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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I'm guessing bounty hunters will experience mostly the same thing as other bounty hunters, etc.
  2. Because we didn't think it was a totally average, boring, and forgettable game.
  3. Eagerly anticipating this game.
  4. Well I'm glad I'm not the only person that doesn't classify socialist as evil. When I wiki'd Socialist, I got socialism, which of course talks about things such as Britain's labour party, and much of Scandinavia. Hmmmm. Oddly, this ends up meshing perfectly with what I learned in High School as well as my Political Science classes in University. Or are we using the Nazi definition of Socialist here, despite the fact that the National Socialist party had pretty much nothing to do with Socialism, being fascist instead. I've also never called Communist States socalist states either, because I've always been taught that they tended to be, well, Communist states rather that Socialist states. Sounds like Chavez is moving towards a Communist state (given the allegations of dictatorship). Of course I mean Communist state in practice, not in theory, in which there is no leader of a state and hence a dictatorship is impossible! EDIT: But this certainly does clear up why I've been called Socialist as an insult before.... HAHA. Never really took it as one.
  5. GoG? Good Old Games!? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Good Old Games took something that was free and included it in hopes of it having some value added. It doesn't give any implication whatsoever that they feel it's "important" in any way. I'm sure that Relic software didn't consider the Max Payne mousepad I had to be "important enough" to include with my copy of Max Payne. But, if anything but an overwhelming majority of the people that loved the first two Fallouts had more than little to no knowledge of the existence of the Fallout Bible, Good Old Games wouldn't bother including it since there'd be no reason to. The people would have already known about it and probably even read it! (Wow this is fun)
  6. I know Fallout 1-2 had more than local history. Reading up on some of the Fallout Bible stuff, looks like some of it even made it into Fallout 3. The brand did do the product justice.
  7. Fair enough I had completely forgotten about the cap problems.
  8. If a wrecked, derelict, mutant infested, radiation bathed sinkhole of human corpses that is Chernobyl isn't special, than nothing is. alanschu: imho established history doesn't matter much when a, they didn't bother gathering every info there is, and b, they retcon it anyway. I don't care about the minutiae presented in the Fallout Bible. I feel as though the game benefited from the Fallout name and being set within the Fallout Universe. That's all there is to it. I would suspect that the overwhelming majority of people have little to no knowledge of the existence of the Fallout Bible. I would even go further, and feel that an overwhelming majority of the people that loved the first two Fallouts have little to no knowledge of the existence of the Fallout Bible. But you know all about it and feel it should be adhered to more strictly. You win a cookie. I've had this conversation several times and there's no point discussing it further IMO. We see things differently.
  9. Yeah not a huge surprise. I wouldn't get rid of Sutter. I think he's really improved that organization. I wonder if he'll try to woo Brent back home (though I'd much rather Brent coach Edmonton haha).
  10. /facepalm I'm holding everyone here responsible. If you think Volourn is being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative, then stop responding to those posts. Tossing gasoline on the fire doesn't help the situation. Or you can do whatever you want. But if you aren't going to change how you post, don't expect anybody else to either. I realize I look like a hypocrite because I've been notoriously bad for not letting things go, but I've made a much more concerted effort to not continue bashing my head up against the wall.
  11. If a wrecked, derelict, mutant infested, radiation bathed sinkhole of human corpses that is Chernobyl isn't special, than nothing is. You're describing a location, not the graphics. And aren't the locations made with the graphics? It's possible to have different graphics levels of a wrecked, derelict, mutant infested, radiation bathed sinkhole of human corpses that is Chernobyl. For example, here's mine. The M is the mutant, P is you. The o's are ground zero. Bigger O's for bigger catastrophic damage! xxxxxxxxxx x\\||||//x x--ooooP-x x--oOOo--x x--oOOo--x x--oMoo--x x//||||\\x xxxxxxxxxx
  12. It's a good game in its own right. It just isn't Fallout. I just pretend I am playing a new franchise with suspicious similarities to the Fallout series. It would have been just as well if Bethesda just made the game a new series, and dropped all the Fallout art and pretenses it would have done just as well. I really don't understand why they decided to make it a sequel to Fallout 3 rather then a new IP since the the fallout fanbase is not big enough and mostly too elitist to drive sales vis a vis Halo or Gears of War, they must have known the NMA crowd would be foaming at the mouth over the game. I mean in the end all it was was the name itself and that isn't that important when the developer label is Bethesda. Its sort of like Bioshock I think everyone who loved SS2 was expecting Bioshock to be like Christ descending from heaven instead they got a fps with some pretense of RPG elements, but since the whole thing was a new intellectual property nobody complained too much. If they had called it SS3 and set it on a spaceship there would probably be a lot more bitching and moaning. I disagree on both counts. Calling it Fallout 3 is neat because you can incorporate parts of the universe without being called blatant ripoffs. It also helps with the creation of the game world since a lot of the history has happened already. As for Bioshock, I found a lot of people still complained that it wasn't truly the spiritual successor to System Shock 2.
  13. Just because I loved Fallout 1 and 2 doesn't mean I can't enjoy Fallout 3 even though its gameplay is different.
  14. I'm not sure exactly what the problem was (I think it was with the form), but I restarted from scratch and was able to get it to work.
  15. I am trying to get Javascript to issue a POST command to the PHP page, with limited luck thusfar. The form I have DOES work if I use the 'action' tag with POST (which takes me to the .php file directly....not what I want). Instead, utilizing an onClick to a Javascript function using an XmlHttpObject works when I don't have parameters to add, but when I try sending the parameters, no dice! Anyone have any ideas?
  16. Ah yes makes more sense when I look closely and see "Escape String" hehehe. I'm sure I'll pester you more later if that is okay!
  17. To be clear, I am just looking at possible pitfalls. I haven't actually done anything yet haha. It is more my ignorance towards PHP I think. Just to be clear, if someone were to go to a PHP page and go "View Source" they will NOT see any of the actual PHP code for connecting to the DB or whatever? EDIT: And yes, I was certainly only letting them have access to the one table with limited commands. I'll probably have some questions for you in the near future. Step 4 is a bit hazy haha. My SQL experience has been as a part of a course where everyone in the group always had full privileges But this is why I'm doing it. So I can get better with all this stuff haha.
  18. The Webhosting my friend is using does support PHP (among other things) and MySQL. Now, in my experiences connecting to databases in source code or HTML has always required you to enter your username and password into the source, which obviously isn't secure. My friend would like to have a comment box on some pages of his website. Reading up on how to do that, it doesn't really seem that difficult. However, how can I prevent someone from seeing the script (even if it's in its own .php file) so that he can't see the username and password? Another alternative is I create an account with limited access, but that account will still need to be able to write to the database (in order to add new comments) in addition to simply reading them. Any ideas?
  19. If it means anything my picks for the first round were chicago, boston, detroit, washington In any case. Detroit > Chicago in 6 Pittsburgh > Carolina in 6
  20. Interesting! Thanks for that too. Also reading up on AJAX, PHP, etc. etc. I have some "web" based experience with Apache and JSPs as well which might help. I believe my friend's webhosting supports MySQL and PHP. I need to look into it.
  21. Because they are awesome.
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