I disagree, the Darkside is about embracing your emotions, while the Lightside is about defying them. You can be a Dark Jedi and do good, just as you can be a Light Jedi and do evil - it is all in your interpretation of the facts at hand. For example, if you give financial aid to someone who does not deserve it, does that really improve their life, or will it simply make them dependent on handouts?
well kreia is dead. lol
l have always liked Traya is a strange way, and the reason why can be seen in her hilarious introduction of Visas: ''And for whatever reasons, try not to connect with her. Do allow yourself to mate with her Jedi'' ''It would....complicate things and create true problems'' To witch the Exile replies: ''What, you expect me to just meet her, and break in her loading ramp?'' As if a Jedi would say that to another Jedi....