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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. How is it done then? Biggest troyan threat is from keyloggers specialy made for getting your login data from your PC. In one of my previous WoW guilds, one of our officers who is pretty much one of the most paranoid people about computer security, got stolen his account with such troyan... 3 or 4 days after he lost his account his antivirus found the troyan who were the reason... AV software is always few days outdated, something new pops up and you can loose everything... If it happens when you are on vaccation, you are pretty much ****ed and long time without the stuff you paid for... Happened to my close friend who was 4 weeks in Italy, and when he came back he had to wait almost another 6 weeks to get it back, because he found that his account got hijacked after he came back... I got stolen my CD-key from Counterstrike (Retail version), they told me to buy new copy, because my purchase ticket was nonreadable after scannig... I never have told anyone my CD-Key... I am decidedly NOT paranoid about getting keyloggers and trojans on my computer, and have never gotten one, despite my computer being ridiculously open and unprotected. Keyloggers don't just randomly appear on people's computers, and if your officer was truly as paranoid as you claim he was, it would never have gotten on there. It is not hard to prevent trojans from being installed on your computer. I do however, know someone that had his WoW account hacked and stolen. All of his gear was sold to vendors and he was basically naked, and several characters were deleted. Upon reporting it to Blizzard, a few days later all of his items were returned to him, and his deleted characters restored. The account was compromised when he used a friend's computer to login to WoW, which had a keylogger running on it. Though he didn't blame anyone other than himself for using his friend's computer. As for your ticket being unreadable after scanning ... get a better scanner. On the plus side, with the digital distribution of Steam, you don't need to scan anything anymore. It's even easier to prove your purchase if you buy it online, and downtime will be minimized.
  2. If they feel that its purpose is best served at the early part of the release, it'd be absurd to put it on the disc or make it available when the game originally came out. It's a tool that allows you to increase your de-authorize an install so that you can install it again without using an activation. This is not removing it completely, so if that's important to you don't buy the game.
  3. alanschu


    How does anybody come up with anything? In the 1989 NBA Playoffs the Cleveland Cavaliers were undefeated against the Chicago Bulls with a ridiculous 6-0 record, 2 of them being blowout victories. The Bulls also played poorly down the stretch of the regular season (including losses to Cleveland). The Bulls beat the Cavs 3 games to 2 in the playoffs. The Oilers limped into the playoffs in 2006, and made it to the finals. Detroit was steamrolling opposition with points in 20 of their last 21 games (they lost the last game of the season) and lost to that Oilers team. Sorry I didn't pick your team to do well in the playoffs this season. They might, but obviously I don't think so.
  4. alanschu


    San Jose in 6 Detroit in 6 Vancouver in 5 Chicago in 6 Boston in 4 Washington in 6 New Jersey in 5 Pittsburgh in 7
  5. I agree with Gorth. If someone was concerned about the install limit, this seems to resolve the issue they had.
  6. I like the dual speccing because most people in our guild with viable alternative specs had all the gear for it anyway. It just saves them the hassle of heading to Stormwind (or wherever) to respec their character for 50 gold. I guess some people might have a "trash" spec and a "boss" spec but I'm not too worried about it. It's also nice because if you're in a raid and someone has to leave due to real life, if it's a healer/tank they can be replaced without much downtime.
  7. We have group number issue for our 25 man Naxx We haven't cleared 25 yet, but we have done Malygos.
  8. You tanked the dragon at the end? My rogue, in pretty much full level 80 gear, can't tank her.
  9. Oooo http://allansville.myminicity.com/ind/
  10. I'm currently learning Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt. Powerful song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO9dbmJ_2zU
  11. You commented about me being moderated. I don't ever remember being moderated haha.

    I disappeared for a while though.

  12. How is it done then? You say it has happened a lot? What exactly are the numbers of people that have had their steam accounts hacked and manipulated to a point where it permanently affected their ability to play their games (which seems to me only can happen if there was a VAC ban)? Looking closer at the VAC Ban, this isn't even so much a DRM distribution issue, but rather a way of dealing with the rampant amounts of cheating that was occurring in their games (Counterstrike especially) and is akin to Battle.net's Closed Servers for Diablo II. Get caught cheating, you lose your access to VAC validated servers.
  13. Your ire is misdirected taks. You called him a "moronic hypocrite" and he said "what does that sound like? Libertarianism." He tried spinning your insult back on yourself. I fail to see how a Libertarian could be a moronic hypocrite. My question was to him, not you.
  14. I did some quick late night looking around. According to Wikipedia, there's only been two incidents of false positives with VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat), and they were both immediately rescinded when they were discovered. Also, according to Valve directly, being caught cheating by VAC will only prevent you from playing on VAC Secure servers. Quite frankly, I do not consider this a negative at all. If you happened to have cheated on a multiplayer only game, I certainly don't feel sorry for you for being a selfish twit and ruining the online experience of everyone else playing the game.
  15. I certainly won't dispute that Steam's method isn't for everyone.
  16. VAC ban, disabled account, hijacking, phishing, etc; The list goes on and on. down.gif How often do these things happen in situations where it's not justified? But hey, the list goes on and on. Valve isn't complete ****ing tools. Steam wouldn't work if it made a habit of ****ing over valid users. You know, I bet it probably isn't. Well whoop-dee-****ing-do. You two are the only people I have ever met that have never misplaced anything in your computer game collections. You must have immaculate computer areas and I bet you get pissed at people that touch your computer collection without your permission. I've been a computer gamer for 26 years now. Even if I had best intentions of keeping my entire library of games intact over that time, I doubt I'd be able to. Without even factoring in the various consoles I've owned over the years. The sheer clutter of it all would have been ridiculous. I'd have to have full rooms dedicated to just the storage of the media. Yeah it's direct to drive. I started to shift more to digital distribution in general with that comment. Good for you. You don't like it. You've made it painfully clear. It must be such a pissoff for you that it's so successful. I accept it as a viable business solution because I do not find it particularly intrusive, and I see it as a moderately effective way to combat piracy. If pirates didn't pirate software it'd be less of an issue. Tell pirates to stop pirating and maybe you'll get a more concerted effort to drop DRM. Ironically you still support it though. If you're going to jump down someone's throat everytime they make a comment that they like something that you hate, then get a ****ing life.
  17. Here's a cookie for you. I can (and often do) misplace CDs. Especially when I move and whatnot. As for "waiting," I don't. I install the games I'm interested in playing right away. It's not like I have to download Left 4 Dead every time I want to play it. I bought Fallout 3 at 2 AM and was playing it when I woke up in the morning. In fact I even had Neverwinter Nights 2 done and beaten before most of the people on this very board even had their copy. Including those who preorder.
  18. Yep, so if anything happens to that account you're ****ed. Nice system if you're willing to put all your eggs in one basket. Such as? But keeping your CDs is a nice system if you're willing to put all your eggs in one basket. It would suck if your house burned down.
  19. He'll fit right in. We're passionate people!
  20. The problem with this is that if there was something biological, I would expect it to be more constant despite cultural differences. That is, the actions performed wouldn't vary by culture. I will agree that there will be biological pressures to seek a mate, but feel that human beings as social creatures socially create much of the process, and the fact that what is deemed attractive changes so much even within cultures, leads me to believe a primary influence of social and psychological factors. In order to procreate and satisfy the biological desire, all people need to do is have sex. As we all know though, in reality it's a lot more complicated to find a mate! The thing is, people really aren't just looking for someone to copulate with, and I think that that is very much a social construction. I am not closed minded to the issue of biological influence. I just feel it's not nearly as significant. If I see something that shows me otherwise, I will change my tune, because I've already changed my tune. I used to buy into the biological perspective a lot more, and I don't discount it has its place, but with a lot of my education and reading I have done, I've changed my perspective. I've done it for a great deal of things. In fact the other issue I have actually discussed quite passionately about on these very fora is the death penalty. But that's a whole other ball of wax.
  21. I don't. Steam is just another form of DRM, albeit a slightly more attractive one than most. I agree that Steam is just another form of DRM, but I think it is less attractive than most. Most games of the past few years have still used CD activation keys and I find those to be far more attractive as a form of DRM. I love the Steam one because when I reformat my computer getting all my Steam games back is uber-easy. It's easier to redownload 50GB of games than to reinstal it from CDs? Yup. Assuming I haven't misplaced my CDs, I can literally install steam, tell it what games I would like it to download, and go to sleep, go for a run, do anything else really.
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