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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Aren't you usually autorunning?
  2. Heh I thought ME's cover was neat.
  3. they've cut the amount of XP to get to 60 twice (I think by 30% both times but I'm not sure) and the amount to get to 70 once (again, 30%) you accelerate up the levels so fast you won't have enough gold to get all your skills, much less your professions up. I disagree. I seem to have a much easier time collecting gold now than I ever did. My first time play several years ago when WoW first came out, I got my mount at level 46 and it was because someone gave me money. I have no problems pooping money now-a-days. I don't give my alts money from my main either (usually it's the other way around).
  4. I just blame everything on it now. Seems to be the in thing to do. Oh wait, I mean climate change! =P
  5. They have accelerated level progression up to level 60 for sure.
  6. Well, there's always new equipment that I can get, which makes me more eligible for more difficult dungeons. They're about to release a new content expansion which opens up another raid. In order to do the raids you typically need the best gear along the way. We just tried killing Sartharion, and Onyx Dragon, with one of his drakes up. Unfortunately this Drake is a real doozy so we ended up having to kill that drake first. Oh well.
  7. I didn't think Mass Effect really had that much closure. They did wind things up which was great, but I totally saw a sequel coming after watching the ending.
  8. The nice thing about us rogues is our threat mitigation is built right in to our characters. I also have Tricks of the Trade that I toss out (usually onto the tank) that stops my threat generation, gives it to the person I put Tricks on, as well as giving them +15% damage. I usually open up fights with it as it lets me use ambush without consequence, while at the same time helping the tank get a nice cushy threat buffer.
  9. When a reviewer writes with a style such as that exhibited by Pop's example, it sends a strong signal that he really enjoyed that part of the game.
  10. My full level criticals on my rogue tend to do around 8-9k damage if I get a full stacked envenom off with attack power boosts. My DPS tends to be around 2500 now: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...hj&n=Jorian
  11. Since it seems any schlub can write a review, I don't expect it to be expert opinion.
  12. Meh, to me it just seemed like he was writing a bit more stylized with a bit of enthusiasm. Your example may be more to the point, but it is less entertaining to read.
  13. HAHA NOLF2 has one of the best chase scenes in gaming history.
  14. Another classic Sierra adventure game. Those games often had me in stitches. Heck, one of the goals in Space Quest IV was to capture the energizer bunny so you could steal his batteries as you needed the power.
  15. They were ridiculously tongue in cheek with all sorts of silly things that would be said, done, acted, animated, etc. Space Quest games often had references to the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the galaxy and whatnot.
  16. Who cares it was hella entertaining!
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