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Everything posted by trulez

  1. Yeah, I figure those will be some of the roughest fights. I'm going to need explosives, lots of explosives. Those don't actually use any weapon skill, so I don't technically violate my own rules if my core 4 are lobbing grenades. Well it's your own rules, if you feel like you're not cheating then you are not cheating. Personally I would find the use any other weapon besides melee cheating if I were to set out for melee only playthrough, but that's just me. (I have done melee only solo run in Fallout Tactics in Iron Man mode, re-playing some of the missions ALOT of times due to mistakes or bad RNGesus)
  2. You do know this is the internet, he's probably going to get a lot of "good riddance" messages.
  3. Tried to play it recently, kept crashing on me, usually on the same spot in specific missions. Also the game features horrible scaling system that renders all kind of progress "useless" because the enemy gains stats at same pace as your heroes do, which was the last drop for me before I quit.
  4. There's what, 20+ camps in FarCry 3 and 4. You can maybe come up with 3-5 unique way to deal with them, still feels like a grind tbh. Also, that new FarCry does not seem interesting in the slightest. I mostly use sneaking / bow in the previous games, and it gets boring after a while so you switch to guns, can't really do that when there are no guns.
  5. FarCry 4; my OCD is slowing me down, I just have to collect all the useless things in the world before I can progress the story. Final stretches now, liberated 100% of the camps and conquered 100% of the towers, it has been fun but I was hoping for bigger changes compared to the previous installation.
  6. No. That turd-of-a-setting has too many PC games already, give FB a chance for change.
  7. As a tank in WOTLK when ever I wanted to stroke my ego, and just posing around in Dalaran wasn't enough, I would fire up LFG with full raid gear and just watch jaws drop when I mowed down the dungeons. I mean you could literally run through them, DK threat generation was so OP back then, best of times. :D
  8. QFT. Exactly my thoughts as I watched the trailer. Feels alot like another great IP that got turned into mindless FPS. Almost certain they will share same outcome too.
  9. This week I finally finished GTA V, and soon after DA:I and King's Quest. Now playing FarCry 4 (I have a huge backlog).
  10. Will not buy if there's no Chaos.
  11. I wouldn't mind seeing a carbon copy of DX:HR with a Cyberpunk setting slapped on top.
  12. I don't see how that's possible considering it's a modern game pretending to be 17 year old game, it sort of came out pre-aged if you know what I mean.
  13. The most polished games made with that engine are not even called Total War, they're called King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame (and it's sequel).
  14. Well I think that's exactly what DLC's should be, something frivolous without any impact on actual gameplay. I think they nailed it perfectly.
  15. You get less XP if you have more than 1 party member, maybe you should hire 5 adventurers from the Inn to slow down your XP gain?
  16. Finally finished the game. I found the latter part of the game more interesting than the first part, still a solid RPG overall but I don't think I will ever replay it.
  17. Couldn't you just copy edited varlist_noise.scr from someone else and drop in to the correct folder?
  18. DA:I I found out quickly that I suck at creating appealing characters. Even when I think I've managed to create something I could see my self playing for longer as soon as I'm in game the lighting changes and the character looks totally different than in the creator. I think I've restarted the game about 7 times now, still not 100% happy with what I got but this time I'm just going to stick with it. Also, I have the graphics maxed out in game and from drivers (quality over performance) and still running it at 50-80fps, which is nice. Shame though the game has some issues with SLI and some textures flicker every now and then, but not often enough for it to really bother me.
  19. Or it's simply a different take on the genre, because not every game has to behave exactly like the ones they're imitating.
  20. EVOLVE I found it to be extremely fun, specially with friends. I can easily see the game having some longevity if the devs add some new maps, new modes and new characters later on. Also, wrecking a 4 player team as a monster gives some harmless sadistic satisfaction, you're not actually griefing them but it kinda feels like you are.
  21. After seeing how mediocre WL2 turned out to be my expectations for Torment have been lowered significantly.
  22. What difficulty level are you playing on? In my game, on Ranger difficulty, enemies tend to act a lot more intelligently. Sharpshooters hang back and seek cover and/or high ground, gunners charge up until they're in range then open fire, melee enemies charge. They still do boneheaded moves once in a while, but for the most part enemies aren't complete berserkers. Yes, the combat does get repetitive after a while, but it does so in almost every game that has a lot of combat. I think the only way to have combat not get repetitive is to make every encounter essentially a boss battle, and even then. Supreme Jerk. I'm at the Canyon of Titan at the moment. In Prison, there's the RSM camp with a ledge on the eastern edge, the game gives you a hint when you move along the ledge that says something like "this would be pretty good place to shoot targets down below". Well I went to that ledge and setup my guys and opened fire, when the next turn started I was already swarmed by the enemy and effectively stuck without cover on a narrow ledge. So clearly the developers wanted players to use the environment to their benefit but due to the retard AI and an olympic gold medalist sprinter like speed the intent was completely lost in actual gameplay. And before anyone comments about the difficulty level, I went into it completely knowing I'd be facing hard encounters that would probably need some thinking. But there isn't any thinking really needed, it's just a fight of attrition. I need to repeat the necessary steps every turn to avoid being facehugged to death while dealing damage until after an eternity has passed I win. I quite liked the story in FO:T, and I've replayed that game from start to finish at least half dozen times because in addition to the interesting story the combat was just so much fun. I would also argue FO:T was much prettier to look at too.
  23. I'm getting real sick of the combat, every single encounter is the exact same regardless if I face animals, raiders or robots. I pick a place as far back as I can with some cover, take my initial shot and then watch how every single enemy just runs next to my guys form the other end of the world. It doesn't matter if they have a swords, sniper rifles or grenades, they all just want to dry hump me to death. In fact they even throw grenades at their fellow raiders once they've swarmed me, because why not. The lack of AI has been replaced by unnatural speed and overgenerous health pools, it feels like you're fighting a zombie horde that's after you, not a militia or tactical combat unit. I will most likely not finish the game, the story isn't interesting enough to follow it through.
  24. This is the achievement you get for finishing the game, and only 3.4% of the players who own the game on Steam have it. How great can the game be if people don't even bother to finish it.
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