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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. A couple of friends of mine are making a webpage (just for their own fun with blogs and activities and silly links). They have asked me for help with two things which I, admittedly, have limited experience with! The first is a very beginner tutorial for Illustrator. The artist from the team is very good, but not familiar with Illustrator and was given a copy of it. Are there any easy to use tutorials out there for her to use that doesn't make too many assumptions about what tools to use? The second one is Flash. Now I know how to program, though I've never used Flash. I wouldn't mind learning so I have expressed an interest in helping them with any Flash type stuff they want to do (I think right now just making flash videos, but I'm not 100% sure at the moment). Looking at the Adobe Flash page the two tools I saw were Flex 3 and Flash CS 4 Professional (to use with ActionScript). Flex 3 has a trial period, but it ultimately looks like both copies are (appropriately) products for sale. If anyone has any Flash experience, let me know! EDIT: P.S. Finally have internet restored! Wahoo!
  2. alanschu


    Siding with Volourn on this one.
  3. And you know why that is? They gave Oblivion a negative review. Yep. Meh, it seemed to me that the bulk of the Fallout fans were ridiculous ass monkeys that were trashing Fallout 3 simply because it wasn't going to be Fallout 1/2. If there's one thing that made me facepalm a whole hell of a lot, it's the stupid reaction by the "Fallout fans." I was ashamed to say I was a part of their company as a fan of the first two Fallouts. A lot of the vitriol that was spewed forth was just retarded, and you saw a lot of it here on the "peaceful" Obsidian boards too.
  4. How can you not have juries? That's just asking for trouble. Namely corruption and authoritarianism. Most court cases in North America aren't before a jury either. And juries have their own problems that come with them too. Eh? The Constitution itself provides as a fundemental right a jury trial to the accused should they wish it. Unless you specifically meant Canada as "North America", I dont know what you guys are up to up there. Hmm my bad. For some reason I thought the US was similar. Though the right to a jury does still only apply to felony cases in the United States. To be perfectly honest, I don't know if I could say which is inherently better. It's easy to see the autocratic nature of allowing just the judge to determine the verdict, but at the same time, I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that people are stupid and don't have much faith in juries either.
  5. alanschu


    Haha I have to agree. Tortorella wasn't too thrilled with the penalties Avery took down the stretch I heard. Fortunately for the Rangers they were able to hold out to win.
  6. I don't really play the game for combat, so the "normal" setting is about right for me, although many find the game too easy. With the robust modding tools provided, however, there are plenty of mods out there to boost combat difficulty. One I would recommend is Marts Mutant Mod, which adds some really tough mobs. No I'm in the same boat. I never found the game to be too easy or too hard, so the difficulty wasn't an issue for me. I didn't play it for the challenge either (and rarely play RPGs for the challenge). I actually enjoyed the combat in FO3 for what it was. I didn't find that Vats got old or anything like that, and watching enemies turn to dust with a laser blast makes me smile the 100th time, just like blowing chunks off the sprites in FO1/2 did
  7. IDK, I played the game at Very Hard almost from the get go,and had my character been in a really difficult situation only a couple of times, especially when caught off guard by a Deathclaw or a bunch of Radscorpions or that nasty Talon mercs. There was an over-abundance of
  8. yes, yes, yadda, yadda, yadda. i was making a little "buh-dum-ching!" joke about the degradation of PC games since the Console boom. sheesh. guess who i'm not inviting to a party? (you. yeah, you.) That wasn't clear. For some reason though I'm less inclined to feel that that is my fault. C'est la vie.
  9. (pssst. the xbox hasn't always existed.) But the goal of selling games has always existed, and it seemed like that was the point of the poster's comment. The fact that the XBOX 360 was where the bulk of the sales went is just extra fluff. If developers aren't making games for the XBOX 360, they're doing it for a different system (including the PC).
  10. They have stated in many occasions, that they make most of the adjustments/corrections to their game while playing it and that in the last phase of development, everyone in the dev team plays the game extensively, giving suggestions, pinpointing mistakes. Do you think it
  11. it's always been the point to sell to the Xbox? i think you missed my joke, mate. Seems that way. You made a comment responding to a comment about how sales are the bottom line, particularly the XBOX 360 (since that's where most of the sales are going to come from anyway). The joke in your comment seems rather cryptic.
  12. How can you not have juries? That's just asking for trouble. Namely corruption and authoritarianism. Most court cases in North America aren't before a jury either. And juries have their own problems that come with them too.
  13. It's always been the point IMO. Sure some developers may like a particular style and you can claim (correctly IMO) that some feel that the art component of game design is important. But the bottom line is people will only make and distribute games that they think will actually sell. I'm unaware of many philanthropists in the game development field.
  14. alanschu


    Wow what a game between Chicago and Calgary!
  15. Levels are a random abstraction. It's impossible to say what level you should be after a certain amount of time, given that no level based system is the same. Wait...I think I've had this discussion before
  16. I guess the issue is that it's a one-on-one fight. Ninja took out armored Samurai, though the Samurai didn't have the shield. But still, I would think that crushed glass in the eye would effectively render the Spartan useless, and if the Ninja could score a hit with it, then a kill would be essentially assured.
  17. To play spoiler, I am surprised how dismissive they were of the black egg. I would think if you got hit with that you'd be sufficiently incapacitated.
  18. Huh, I thought Fallout 3 had that in abundance, even with its dungeon hack tendencies. And now that we're going into the desert around Las Vegas how can we avoid that in any case? The thing about the Fallout 3 movement though, was that I was still in the game. The thing I hated about Oblivion was marching to destination and I used fast travel galore. What I liked about Fallout 3 was marching everywhere and I rarely used Fast Travel. THere was jsut something I enjoyed about leaving megaton and marching into the downtown core. There's something about the atmosphere of the Fallout 3 map that just captivates me. Particularly the city part. I enjoyed walking along a wall in anticipation that there could be some loot-happy sniper waiting for me, and it makes sense given the setting too.
  19. It certainly does contribute to the sense of scale of the world. Mass Effect at present is simply giving you a sense of. . . I'm not sure how to express properly. Maybe 'enclosed' due to the hub structure? But the point I'm trying to make is there is a sense of 'time' passing during the journey that the old Fallouts had that provides the the sense of consistency that the world is that huge and may even change as time goes by. Fallout's encounter can be avoided later if you decide to invest in outdoorsman skill, giving you a choice to evade enemy encounters. Pretty much depends how you build your character. I did not find what you describe at all. It was time filler that distracted from the rest of the excellence of the game IMO.
  20. So would Mass Effect be made more epic if they didn't instantly travel you there and made it possible to have the warp drive interdicted? The random encounters weren't horrible in Fallout (though I found more often than not unless I was late game and geared to max, they were often overwhelming), but for the most part I found them a drag.
  21. Because it's only the surrounding area of a single city of course!
  22. But Fallout 1 & 2 covered about an tenth of the continental US [not including Alaska], Fallout 3 covers a small part of Maryland. * I do get what you are saying, but IMO that's kind of a design flaw... Making a game that covers a wide area at less detail is still providing a bigger picture than a game that covers a fractional area in extreme detail. Its like comparing an aerial photo of a mountain range to a close up photo of a rock garden. Disagree entirely. I don't care if it covered the entire continental United States if it doesn't let me interact with very much. An overwhelming majority of the 1/10 Continental United States in the first two fallout games was world map filler.
  23. alanschu


    Nope, Drury, Gomez and Naslund are pretty good players, just deal with that fact. They couldn't score on a very hot goaltender, this is true. Meh, I agree with Volourn, Lundqvist is keeping them in the series.
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