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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. THe Asarii one is easy. You just allow for an Asarii during character creation.
  2. What I really liked about the game was a neat touch that weapon reload animations got more intricate with weapon degredation.
  3. alanschu


    If you saw the nonsense that got spewed forth there Volo, you'd join me by my side
  4. That's what I've started to notice.
  5. I used to ****ing hate Volo. Now I see him as much more entertaining. I also find myself agreeing with him more and more...
  6. alanschu


    Yeah I still post there, but mostly to fan flames.
  7. Which is probably why he's following ME2. It might have that random chance he likes it, as it shares qualities with a game he liked previously.
  8. Hahaha. I know the keyboard pretty well so even with the shift along home row, hitting that V is just the same as hitting the B.
  9. /me writes this down. This is good stuff! :D
  10. As time has progressed I find myself more and more "not caring" which is probably a good thing. At the same time, I also find myself not caring about lying on her behalf anymore...which is a bit unsettling. That is, when people ask why she and I don't hang out anymore, I am more inclined to be honest about why. At this stage it seems as though any chance of salvaging a friendship seems pretty impossible. She has mentioned she'd like to be "friends" in that when we are able to hang out as part of large groups. Though at the last party my group of friends went to she seemed particularly cold towards me. She's gotten colder and less responsive as time goes on, which is probably good as it means she's moving on. I don't get the impression she's interested in being friends, which makes my decision significantly easier as there's no longer a choice. However, I have issues with remaining discrete, because I feel as though every time I lie I do it "for her." I don't care what people think about me, and of the few people that do know no one seems to judge me. I must still "care" for her a little bit as this idea of "not caring" seems a bit worrisome. Should I just say **** it and do whatever I want to do?
  11. Thank you. That sounds familiiar. I think I might have used VATS once or twice when I first installed the game. I must not have liked it though. FOr some reason. I'd suggest re-binding either it or the "change view mode" key that by default is assigned to "F." I don't know about anybody else, but I had an irritating recurring habit of trying to stretch over and reach the "V" with my right index finger, but falling short and instead hitting the area right between "F" and "V." Having the game back out into 3rd person mode when you expect it to be pausing because a Mirelurk is about to start wailing on you is rather disconcerting. Eventually, I wised up and moved the "view mode" key over to "J." What do you use to move? Using WASD I find hittnig V to be a simple move with my left index finger. My right index finger is on my mouse! Are you a southpaw?
  12. Watching MJ12 forces spontaneously explode as they fired their missiles at me was also awesome. I've used both.
  13. Missiles were inconsequential because of active defenses that caused them to blow up the instant they were fired
  14. I'm just curious what difficulty level you played Deus Ex on? It was laced with one hit kills for me, especially later in the game. Realistic. One shot kills pretty much only happened with the sniper rifle. That was the only weapon that scared me anyway. Yeah as I think about it I think you might be right. I think the machine gun on the big mechs was bad news too.
  15. alanschu


    Edmonton has it's share of "stupid" fans, but not in details like that. Only pro sport in the area that got a huge following (was already a hockey town though I believe) by having one of the most dominating teams in history play there. Edmonton's stupid fans come from unreasonable expectations and excessive scrutiny IMO. The issue I have here is everyone thinks they are qualified scouts/coaches haha.
  16. What does d20 have to do with anything? I wouldn't be surprised if a great many people that bought KOTOR had no idea WTF d20 was.
  17. I'm just curious what difficulty level you played Deus Ex on? It was laced with one hit kills for me, especially later in the game.
  18. SOMEONE has never played Call of Duty 4 Never played and never will b,e because it is not the game genre i like... SO what first person style games with health regeneration have you played?
  19. alanschu


    I'd still say my statement stands. At least at my arena.
  20. L4D is DEFINITELY a game where health conservation and restoration are integral parts of the game. It's done very well too.
  21. I don't consider health regen something that makes a game easy. That is where we differ.
  22. Games for me are more than just the difficulty in experiencing them. I like good stories, interesting characters, and so forth. This is obviously something we differ on. For myself, as someone that rarely has health issues in games, health regeneration is a non-issue.
  23. What indication is there that that's not essentially what they do? All Deus Ex does is change the damage value when you change difficulty levels.
  24. If you play games because you're looking for them to be very difficult, then that's fine. I most certainly did not play Deus Ex for the challenge. I haven't found games to be hard in a long time, but I'll take Deus Ex over Doom on Nightmare any day of the week. Deus Ex is still one of the best games I have ever played. And it's not that I want to be invincible. I don't think the idea of running back and forth to the medical robot to revive some damage every time it happens is a better solution than having my health slowly regenerate.
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