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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. It seems like a city sim, and then after 7 days grace period a PvP element opens up. I've just been learning the game by trying to do the quests provided for you.
  2. Looks like a free online empire building game. http://www.civony.com/ I'm on server 3, my name is Alanschu, and my city is Allantopia, with coordinates 88,153 for where my city is.
  3. Ugh, reading through this thread makes me facepalm more than I'd like. As of fan of Fallout, the thing I liked about Fallout was that it was new and different. To be honest, given the rabid fanboyism associated with the topic, I'm already wishing that Obsidian was working on something novel. Because something novel doesn't mean worse than Fallout, just as a new Fallout doesn't mean as good as Fallout. And, uh, "welcome" to the new posters I guess. Laters.
  4. what the whut? i think your water's gone rad, lad. i didn't say they were PnP games. i said they're based off of, and a natural progression from. which...uh...they are, Vern. and yes, cRPG's do have saving and loading campaigns sure. i guess there's the unspoken and unwritten rule of making choices and living with the consequences. i only re-load if i've hit a button or done something by accident....never because i didn't like the outcome of something i did deliberately...otherwise, i don't see the fun in making choices at all. it's kinda cheating, idn't it? Well you're lamenting how CRPGs are straying from PnP games. Maybe the natural evolution of CRPGs takes them further and further away from the PnP experience. Can't stop nature man.
  5. The melody part was just made up, but the bass line was basically a spin of American Pie's
  6. Like this? http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/mp3/alanschu-amlab4.mp3 Hard to edit the front/back to make it a complete smooth transition tho. I'll assume you enjoyed that too
  7. um, no. you're the one missing the point. YOU roll YOUR eyes and YOU reload, because you don't like the outcome of a stupid decision. those of us who haven't been spoiled by RPG's that have strayed too far from PnP games (would you get that chance to make a stupid decision and "re-roll" in a PnP? no. you'd be out, better luck next time, etc) would have accepted our fate and dealt with it. cRPG's started out as a natural extension of PnP's. the type of fodder you DON'T roll your eyes at (sure, i'm assuming here) is about as close to a real RPG as blood is to water. sure...it shares similarities, but c'mon. give us a break, kiddo. Computer RPGs are not PnP games. They don't have anywhere near the dynamic of the PnP GM, and CRPGs do in fact have saving and loading of campaigns.
  8. Hhaha, I find I start out with something for the beat, and then tweak things and move things into an off beat (assuming 4/4 time) 28688,32,28680,28688,3584,32,3680,3632,28680,0,28688,28680,448,12,472,448
  9. 7174,0,1752,0,7216,24,432,0,105472,0,28032,48,7192,0,216,6
  10. So how do you share what you've created?
  11. dude. yes, i get what you're saying and i'm saying THAT AIN'T IT, MAN. there's much more to it than that. and the "much more" is bigger than what you described (which, btw, i'm fully aware of and do acknowledge). Of course you want to think that there's so much more to it than that. You're so fond of the experience Even Chris Avellone acknowledges that there are extra factors beyond the game's content itself that drove it to the "amazing" status (specifically that there was a huge drought of RPGs at the time). Fallout 1 and 2 are two of my favourite RPGs of all time, eclipsed probably only by Ultima VII (another game that I suspect, if it were released today in it's current form, I probably wouldn't think as highly of). Both of those games are easily among my favourite games of all time. I do the same thing as you and still play through the games and still laugh and enjoy the same sequences that I've always enjoyed too. It's human nature to take the experiences that we consider "the best" and place them on a pedestal. I do it all the time.
  12. and it was. my point is that the games are not held up in many fans' memories as great merely because of nostalgia. sure, a love for bits of the past is natural but people don't play them at the present moment and say "oh, well...i certainly remembered it being better than this." at least not the majority of fans i'm aware of. it has nothing to do with when they came out, or what else was out when they came out. Just to clarify, when I say that someone is looking back on it with a nostalgic taint, I don't mean that they are going to be the person that goes back and plays it and says that it's not as good as they remember. The positive memories that you have with the game most certainly will affect subsequent plays through the game. It's impossible not to. You're going to approach the parts of the game knowing what's going to happen, with the eager anticipation of what's going to happen because you loved experiencing it in the past. Like the guy that watches a movie that he loves numerous times, and says the lines before the happen.
  13. Yes I have noticed similar things reaching the age of 28 haha.
  14. wait. none of what, exactly. You said your post was regarding the nostalgia and rose colored glasses commentary. As Chris Avellone said in his interview, another aspect that elevated it to amazing was the fact that it came during such a drought of RPGs.
  15. That's nice, but none of this has anything to do with rose colored glasses or nostalgia. Unfortunately no one who played and loved the games so long ago can claim to be exempt from those biases, myself included.
  16. alanschu


    I know Calgary has some injury woes and I'm not sure I agree that Calgary has a "great" team, but I did expect more of a fight. There's something off with the Flames organization as I know they were so far up against the cap they couldn't call players up and were limited to dressing 15 skaters for their last games. Youth certainly does seem to be an issue for the playoffs, which was my primary reason for picking Vancouver above St. Louis. Chicago, however, I feel has enough talent to make a bit of noise these playoffs, which is why I picked them over Calgary. I am a big fan of Jonathan Toews. Having said that, I do agree that this year will be a disappointment for Calgary if they don't make it past the first round. Though it's Keenan's second year, so it's possible management might consider some roster moves instead. Though coaches are usually the first to go.
  17. My guess would be no. I believe the SecuROM removal tool is only for those that wish to remove SecuROM from their computers having uninstalled all games that require SecuROM.
  18. Then, despite the gross similarities and how accurate the reversion is, people won't be blinded by their nostalgia and will critique the game for still not being a good enough carbon copy of the first two games.
  19. I wouldn't. 2% body fat is ridiculously low. Even for professional athletes.
  20. Seems like a fair bit of people already tempering their expectations.
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