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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Dragon Age Origins, I'm going to complete this run and then go into Awakening.
  2. I just finished Mass Effect 2 again, it's really quite a good game - far from perfect but definitely worth playing.
  3. I'd recommend you up the RAM to 4Gb and spend $850, but other than that tweak the base system is great - although it's surprising how much they're charging for a CPU upgrade considering the two are identical (well, the one that is branded Core 2 Duo has 1Mb more catch but other than that they are the same).
  4. I got a new pair of glasses - cost a lot, more than I was planning on spending, but it's worth it considering that I've been in the old frames for five-six years.
  5. I might pick it up tomorrow or I might wait and see how people like it.
  6. Only some of it, looking at the original blog it seems that he wrote more that they had.
  7. This article has more pictures and, I think, a translation of the original blog post.
  8. just out of curiosity, how old are you now Calax? Twenty-four iirc.
  9. If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?
  10. I'll have to look into the game, thanks for posting the info.
  11. I'm playing more Mass Effect 2 (although I'm finding some of the low-quality textures a bit annoying, you would have thought they would have put in 1080 resolution ones at least).
  12. We had another thread about this awhile back.
  13. How about some absinthe? Or wine, a nice wine is always good.
  14. I had a job interview, if I get this it will help with some of the mounting costs of college. If not... Well, I'll manage.
  15. I have yet to try it but from what I've heard you're not alone.
  16. Meh, I've seen then live -my dad is a fan so I took him to a concert- but I don't really find them that enjoyable.
  17. Yeah, I found that out the hard way. Still, after re-seating the heatsink the temperatures dropped by about 10-15C overall (although the 10C difference in core temps is still there).
  18. Well it seems to be well below, as are the max temperatures I've seen gaming, but looking around at reviews I've noticed that their temperatures are somewhat, and sometimes significantly, lower than my own. Now it might be that they didn't run their load times as long or something like that, but I'm wondering if maybe I put too much thermal paste in the heatsink (I added a small drop to the middle of the CPU as recommended but also left on the heating "pads" that were on the stock cooler). Could that be the reason behind both issues?
  19. I just put together a new system and everything is going great with one possible exception - one core of the CPU is running about 5-10C hotter than the other. Does anyone know if this is a major issue or could I ignore it for the time being? EDIT: For instance one core is currently at 23c and the other 33c.
  20. I built a PC...
  21. Sure, but it needs to stay in the realm of philosophy and not try to pass itself off as science (although I would say that there is some flaws in the philosophy as well).
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