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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I learned in my Economics courses that sometimes competition isn't necessarily a good thing, and can actually result in higher costs for both suppliers and consumers. (though this is rare).
  2. Standards certainly isn't evil. You don't need to have a monopoly to have standards, though. Poor comparison. You should be thinking of hardware. There has definitely not been any hardware monopoly for PCs. Perhaps instead they should make a console with a single console OS and allow competing hardware vendors to utilise that OS? Oh wait. Seriously, the only thing consoles still have going for them is their controllers. For example, they've all been hacked to run Linux, etc. They're just glorified PCs, and their ability to continue to hide that fact is disintegrating. Of course they are glorified PCs. They always have been. Consoles are just computers people. Always have been, and always will be.
  3. I rarely go past the silly comment he has in the credits unfortunately. Proving that Unskippable is a bad name!!
  4. That one had me snickering to soft laughing the entire way through. Which isn't a bad thing at all
  5. Meh, I'm skepitcal. I think games will continue to go down in price vs "real" dollar value as they have been for so long already. Which means paying the same price we have been for years.
  6. Should be an update later this evening. Just been busy! Fortunately the Japanese work around my schedule.
  7. It was the same deal back for the original NES games. As well as the SNES games. As well as the N64 games. As well as the PSX games. EDIT: I know Tale. Street Fighter 2 Turbo for the SNES was $70 here when it was released. For a 12 year old that was a lot of money. Still worth it though!!!
  8. Yes a lot of benefit to developers... If it is a closed system it means, the manufacturer can issue licences to developers who want to develop for it... The easiest way to make ****loads of profit is to give away the license only to selected few publishers, which in the end would mean lack of games on the market which would lead into skyrocketing their prices... I doubt prices really change at all. They haven't for 20 years. Regardless, if this happens, I am betting you'll see a resurgence in PC gaming.
  9. Believe me or not i am buying from UK with preorders (and i live in central europe) and every single copy i get directly in my home brought by postman 1 day before official release... all i have to do is open the door when the postman comes Your cookie is in the mail.
  10. If only those that used high cost as a reason for piracy saw things the same way.
  11. I have no beef with Windows Live and the PC version. Meh. It uses the same account as my XBOX Live so all I really needed to do was update Windows Live.
  12. I like Steam because I'm a lazy twit, and would rather not leave my home, and waste money on gasoline and crap, and just d/l my purchase. I also like that if my computer goes Kaboom, Steam gets me my games back. Sure Steam could explode, but I find it less likely than me losing or damaging my discs. I bought Fallout 3 at 1 AM. It was good times. I was also done NWN2 when people on this forum were still complaining that their local store hadn't received any copies yet So nyah!
  13. Okay that's what I thought. I saw you agree with my post on one perspective, yet the earlier part seemed to go against it, so I wasn't sure exactly what you were saying. I'm guessing the post was stream of consciousness What were the sales figures of other Prince of Persia games? Maybe they sold faster? Maybe the Ubi execs were sniffing glue when they outlined their expectations?
  14. I don't know if that's quite the same, as Crash isn't asking for refunds for poor quality games. In any case, what I find funny is that game cost has remained relatively static. Games were $50-$80 when I was growing up 20 years ago, and they still seem to be that price.
  15. Wait, the 1.7 million isn't necessarily PC right? It's just not US console sales?
  16. You can't sell Steam games AFAIK.
  17. I meant a monster kills you in an MMO. Can't think of any permadeath MMOs off the top of my head, but Im sure there are/were some. The same reason why I'm okay with hardcore mode in Diablo II (even though you could be PK'd in that one too, if you weren't careful but it was easy to avoid it). Monster fights tend to not be random, unless you're careless. Furthermore, monsters tend to usually be around the same level as you, since people don't go running off into the Burning Steppes when they are level 10 and expect to live. The high level monsters also don't come in with 39 friends and wipe out whole towns, guards and all, simply to LOL. However, if I'm a level 40 in Redridge Mountains, where I can sneeze at monsters to kill them, and suddenly a level 80 hell bent on slaughtering a whole bunch of other players because he finds it fun stumbles upon me, he one shots me and I die. Time to start over.
  18. If there were consequences for death, maybe people would think twice before running headfirst into a random battle. Also running a way is always an option. People are just spoiled these days. Running away isn't always an option though. If you come across some super high level dude that has super fast mounts, well then I guess it sucks to be you. Yeah, then the idea would be to try to avoid people who can kill you in seconds. If you can't then you are at their mercy. Yeah, because it's cool to lose a lot of play time and investment (not to mention friends of the same level) because some level 80 guy with gear and abilities that ensure you'll never touch him come running around. How pray tell, do I avoid him if I'm to actually play the game and do anything? Tell you what, just delete your character after you die and you can do just that. Should make the current MMO's more exhilarating for you. That's just how it used to be. If you met someone stronger than you and they decided that you should die then you just did, you either accepted that or played another game. How is it any different from you getting killed by a monster that is way stronger than you? Also, I don't really play MMOs too much these days. Unless I'm playing Ironman, I don't restart a single player game from start when a monster kills me. And what game featured permadeath? I'm not slagging on the looting, or the intrigue of Eve or whatever. But permanently killing your character? I enjoyed the hardcore mode of Diablo II, but 99.9% of the people weren't **** about it and the game was soooo much faster than a typical MMO that the time investment is significantly less. I suppose it's hard to say because I didn't start playing WoW from the get go with permadeath. But at the same time, I doubt I would have bothered!
  19. If there were consequences for death, maybe people would think twice before running headfirst into a random battle. Also running a way is always an option. People are just spoiled these days. Running away isn't always an option though. If you come across some super high level dude that has super fast mounts, well then I guess it sucks to be you. Yeah, then the idea would be to try to avoid people who can kill you in seconds. If you can't then you are at their mercy. Yeah, because it's cool to lose a lot of play time and investment (not to mention friends of the same level) because some level 80 guy with gear and abilities that ensure you'll never touch him come running around. How pray tell, do I avoid him if I'm to actually play the game and do anything? Tell you what, just delete your character after you die and you can do just that. Should make the current MMO's more exhilarating for you.
  20. If there were consequences for death, maybe people would think twice before running headfirst into a random battle. Also running a way is always an option. People are just spoiled these days. Running away isn't always an option though. If you come across some super high level dude that has super fast mounts, well then I guess it sucks to be you.
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