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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Personally I think Nietzsche has some good points when it comes to religion, and I think he general gets an overly negative portrayal in the media and other places -One of the main reason being that, although he hated the Nazi party, his sister, who loved Hitler and the Third Reich, was given the task of writing the first biography after he died. Needless to say she twisted his work to support the Nazi Party and the persecution of the Jews.-.
  2. Try starting a new game, as sometimes the save itself is glitched...
  3. You go and get passage to the surface...
  4. Bleed on Me - Clandestine
  5. I'll be able to tell you in a bit, as I've decided to go evil my next play-through -although I wont be able to help with MotB's ending, as I haven't got it yet :sad:-...
  6. I'll PM you the links...
  7. Well, that's one step in the right direction, but there is still many other major issues with that mod line....
  8. Start a new game, or re-load an older save. Sorry, but the only fixes are PC exclusive...
  9. You either need to get the "Handmaiden for Female Exiles" mod or the Team Gizka fix -the mod contains a modified version of the hotfix, as the original was not compatible-.
  10. Firstly, I do not remember a power called "Blood Heal" belonging to any clans, and, secondly, if you look into the matter, the dialog he includes was never meant to be included in the final release. The staff of writers was changed half-way through the production, as Troika was not happy with the original work, and the entire game was re-written from the tutorial onwards. Wesp also has broken cannon in several major places, something I can address further in the old Vampire topic if you wish to continue discussing the matter, and has refused to release a patch that does not contain his modifications -the "basic version still has many of the mods, they are just harder to notice-.
  11. I disagree - the TSL Restoration project only fixes cannon things that were on the disc and intended to be included in the game, while Wesp has, among other things, invented new powers and modified quests to make them completely against the game's original design.
  12. Whats this true patch? I put link to it on The Frozen North, so you should know... Download link: http://www.tessmage.com/downloads/True_VTMB_504AT.zip
  13. There, I fixed your statement. The 5.04AT "True" Patch is much better, in my opinion, and does not destroy the game - unlike Wesp's creation...
  14. When I get TF2 I'll join in the fun...
  15. Far From the Light - Clandestine
  16. What would you change about the controls? I would like to be able to rotate the camera or use the "WASD" for simple movement, but overall it's been a great game so far...
  17. I know this was probably one of your rebuttals but , if my memory is correct, wasn't Diana expelled from the royal family when she divorced? If so, would not any of her future children have no claims upon the throne?
  18. Heh, I just started that and played for about twenty minutes - it's fun and witty, but I do with the controls were configurable...
  19. The fourth adventure of the legendary dog and rabbity-thing crime fighting duo is now absolutely free on Steam, so get it while you can!
  20. Codename Gordan...
  21. I'm re-playing Freelancer, although I might have to replace the disk soon -it's got one nasty scratch that might cause some problems in the future-.
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