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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Lulz. :lol: Remember Starforce? It worked pretty well until the unfortunate side-effect of destroying optical drives and sometimes even hard drives emerged. I still avoid anything with Starforce like fire. Was this ever actually proven? I never did follow it up.
  2. Hehehe, Chromatic scale at 60 bpm with metronome
  3. Too bad the first had no substance and is an unholy blight on humanity
  4. I would think so too, and as far as I'm concerned that's the fair way of doing it. It's impossible to say whether or not an credit card is being used for two different people to play, or some guy multiboxing. Besides, it's not like Blizzard cares if some guy wants to play 5 accounts at once.
  5. The thing I really hate lately is how memory sticks seem to be geared for particular motherboards. I had all sorts of issues with my current computer when I didn't know that.
  6. I do heavy game. All I do is game and game and game and game. EDIT: Haha, I remember playing Duke3D on the ol' 9600 baud modem.
  7. You get 30 free days if you buy WOTLK. And I kill monsters hella quickly lol. And if you're a paladin, get paired up with a healer and just go and aggro 30 guys while the healer heals you, and you can have a bit more fun that way
  8. I have 10 Mbit and I'm like ZOMG fast!!!!!!!!! Almost unnecessarily fast haha. I remember getting by just fine on 1.5 Mbit ADSL line.
  9. I've heard both of these songs several times now.
  10. It won't. It is the next logical step mind. That's what I was thinking. Someone said in this thread (MOrgoth?) that the removal of APIs will make coding easier. It won't make it easier. It will make coding harder, since you will be starting from scratch instead of implementing the well-documented Directx API. But it will open up more opportunities. Renderers will be written from scratch using whatever approach the developer wishes and accelerated by multicore, general-purpose graphics processors like Intel's "Larrabee". More from Mr. Sweeney here: linkeroo Okay this all makes muuuuch more sense. I agree that the lower level you go the more power you get, but it's never easier haha.
  11. It won't. It is the next logical step mind. That's what I was thinking. Someone said in this thread (MOrgoth?) that the removal of APIs will make coding easier.
  12. How would removing graphics APIs make programming graphics simpler?
  13. Oh, I certainly don't plan on doing JUST scales Tigranes I would like to be good at guitar though, and I do about 5 minutes of scale practice to warm up. I haven't done it with a metronome though, so that will probably be helpful.
  14. I like alternative rock. Foo Fighters and stuff like that. But I'm keen for anything really. It's fun! I am guessing a good drill is literally to do scales to a metronome for like 10-20 minutes, isn't it?
  15. I have indeed been playing slowly hahahaha.
  16. Okay sounds good. I know my time is bad on a lot of stuff, because I am slow on chord transitions and whatnot. Though some early songs I do feel better with. One I play a lot is Leaving on a Jet Plane, and singing seems to help me keep time.
  17. The two scales I practice at the moment are the chromatic and the E phrygian scale. I mostly work at smooth notes (no metronome unfortunately) and accuracy. I can feel myself getting a bit faster though, which is good
  18. I would advice not to do that unless you are really interested in creating your own music. Those courses are often so dull and boring, since they usually dissect melodies, like Beethoven's 9th, into abstract concepts, devoid of any understanding of the incredible craftmanship of the composer. Alanchu, do you want to be like this: "Here the crescendo slowly transpires into pianissimo; it is interesting that the composer chose a scale of C-minor rather than D-major in this part of the fugue, hoho" ...oooooor HERE I AM *DU-NU-NUNUNU* ROOOOCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE *DU-NU-NUNU* <guitarsolo!> LOL I am definitely the latter.
  19. For the past month and a bit I have been learning how to play guitar. I have just been using the about.com tutorial about it, and it seems pretty good. I am just learning chords and playing the crap out of them, getting comfortable with transitions and strumming patterns and whatnot. Starting to get blisters on the fingers for sure, and am having a good time all in all. Anyone have any advice for a new guitar player, or links that they found useful? Just trying to absorb in as much as I can.
  20. alanschu


    Hmmm, I'm not against those guys blocking shots if that's what they are doing. I imagine they're doing quite a bit well rounded.
  21. Haha! Remember who went all doom and gloom at Fallout 3? Remember how that turned out? Dark Raven's never going to live it down. But let's be honest. Upon hearing Bethesda was doing Fallout 3, who didn't go ? With maybe a little ? There was a little Dark Raven in all of us. /me raises hand! I'm even hoping that Deus Ex 3 is a good game, because you know, I like good games!
  22. I find I do the opposite of Kaftan's point of view, and reap all the awesome rewards of life in doing so!
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