dance floor that I had sang it karaoke and then that friend got all excited and convinced me to join the two of them on the dance floor. Even though I knew how the friend knew it was my song (it was obvious), I still asked her afterward how she knew that was my song, just to confirm it to myself. I have caught myself wearing shirts or whatever that she complimented me on simply because I knew I was going to a group get together and she was going to be there, and there were times with smaller group gatherings where she'd be dressed up wearing full outfits I complimented her on, makeup and all. I guess it's still that funny thing in the back of our minds that we do because we know that deep down, we know if we wear this outfit at least one person will think we look great in it. It's almost subconscious. Not that I blame her (or myself). It seems to be human nature. I don't think she's sending me signals or anything like that, just that because of the connotation she has with a particular outfit, she'll feel good about herself while wearing it. Though she seems to be on a "hit or miss" for whether or not we'll get together on a particular day. Some days it's like I am this block of ice and she hates me, and other days it's almost like when were were friends "precomplication" haha.
  4. alanschu


    The slobbiness can be a problem for me too. Though I usually don't have a problem if someone asks me to clean something.
  5. Try doing the Instructor on heroic without a priest though
  6. I will agree with the sentiment that women are indeed crazy!
  7. If you have saves while you played offline (not logged to windows live) then login to windows live those saves are then not available until you logout and vise versa with saves while logged in. Hmmm that didn't seem to be the case with me. I'll try again when I get home.
  8. Wait offline saves don't work? What exactly does that mean since I loaded up Windows Live! after the fact but I still seem to be able to play the game.
  9. You know, normally I'd agree with you. Except that deterrence has been shown to not be all that effective at other aspects of our lives. I guess since the odds of success are virtually zero there's no point in trying. I wonder if murder would go down if people felt the odds of successfully murdering someone was essentially zero (since the penalty for murder doesn't seem to affect it a whole lot).
  10. Of course right after I say all this I load up the game and dogmeat promptly dies to a deathclaw
  11. I don't know what difficulty level I am playing at which might affect things as well.
  12. Actually many folks complained on the official and community forums that dogmeat was fodder. I never used him so I don't know, just making the point most of the feedback I have read about him has been the opposite of your travels. Several mods are out there that make him a bit tougher and smarter. That's nice, you read about people that had a different experience than I did. I never had a problem keeping dogmeat alive. I didn't find him until later in the game, so maybe that was why? Maybe if I went balls to the wall and ensured I was always in combat. He helped me raid several military bases.
  13. I found dogmeat to be stupidly tough (npcs seem to also have insta health regeneration after combat is over).
  14. I really should reinstall this game. For some reason I never made it very far.
  15. The link was taken from the thread on GSC's board. You know, the other game developer's board..? The torrent technology is not illegal. The file I linked to was released by the rightful owner as a fan service, so it is not illegal. I did not link to any copyrighted material, so that was not illegal. There was nothing "pirate" about anything I posted. Please explain to me again why my post was removed. "Posting links to pirate sites ... is forbidden." I fully support the decision as well. Every person that clicked on that link gave direct financial support to a website that actively and willfully promotes software piracy.
  16. Here's two: http://www.legaltorrents.com/ http://www.legittorrents.info/
  17. It is a legal, free release from a developer. The original mirror is on their website and I fail to see why a release of a free product, well it's sort of a mod, though a torrent -so it has faster speeds- would be encouraging piracy. I think this actually highlights one of the major issues with torrent sites is that they, in fact, have legitimate uses as well as less-than-legal ones. Posting a link to one of the biggest websites promoting piracy is suspect judgment to do on a software developer's website. He'd have been better served posting the torrent directly rather than linking to that site. Legitimate uses indeed. Buying something from a known fence, even if that particular item happens to not be stolen, still supports that fence. But I guess people will make whatever rationalizations they need so they can sleep at night. Sure the release is free and you can find a legitimate torrent for it. If that's the case, post a link to a torrent site that only posts torrents of freely available software. Even if people clicking on that link only downloaded that torrent, they still generated ad revenue for a site who's primary purpose is to share torrents of pirated software.
  18. I think that that damage is related to how much a VATS shot does, so the AR has a higher value because it fires a burst round, even though individual bullets will give the nod to the hunting rifle.
  19. Having played a variety of the EA sports games, I can safely say that "you played one football game you've played them all" is horribly untrue.
  20. Hmmm I don't remember that haha.
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