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Everything posted by trulez

  1. Finally finished this after 64h. I had 40/63 achievements done and my questlog had 4 unfinished quests when the game ended (of which at least 2 were impossible to complete due to lost quest items). The game seems balanced at start, gets kinda hard in the middle (might have been because I wandered into places I shouldn't have been in), and then peters off at the end to the point where I stunlocked the final boss without giving him a second turn to act. Some of the quests/puzzles were rather poorly communicated and on less than a handful of occasions I actually had to look up the answer on the internet. I ran into a single game stopping bug at the end, otherwise it seemed polished enough (some spelling errors here and there). Fun fact: Steam achievement tracking says that only 1.7% of the players who bought the game have actually finished it. Also: , really, you couldn't come up with anything better than that.
  2. Were do you get the idea that teenagers don't spend money on lol? In fact they are the ones who will most likely buy the skins. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120229006232/en/PlaySpan-Study-Shows-Percentage-Consumers-Buying-Virtual#.U8-L6PmunLE This study suggests that about 50% of teenagers spend money on virtual goods, and of all the virtual goods purchases made about 32% was to look better in game. So yes, they do spend some money to look good in game.
  3. Every game has that, it's called Cheat Engine. My favourite way of re-playing a game is with a pimped out cheat character, I wan't to see how much I can break the game.
  4. If you scroll the page down just so that the top green bar on TheChris92's Kickstarter logo disappears you can see Antonio Banderas lean back and kiss another dude. Did that accidentally and just had to share. :D
  5. Shadowrun: Dragonfall - strictly superior to Shadowrun Returns, thoroughly enjoyable old-skoolish RPG experience. My STR/Melee/Charismatic Troll is just mowing through the opposition, that AP damage from blades is just grossly overpowered. The character concept I chose is great but I feel like the maximum stat values set for races are unreachable, even if I would only focus on 2 stats I doubt I'd ever manage to max out them, so I probably never know HOW powerful he could be.
  6. Finished my first, and only, play through of Stick of Truth. As I suspected when the game was announced, the South Park humor doesn't translate well into a game. It's a mediocre South Park episode (at best) wrapped in a mediocre RPG game. I did finish it, and it had few laughs in there, so I guess it wasn't all bad, and I have to say as far as SP themed games goes it was done perfectly. Now playing Banished, if only my villagers would stop dying.
  7. Might & Magic X: Legacy Surprisingly addictive once you get going, has the whole "one more turn" feel but it's instead "one more tile to explore before I quit". The start is a tad slow and I was on the brink of quitting before I remade my party 3 times in order to have better chance to succeed, though I did start at the higher difficulty with disabled hints/tutorials, so might have been my own fault. I've completed 2 Acts now and I find the way they distributed trainers all over the place rather bad design choice, it really limits the way you can build your team so a lot of the potential for customization is lost because you can't reach some of the trainers until very late in the game.
  8. It's just not that good to be honest. I purchased it during holiday sales and I've played like 2 hours after which I gave up. The combat is VERY repetitive and simple, story is nothing to write home about and the voice acting second class at best. I was hoping for improvement over Conquistador but in my honest opinion Blackguards is a step backwards, not an improvement.
  9. Blackguards The writing in this game is cringe worthy, combat seems okaysh and I haven't gotten that far yet to say anything about the story (though the beginning wasn't very exiting).
  10. Little bit of Diablo III so that I can earn Paragon XP while waiting for the expansion. I find playing in a group a little bit counter productive and counter intuitive; the trash mobs die way too fast for everyone to be able to contribute their 100% effort and the elites die way too slowly interrupting the flow of constant progression through the map. At the same MP level in solo mode I still kill the trash instantly, but the elites don't take forever, so I feel like I'm being way more productive solo, yet due to the XP bonus from grouping up I end up getting less XP while solo.
  11. I agree with your opinion about Risen, but do not agree with you on Risen 2. I don't think the pirate theme improved the game in any significant way. It didn't take it self seriously and was just full of "tongue and cheek" references to pirate cliches. Also the theme doesn't really have legs, meaning once it's explored all the typical pirate cliches I don't see where it can go in order to have interesting new story. My opinion could be clouded because I'm not a fan of the pirate setting in general.
  12. Sounds good yet many people don't like Tactics. I'll just take it that the people who think Fallout 1 & 2 are the end-all, be-all are extremely picky. I think the dislike for Tactics comes from the fact that it's not really an RPG, there are no dialogue options or story affecting choice, no pacifist solutions to problems. Fallout 2 fans probably went into the game thinking they're getting another great Fallout RPG experience, but it turned out Tactics was merely a tactical combat game in the Fallout setting, not the next great RPG they were looking for. I personally think the story in Fallout:Tactics is just as interesting as Fallout 1 and 2, but the lack of interaction means you can't leave your own mark on it. Sure you can save or kill sueprmutants, deathclaws and ghouls, but that only translates to one alternate scene at the end.
  13. I consider Fallout:Tactics combat to be good, but no, not Fallout 1 combat. In my dream world Fallout 3 and New Vegas would have used improved Fallout:Tactics engine.
  14. Short term profits, sure. Long term they are doing the wrong thing, but such is the beast of quarterly business.
  15. I don't think this view is accurate. If gaming journalists were irrelevant why would Publishers ensure that certain gaming review websites and there gaming correspondents have early access to games and interviews? The reality is that there are still many people that place credibility in what gaming journalists say and what they think so they still play an important function It has nothing to do with credibility, instead it's simple blanket marketing tactics. Get your game seen, and preferably in positive light, as much as possible and the drones will follow. EDIT: Anakin beat me to it
  16. I wonder how the monk will use his amazing powers of Damage over Time when he's cut with a sword leaving his limbs hanging on only by a sliver of skin. Or how he will take only minor damage and a DoT when impaled by a a spear through his chest. But you know, unarmored fighters, we gots to have them. I can't wait to bash their skull in with a mace. Did I mention I don't like monks ?
  17. Please abandon these concepts immediately and instead come up with something original. In order of appearance they're pretty much Germanic, Mongolian, Spanish and Greek. Wtf were you thinking when you decided to OK that concept for publishing, it's clearly just lazy copy paste work from existing historical cultures.
  18. Might & Magic: Duel of Champions
  19. Might & Magic: Duel of Champions It's a free to play collectible card game similar to Magic the Gathering, but with slightly adjusted rules, and I think it has the best free to play model I've seen thus far. You don't have to pay for the game, you don't have to pay subscription AND more importantly you don't have to pay for the cards. I have only 4 hours worth of experience but it seems to me you could acquire all the cards just by playing the game. You're rewarded with ingame currency after every game and that can be used to buy the cards, it's a slow process but at least it exists unlike so many other "free" to play games where all the essentials is locked behind a payment wall. One game can last between 2-15 minutes on depending how well you're matched against your opponent. I've run into few players that CLEARLY have bought hundreds of dollars worth of cards and I get creamed in few minutes, but those games are far and few between. Most of the time you're matched pretty evenly since the game uses ELO rating for it's matchmaking and those games are really fun.
  20. This is exactly the sort of thing that would justify the usage of a "pirated copy". You know you've bought the game but might have misplaced it, why not fetch a copy from the internets and enjoy the game rather than give up, who's the victim if you recover your lost data from a torrent site ?
  21. This seems like an interesting point and click game: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/995134339/the-realm-game?ref=category
  22. Trackmania 2: Stadium ; the game gives you medals for successfully completing the tracks inside the allotted time. That can get very OCD after a while because I just have to get the best medal before I can move on, even though some of the tracks I find quite annoying. Also, very enjoyable in multiplayer mode, testing your driving skills against others WITHOUT collision (time attack mode), no fear of some douche ruining your perfect run by driving you off the track.
  23. Sometimes I just hate this game, but when everything clicks and you chain together your cards like you've only dreamed of doing, then it's best game I've ever played.
  24. Tried Bioshock: Infinite, it seemed like an interesting game right up until the first gunfight, went downhill fast from there, didn't really feel like playing a lot further. I know it was my own fault, getting into a shooter expecting something else, but I so wanted it to be more because everyone else seemed to be so hyped about it. I guess I wanted it to be another Dishonored, got the same vibes at the start, but it just wasn't anything even close to that.
  25. Ghost Recon Online, it's a F2P multiplayer online FPS, and I've found it to be quite entertaining. I'm pleased that none of the weapons (at least on the lower levels) are overpowered and you can't buy any extra power with real money over in game credits. There are some premium ammunition and one time use armor improvements available, but again both of those can be bought with in game credits too, so if you want a small edge (20% damage from ammo, 10% or so protection from armor) then you can do so, and I don't think it ruins the game at all. Matchmaking seems to have some issues (either low player pool or just shoddy coding), it usually takes about 2 minutes for a match to fire up, which I think is way too long compared to some other F2P online team games, such as World of Tanks, where the queue time is calculated in seconds not minutes. The game offers some customization options for your character, and that's only area where you can find products that are only available for real money and not in game credits, but there is large enough variety so the few pieces you can't buy with credits does not degrade the game. If you're interested in FPS games and considering if you should or shouldn't try Ghost Recon, then I would like to point you to a YouTube video by TotalBiscuit and it will give you very good idea of what the game is about.
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