Dr <3
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I played 3 walktrough with solo barbarians, these are my thoughts : Some highlights: - never go low with constitution (keep it at 10 or more) - always go for 16+ int (so with food you reach 18, wich is a value that permits you to reliably hit ALL enemies AROUND you [yes, also behind] ) - you can go dual wield, 2 h or sword and shield, every version is very powerful but need a different build. There are already some builds around. - the Spelltongue trick: that sword is able to prolong to all the duration of the fight your active buffs (frenzy, stalwart defence, potions, ecc). A very good weapon for dual wield. - learn the art of good positioning + Heart of fury, you will be surpried - when soloing "one stand alone" is mandatory - The best races to play barb are humans, moon godlike and fire godlike (need high constitution though) or amaua for the + 30 res vs prone or stun - My main now is a Tidefall barbarian, max STR, 16 int, 18 dex, min resolve. Tidefall, sanguine plate. Frenzy, stalwart defence, hearth of fury, 2h style, weapon specialization, thick skinned, bloodlust... He's awesome (i) Frenzy : Very powerful. If you take dual wield talent and use no armour you can reach 0 recovery from lvl 2 (but wear an armor is more important anyway at this stage). Anyway is a good ability, boost greatly your dps and don't forget it adds a total of +16 to fortitude too, very useful. A must take imho, also if you will not use anymore after you get sanguine plate (ii) Barbaric Yell vs. Barbaric Shout: Terrify in that massive AoE is very strong, i try to take it always if i have a free slot. The shout is pretty garbage unless you play some kind of defensive barbarian (sword&shield, fear/terrigy shouts, glittering gauntlets, ecc) (iii) Blooded : is strong if you put some points in constitution. I had a fire godlike with dumped dex& res, max str & con (& int), with his massive hitpoints you can stay below half life without any fear to die, while killing most enemies with fire retaliation from godlike racial and having good dmg from blooded. But if i had to play with a 10 con barb other skills are better. (iv) Savage Defiance : totally OP healing. While active it keeps you alive even in solo potd, unless you get completely surrounded. Use it when you are at about 1/3 of your life, so you eventually get the bonus for be lower that 50% life for more time. The talent to boost it is useful but i always found better picks. (v) Bloodlust and Blood Thirst: the 0 recovery "lust" is a obligatory pick if you use a 2h barbarian, and is anyway very strong. Is also fun if you want to use scroll, since after the 3 or 4 fan of flames or fireball someone will die and you have 0 recovery for the next scroll. And so on. If instaed you are playing some kind of dual wielder low armor barbarian you will be very near to 0 recovery anyway, so the +20% speed on kill becomes more useful (you use it to stay in the 0-recovery area when frenzy finish, or you can go for a better armour). If you use only 2h weapon you can also pick both. (vi) Is Thick-Skinned worth it : usually yes, + 3 to all "non elemental" dmg type is pretty strong. If you go for knights talent too is a +5, which is huge. (vii) Is Eye of the Storm : i thinks is worthless, much better the dragon leap, which you can use both as engage tool or "oh ****" button (viii) Finally, with the changes to Echoing Shout, is it now considered good? : good in closed spaces, but other abilities you get at that lvl or slightly before are far more useful (barbaric retaliation, dragon leap, thick skinned)
Pillars of Eternity 3.04 Beta Feedback Contest (Conversation Thread)
Dr <3 replied to Fionavar's question in Patch Beta Bugs and Support
1. How have we been at communicating with you guys? I didn't join the beta, i just commented into the forum after the official release of the game. I was and am very happy with the communication, is the first time in my gamer "career" in wich i found easy and helpful communicate with the developers, and much more importatly, that the developers actually hear the crowd of fans. 2. What did you like about us? - Communication and feedbacks - Your ability to make great games 3. What you like about Pillars of Eternity? In pseudo-random order - The ambientation of the story is awesome, i like that the word is a bit "poorer" than most of other fantasy games where everything is epic and/or majestic. In Eora a lot of people just struggle to stay alive, some of the quest are just about everyday life (Mothers pledge, the dragon egg, the march steel dagger for the boy, the death boy in Ondra's Gift), and magic is not clearly overpowered (no infinite resurrections, no time manipulation). The grim athmosphere and the dark humor are a big plus for me. - Class builds balance. This is by far the most important thing in the game imho. Is the first time i'm able to build every single class in so many different ways. Every class can build in at least 3 or 4 "official" variants, plus a unlimited number of "gimmick" builds. The variety of items helps a lot in this. But really the balance overall is very good, for sure you center the target to make many builds "viable", even if not "optimal". Is also true that a lot of players putted their effort and fantasy at hard work to find some (i'm looking at you Boeroer), but the simple fact that a wizard can be build as a nuke wizard, or a cc wizard, or melee with summoned weapons, or range with implements, or armored tank, ... IS AWESOME. - Class system. I like the sense of appartenance that "be something" gives you. I like class system and separated "trees" based on lvls more than a total open ability system. - The fact that you must not "find" recipes for enchant or food around the word - the stash - The possibility of solo play. Is the game "mode" i prefer most. Actually i started play that way just because with a fulll party the game started to lag terribly from the second half of the game. But i really enjoyed that. Was really difficult at the beginning, but after some "exercise" i was able to finish the game on Potd with most classes. 4. What kind of things would you like to see us improve on? - Your stronghold. After the with march part 2 update with the arrive of stronghold adventures and visitors it became much better anyway. But i still wish for more adventures and maybe some building or adventure linked to your choices or reputations (es: if you have at least cruel 3 you could be able to build an additional torture room in the dungeon, or something like that) - NPCs adventures: some of them were awesome (Eder, Durance, Zahua), some a bith meh, in particular Devil of Caroc. - More "uniqness" of the items: most of times they just give you an ability there is already in the game or is from another class. - An enchant system that permits more variety of enchants, beside the lashes and slaying - The load times between areas. Often just go to a tavern or finish a quest where you have to speak with people in different location was a total pain. - Tha game often "lags" in the second half if you play a full 6 man party even on fairly good PC (mine for example) - Some features dedicated for "solo" players (es: you should be able to pay someone to finish the caed nua adventures, so you can get some of the reward items) 5. Pillars of Eternity missing features. - see above 6. Combat: The hardest fights: +++ fights involving huge dragons: Adra Dragon, Alpine Dragon, Llengrath + shades in caed nua, the 4 guys outside ondra gift if you are in solo and underleveled, radiant spore, some of the bounties (upsacaled Nalrend for the massive quantity of ogres, upscaled last pirate bounty of WM2) , the monks of the abbey, the eyless ambush in iron flail fort comment: -what i like about dragons is that you really have to play totally different from the standard encounter, same goes for the monks of the abbey - i also like the fact that there are around some monsters that are way stronger than other, so often you have to come back (es: bear cave act 1) - unespected fights are fun (es eyless ambush in iron flail fort, the death godlike that appears in megran fork) The easiest fights: Thaos, Kraken. comment: is ok that the game should be beatable also by a "non completionist", but that fights were really too easy for a "final boss". 7. Balance issue. i think that overall the game is very well balanced, i will addd just a couple of things: - something for high lvl shapeshift druid (es 1 more shapeshift per encounter after lvl 10, or at least more use of the per rest shifter ability --> 2 or 3 cat flurry per rest) - give the damn chiper a way to buff himself or to cast some spells also in solo (mind shock, amplified thrust, amplified wave, pain attuenement). I did a proper thread asking people for opinion, there was some discussion but in the end the majority thought that it would have been a good idea. - the sabre nerf is a really good thing, no more "sabre only" rogues 8. Bugs. - Good job about all the "charmed enemies ending combat" thing. Now is much better. - There was really tons of bug during the development of the game, and much worse bug that come back or new bugs after pach realease, that maybe need more attention. But after all the work actually the game is quite bug-free, what remains is quite minor 9. Others: - Combine "per rest" and "per encounter" skills. I mean : you should be able to use the "per rest" abilityes just once per encounter anyway. It have no sense to limit the use of 2 per rest, but you could cast both in the same fight. If the ability is so strong to need a limitation (per rest), so should have limited also per encounter. Spells are outside this argoument of course. -Sking demostrete a love for this games and the fan so deep that is impossible to not pay him much more - Reclutate Loren Tyr as a paid beta tester and Andrea Colombo as "fashion approver" for clothes, armour, helms and accessoires. -
I disagree with kaylon. Chanter have 25 starting deflecion (average), vs the 30 of warriors and paladin, but for sure is not this +5 def that tranformed him in a non-tank... I have beaten the whole game potd with a Chanter, and was WAY easyer than with pala, wizard, druid, chiper, Priest. Dragon trashed is for sure awesome vs "trash mobs" but imho is even better against boss. Is much more reliable than your physical attacks, and do much more damage. For sure is much better than paladin fire aura. With a full defensive Chanter your defences is at max 10-15 minor than a paladin with maximized reputations. And you don't even need much Summons for distractions, i have beaten llengrath and his dragons without using a single one, just dragon trashed and some + attribuite invocation for boost fortitude.
I agree, hiravias is a good shapeshifter druid... His form gives even +8 accuracy...
- 72 replies
- class build
- druid
(and 2 more)
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Pillars of Eternity 3.04 Beta Feedback Contest (Conversation Thread)
Dr <3 replied to Fionavar's question in Patch Beta Bugs and Support
How much time we still have to comment? -
The 3.04 Beta is Now Live ; Patch Notes Within
Dr <3 replied to Sking's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
I totally agree, in particolar stag druid carnage should be per encounter, having it 1/day is a pain. -
Yes Chanter is the easyest char for finish game in solo. After some distance came wizard, druid, priest, monk, paladin( but take a long time) and barbarian not necessary in that order. But Chanter is for sure the more comfortable way to go imho. But beware: solo is much more difficult than the "team" game. If i was in you i will go normal difficulty for the First solo run, will be challanging enough.
Boeroer nailed the point with better words than mine... Wizard can buff himself to hell and beyond (Eldiricht aim, merciless gaze, vital essence, Citzel martial power,...) but he CAN'T buff others, this is a kind of balance. All other "buffers" , like druid and priest can cast the buffs on allies AND themselves, even chanter now can boost the attributes of allies AND of his own with invocation Only the chiper (and the paladin for a couple of commands) are unable to autobuff, even worse the chiper is unable to use some of his best damage dealing powers (soul shock, amplified thrust, amplified wave) if he has no allies around (and charmed enemies DOESN'T COUNT as allies). Just for clarity: for autobuff i clearly intended the "pure" buffs, like going between or pain attunement, not the "leeching buffs" (psychovampiric shield, wild leech, ecc) that works absolutely fine as they are. But don't get me wrong, the whole point of this discussion is NOT to make the chiper MORE powerful is solo, is just to give him in solo THE SAME power that he has in a party, all without changing much how it works in the party at the moment. For sure you are able to finish the game in solo as it is, but at the moment playing with him feels like to solo with priest but without crowns of the faithful or minor avatar or a wizard without DAOM.
Just want to know your opinion. I have ever thought that the fact that the chiper always need a companion to use his best moves was a bit of nonsense. This have no impacts on "normal" game ( since you are usually ranged and you target your allies naturally instead of yourself), but is a real pain in solo, where you can at maximum use them on figurines.
The 3.04 Beta is Now Live ; Patch Notes Within
Dr <3 replied to Sking's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
Oh my... 900+hours of play and i have to discovered this now -
Pillars of Eternity 3.04 Beta Feedback Contest (Conversation Thread)
Dr <3 replied to Fionavar's question in Patch Beta Bugs and Support
I will write a proper paper soon, bit meanwhile i have to signal 2 major bugs: - no Durance anymore at megran fork - no caed nua on the map, so you can't reach it and can't complete act 1 edit: #embarassingmoments -
The 3.04 Beta is Now Live ; Patch Notes Within
Dr <3 replied to Sking's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
Ok: up to now i have to signal 2 major bugs: 1) there is Durance at megran fork 2) caed nua did not compare on the map, so it is unreacheble and you are actually blocked in act 1 -
The 3.04 Beta is Now Live ; Patch Notes Within
Dr <3 replied to Sking's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
Just a question: somebody killed Durance? Can't find him anymore! -
Anyway the +3 str granted from tempered helm on kill gets suppressed by other +3 str items, so in the end i feel that garodh chorus or later the skull are superior, since you don't even have to kill anyone for the bonus. Of course the helm come also with useful protection boost and dr reduction on kill, so is just a matter of choice. My favorite char at the moment is a Majestic solo tidefall barb with max str and dex, i'm deciding between sanguine plate + tempered helm or wayfinder hide + garodh chorus, both are good anyway. He barely require shood in faith since his massive healing from tidefall.
The 3.04 Beta is Now Live ; Patch Notes Within
Dr <3 replied to Sking's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Announcements & News
No i'm Pretty sure they wanted to correct the fact that if no One was targeting you the fight ended ( es : you are surrounded by mobs but just 2 are hitting you , you charm only them, fight ended). The last enemy was and still is " uncharmable" and this is a good thing imho Edit: i tryed beta last night, up no now all is in order, i'm doing with a dolo chiper to see how new charm mechanichs works, up to now everything seem fine. -
Somebody knows if "minor treat" works also if you attack the same target of a charmed target ?( i'm not sure it is cosidered "allied", for example some powers that you can cast only on ally are not castable on charmed targets) I want to try a chiper solo run since the 3,4 came out ( wich makes charm a bit more reliable in solo play) and i want to try something different from the tipycal amaua & gun build.