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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Yes... I have tried it in normal, heroic and legendary mode and it always seems to work. Ofcourse in legendary mode I can only move to forest, or academy or water Front, that seems to be near turtleback ferry... So there has to be some spesifick reason that causes this bug. I will take some photos next time I play that scenario.
  2. I am not going to say anything about game balance, but the location boon and bane system is the same in the quest mode and story mode, only thing different is that boons and banes Are in different place in the loot table. And that means that this system should not work in the story mode either, if the location build system does not work in the quest mode. So I strongly belive that some cards Are "banned" From quest mode or They Are really high in the loot tables in the quest mode IMHO. If talking about bugs in general... There Are Many and there will always be more in the quest mode because, random scenariopowers, random Villains, hensmans etc, where you get very obacure combinations that can go wrong. I personally don,t have had difficulties with quest mode so far, but that does not mean that it should not be patched again Many times, because it will always be more bug fasted than story mode, just because it is what it is... Random back box... Summasummarum, we know that quest mode has different card tables for creation locations, we know that cards have been moved up and down in those card tables. We don't know where and even if one spesific card is in the card table. I am Also sure that They use exacly same system of draving cards From those card tables, so this feature is working in both game modes or it does not work in either of them. So I would not be very worried about where spesific card Are or if They Are at all, because dev has not told us, and if I have been reading it correctly Are not going to tell, so that we can find out by ourselves what an earth They have done to spesific cards in the quest mode.
  3. Hmmm... For me the Turleback ferry movement has worked every time... There has to be something different in here... I have IPad air 2, can it be device spesific bug?
  4. Just checking out if the behaviour was the same before and after patch 1.03? I have not started level 30 in quest mode yet. Have been doing story mode in three different groups, just to test that part of the game. Next week may be huge quest week for me... To push level 40...
  5. Also check out that you don't have "hidden" loot armour. Put an show all cards and check out that too. I have newer encountered this situation even during the beta, so I Expect that Srvannors tip is the right one.
  6. ? It seems to work just fine... So good cards Are put very high compared to normal game. I would not be surprised if some cards have been removed completely. Or Are you saying that those cards Are not working in the quest mode? If not then it may be a bug. The quest mode has completely different boon and bane tables than normal game. That is the reason why you don't se certain cards or see cards that you should normally see.
  7. But any armour that has discard effect would be nice to have in the treasure chests! It would make this power much more usefull, so I like your idea about that a lot! I have all class decks by my self and there Are not so Many in there neither, thought... But even a Little would help. Every character has powers that Are not so cool, so this is actually balanced out.
  8. The fix is not retroactive, so it only works new characters and/or dead situations after the patch.
  9. Well the difference between 2-4 gold is not big. So I don't think that this has a big difference in long run.
  10. Some times I have seen this happen Also in nonpermadeath situations. The save file becomes bugged and those Locked characters just disappears. I have not seen this for long time. It was guite common in the beta though.
  11. Yes, you Are in wrong place to ask that armor rule. Paizo Forum is for that. But the armor power is working just as it should be, there just Are not so Many armours that have a power that say: "Discard this armor to do X." So it is not a bug. Most propably Paizo developers where going to release more armours when They developed this power Many, Many years ago, but find out that discard a armour to do something was not so cool idea after all... Havkmoon may remember where there is an official ansver to this in Paizo forums. He has incredble memory of all these Pathfinder rules! https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1209151/guardian-role-sugestion- One official ansver here: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qo2w?Question-about-the-Guardian-Role-for-Valeros#1
  12. Hmmm.. Mending has always worked fine for me. Did you click cards or did you actually drag cards to the right places?
  13. So the effect of cards depends on other effects that Are active in the current situation. That is one reason why there Are some unpredictable results, because there Are so Many possible combinations of those effects.
  14. A location that contains a lot of items? - farmhouse 3 - general store 3 + some - junk beach 3 + some - scarnetti manor 3 - turtleback ferry 2 + 1 - vault of greed 4
  15. It works like in the real tabletop game. Not so Many of those armours that have discard ability...
  16. The connection problem is that you can not connect the game server for some reason, so your WiFi can be just fine, but if on the other end of the line the server can not receive your "input" the connection problem exist. One developer said that there has been server spikes that may cause these connection problems.
  17. Yep some kind of multi salvage would be nice. Maybe so that you can select how many of each card you want to have and then auto salvage all cards to that limit. And after that you could salvage more of those that you don't want to see... But any help in salvaging more than one card at ones, would be useful. Not sure, though what will happen, when someone accidental salvage his/her all treasure cards in one stroke... Not the most important thing to have, but in long run this would ease the salvage work...
  18. Sounds plausible. There has been server side problems that was mentioned in one another threath and the dev team was going look for it.
  19. Normally this happens when game Center And pathfinder app Connection is lost for some reason. The dev team can compensate the lost gold, but They cannot remake that Connection in your device. Some times in last days it has been because the game server has had spoken that cause server Connection drops. And that is something that can be done. So this is not a "bug" as a normal Sense. I have had some instances where there has not been gold, but a moment later the gold has been awarded normally, so for me it has been a server clitch. Some people has long time problem and the have done device reboot, game Center reboot, Pathfinder app reboot to reestablish that Connection. So there Are several reasons that can cause this and not all can be remedied by dev team alone. See Also this: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86192-login-and-link-social-gaming-network-buttons-do-nothing/ And this: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86260-bought-the-season-pass-or-daily-gold-content-did-not-unlock-please-read-this/ I am quite sure that They Are related.
  20. keyboard and pen support I have said this before, but allowing the use of keyboard, mouse, and pen with Pathfinder adventures would be really nice to see. Most propably this is waiting some ui changes, but even at this moment it could be nice to have support to it, even though the implementation may not be perfect because of touchscreen interface.
  21. Same here. Have had not seen those Until last few days.
  22. I personally get a quite a lot information about your ansver, even you were quite conservative. There still Are things that Are mystery, but you ansveres the basics of my question. Many thanks for that.
  23. Treasure cards should be banned once online game is up and running... IMHO They Are nice in own app games, but They don't belong to official way of Gaming.
  24. There is really small change to get those. So I am not surprised that we have not seen all of them. It reguires thousends of chests!
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