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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Rofl that's awesome re: L4D And yeah, Ninja Scroll rofl.
  2. Yes most of that is in sync with what I expected with for the hardware limits. I figured any restriction on the 2^64 possible memory addresses would be either in a limitation in hardware, or software. I agree that we likely will not need to worry about running out of this memory addressing for quite some time, and much of this I knew. I was confused because you had mentioned that 64-bit OSes could address 16 GB, so I was curious what the limit of OSes were, and when you said 4 TB it seemed significantly higher than what I had heard, which was likely the 128 GB version of Vista. But then it seemed you were claiming that that was a limitation of 64-bit in theory (which you now mention was stated in error) and it just made me more confused. My favourite part is when people expect 64-bit computing to be twice as fast as 32-bit computing because there's twice as many bits
  3. All 64bit OSs can recognize that What's the cap at the moment? I heard they don't recognize the full 64-bit addressing at this time. 4 terrabytes is the max ram for 64bit OS. On a retail/comsumer level I don't know any PC that has even come close to that cap. However systems with dozens of gigs have been made using win64 without issue. Not sure what you 'heard' but I have not read or see any issue with high amount of ram in win64 or linux64. I had heard it was still in the Gigabytes (100s or so) EDIT: Following your posts you seem to indicate that it's a hardcorded limit of 4 Terabytes. Why is the limit of memory addresses limited to 4 terabytes for 64 bits? That doesn't make any sense. It should be able to address much, much, much, much more. I mean 32 bit addressing hit 4 Gigabytes. Regardless, even if the current cap for 64 bit OSes is 4 terabytes, then we haven't even touched the amount of memory 64-bits can truly address.
  4. While I find building and using a computer easy, as a PC Gamer I still contend that a lot of people find it more intimidating than using a video game console.
  5. All 64bit OSs can recognize that What's the cap at the moment? I heard they don't recognize the full 64-bit addressing at this time.
  6. Well, "cheating" in the sense that it's not the standard full open G chord. It's still a legit chord obviously.
  7. My Dad says a lot of people do it cheat, and mute the 5th string with their thumb, so they only need to use their fingers for the 1st string 3rd fret (for the open G anyway)
  8. That's why my Dad did it too actually haha. Turns out he's quite the rock star and I didn't even really know it until I was 20 years old. Watching him start playing All Along the Watchtower was pretty cool! Haha.
  9. I think people just like to believe they were "right." I guess in that sense I am seeing things progressing the way I suspected they might, and hence that's where my smugness comes from
  10. More like taking pleasure from indignant self-rightousness of "I am not surprised" more than anything else Not that that makes me a better person in any way. More like worse.
  11. Ah simple "yes" would have done haha. I guess I don't know if I'm smirking at her, him, or the situation.
  12. Not my place to suggest the counseling, as we aren't really in contact. She has been suggested it before though. I think he is non-compliant and gets upset at the suggestion. I can't remember, but I think I may have suggested it earlier too, when our friendship was a less intimate one. EDIT: I understand Di. It's something that I was thought about, and definitely something that I would consider. I certainly don't think that her and I would have any guarantees of being together forever.
  13. Hahaha thanks Gfted1. As for Shryke's comments, I'd tend to agree, though I don't really judge (my smirking isn't really spiteful, just sort of a "I'm not really surprised") her for it. People are human. There's a thing called "cognitive dissonance" which is essentially when you learn something that conflicts with your current established beliefs and interpretation of the world. You believe something one way, so long, and then to have something come along and challenge those beliefs can be a real mind job. I don't know if she's necessarily "drawn" to me or not. All I can do is, based on our prior interactions, recognize that at one point we did get along very well, and we had a lot in common and all that jazz. At one point she admitted that she had even fallen in love with me. Given the type of person I know of her, I think that that kind of messes her up because for whatever her reasons are, there's that part of her that is like "no, I love my husband" but at the same time, found herself falling in love with me. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some cognitive dissonance because she had this idea of her husband being the love of her life, and if that really was the case, then how could she have possibly loved me. I do feel a little bit bad for her, because if things are bad, then the relationship we shared likely won't make things better. If things stay bad, then I could become that annoying "what if" moment in her past. However, if our relationship in some way does show her that she doesn't have to feel stuck and she moves on and is happier, then I'll feel less bad haha. I do hope that if she stays with him, it's because she's genuinely happy. I hope that she doesn't stay with him hoping for things to get better for the rest of her life. Though honestly, it's not really my problem, so I don't think about it too much. A friend of mine did ask me what I would do if she did leave her husband. I don't know. There's the part of me that would obviously see it as an opportunity, but at the same time, there's the part of me that feels a bit taken advantage of. I'd have to be careful. Though I figured if I just said no right away, it could turn into a "what if" moment for me as well. I figure I'd probably be open to the idea, if she was interested, because according to history we can get along really well. However, I'd really have to play it by ear if (and a big if IMO) it happens. As for "abuse," I wonder. Not violent (he's a wimp haha), but I remember asking her one time why she loved him, and her response was literally "Because I know he loves me, even if he doesn't show it right now." It made me raise an eyebrow. As for encouraging her to do well with her husband, I can't really do that. I don't have the opportunity, nor do I want it. I will not let her talk to me about marital troubles, since it's totally unfair for her to use me as that crutch to lean on given my past feelings for her. Cheers!
  14. EDIT: Whoa that was bigger than I thought haha.
  15. Well, if I am I don't know about it. We hardly interact anymore. Occasionally we'll bump into each other in WoW (though I took a two month break from it), and just recently a big group of my friends started playing floor hockey every saturday so she is there too. We did have some quick conversations about whether or not we were interested in being friends still and whatnot, and be both did say that'd be nice, if possible. For the most part our interactions have been casual and brief. There was one time she made a comment to me that things were frustrating for her because two other friends of hers were not hanging out as much (new BF for one, and so on), and I commented to her that while I was sorry to hear that, I shouldn't be the person she confides in with that sort of stuff. It was strange because on the weekend I found her including herself in conversations with me regarding hockey and school that I was having with the person across from me at a restaurant. The topics would have historically interested her, but then on Sunday we both were in wow and chatting, and now hardcore radio silence again. If things are bad, my guess is that she "slipped" because she enjoyed hanging out with me, and is now pulling back again to make sure she doesn't lean on me instead of her husband. Regardless, I think I have made good progress for myself lately, which is good. Commencing smirking! Haha.
  16. For those that are somewhat familiar with the woman drama I had a few months ago... Does it make me a jerk to hear through the grapevine from a couple of friends that people are making observations about how poor the woman and her husband's marriage seem to be, and as a result find myself smirking at this news? On one side I feel bad, but for the most part I just laugh and say "go go humanity!"
  17. Yeah I've seen people hit the 6th string on open G and whatnot with their thumb. Feels awkward to me :\ As for reading sheet music, don't care so much for that. This is mostly for fun (and any women that get impressed along the way...lets be honest here )
  18. Define "notation" haha. I do the scales to warm up. Progress is going pretty good I think. The pinky is still weak
  19. Just got a guildie to craft me a Titansteel Shanker http://www.wowhead.com/?item=42435
  20. I still need 1500g to get expert riding.
  21. Yeah I linked to that article in a different thread. It was a rare article that didn't lambast Starforce. And while yes, it is possible, I tend to be skeptical because it's very easy to see motivations for people making up **** about what Starforce may or may not do to their computer. I'm much more inclined to blame user error for **** breaking ahead of Starforce. Lets face it, people are stupid. I enjoyed the part about SC:CT and the uproar about Starforce once the game became uncrackable. I'm also skeptical about people that claim to be legit owners, but have serious complications. Posting on a forum claiming that you're legit doesn't do it for me. I remember all sorts of people complaining on Valve's forums about some game stopping bugs for the Opposing Force expansion for Half-Life, asking for help and ****. It was later discovered that this bug only existed in a pirated version of the game. People are stupid. I hate **** like this because it tarnishes the image of games (something else mentioned in that article).
  22. Well... I would say it's as good -if not better than- KotoR I. Of course I'm not done with it yet... Blasphemer!
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