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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. I agree with you, on both issues here - ratings should only be used as guidelines for parents, or older teens, to use if needed....
  2. Under the section "Examples of websites that provide information about "family friendly" video games" there are only nine links, the rest are under different a categories. Unlike Tale, I do take issue with it being linked, from what I already consider to be a conservative organization - this just strengthens my feelings against the ESRB in general. If I wanted an organization that feed things to fudies I would join up with Robertson...
  3. White Rabbit - Collide
  4. Here's his rating sheet if anyone is interested...
  5. I just thought it was interesting, as described in a letter I wrote that is attached, that one of only nine links to review sites on the ESRB webpage goes to a Christian ministry's page. Does anyone else think that's a little strange?
  6. Your right Nightshade... You've always been right... [sarcasm]Of course, I am - for I am I not the all-knowing sight-eyemancer from "Erfworld?"[/sarcasm] Look J, or whatever the hell you call yourself, I really do not care for you at the moment, something that is evident from my response to your provocative posting in a certain locked topic, and I also find your theory to be ludicrous. Thus, I am apt to be blunt and to the point with yourself.
  7. In a phrase, not a [expletive deleted] chance.
  8. I agree that people have a choice, but too much of one thing may sway their judgment.
  9. I just haven't gotten around to it, I'll definitely get it sometime soon...
  10. I think that anyone can be trained, or brainwashed, if they absorb too much of a certain media -although this is yet to be proved-, and it is true that most games are designed to be emotionally and psychologically riveting - lest people get boarded or uninterested. However, if you balance your gaming with a, quote-unquote, "normal life" you should be fine, barring some other issue, and should not worry about the negative consequences of your media - if any exist. Basically, unless you are playing Halo 3, Half Life 2, or any other game for prolonged periods with no outside interaction -by long I mean many months, if not years- you should be fine - although I will admit that games like Call of Duty are more likely to be harmful then, say, Peggle....
  11. I also use that system, unless its a game that I have wanted ever since it was announced -NWN2 or TSL, for instance- or a highly-praised expansion pack. Although, ironically, I have yet to buy MotB...
  12. That comment is from when we had a rating system in place...

  13. Contra 4... you want to buy Contra 4... It looks good, but I would have had to buy a DS to go with the game, and that's more then I wanted to spend - but I did order a copy of The Orange Box for only $25 off their website (the store was sold-out).
  14. I just ordered The Orange Box off Best Buy's webstore for $25, so, yeah, $5 per game isn't that bad (even if I already had HL2 and Episode I).
  15. I've got Yellow and Silver, but I'm not sure if I actually have them here or if I gave them to my sister...
  16. I disagree, if LucasArts and Obsidian were to re-release or patch Kot0R II so it had all of the cut content then I would go out of my way to praise them for going back and fixing their initial mistake - the rushed release of a great game.
  17. Thanks, I'll have to keep an eye for that... Err... Hope you have fun...
  18. Come and make my day !
  19. I'm playing the HL2 mod "Haunted."
  20. The Lunatics have taken over the Asylum - Collide
  21. Flame of Passion - Edenbridge
  22. I'm finishing up some essays, and then I'm going to Best Buy to pick up a copy of... something... I'll have to see what's on sale when I get there...
  23. They were rushed, it's as simple as that...
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