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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal, Portal... (Ad infinitum...)
  2. But, if I remember correctly, cannot you only romance female aliens when playing as a female?
  3. Well, games that use SLI would run better, but not all games are coded to accept two cards so you might have to back down to one for certain applications.
  4. *Image very regretfully removed for bad language* *It was quite funny, though*
  5. I would recommend the 6800 GTX, or Ultra, but that's a little more expensive then what your budget allows....
  6. Still Alive - Portal
  7. Maybe they will actually remember to either remove or disclose the sex-minigame this time round...
  8. I could also write dialog - if that would be helpful (It's not like my own NWNII mod is going, or getting, anywhere at the moment, and maybe a few people who can actually script worth a damn could either migrate over after your project gets done or give me a few pointers). Although, if I did end getting on the team, I would only be able to work when I'm not behind on real-life stuff, so if the others started to outpace me I would have to turn my work over to another until I was free to write again...
  9. You shouldn't both games run better on the PC, and there are great mods for each of them that are unavailable on the X-box.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. You could take headphones with you...
  12. Other then all the hand-held Nintendo units through the Gameboy Advance SP -well, other then the "pocket versions"-, I have not owned any consoles - although I have used emulators...
  13. Let's see, I got Pong, Tetris, Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros, and Mortal Kombat - but I know there was a few others in there...
  14. I wonder when this will come out for the PC...
  15. From Gamespot: Press Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Enter at the team menu = Level 30 team...
  16. Or when you become a failed moderator. *Looks to the left* :sad: werent' you a mod on a different acct? If I remember correctly, he was BattleWookiee...
  17. I wonder when Half Life 2: Episode Three will come out, think they'll really keep their word and release it this year? Although, it will probably be mid-to-late 2008 or early 2009 at the rate Valve is going...
  18. I would think limiting the lower priced Orange Boxes would be acceptable -with maybe the option of buying more regions if one did buy a cheaper copy and wanted to take it elsewhere-, but it was my understanding that even full-priced copies from places like the U.S. and he U.K. had the same regional protection - although I could be mistaken. Also, I agree with Steve, there should be limitations to how far this can go, or else the consumer will only be punished for buying legal copies of games...
  19. Sure, The Orange Box can only be played in the country it was bought in, or at least from an ISP address originating from that nation, and what's next? Games that can only be played within the state or city is was purchased in?
  20. Oh sure, but it would be a better indicator then one person's view. For example, Common Sense, although I disagree with some of its reviews, shows you not only what they think, but also what everyone else who reviews the game on their site thinks.
  21. So children should be stoned for being unruly -as should anyone who missuses the word "god"-? Biblical law is both laughable and dangerous at the same time, if only because so many nuts believe in it... Please address my statements, not ones you've fabricated for the purpose of argument. If you are claiming Biblical law is "as valid as any other basis" you should address the material contained within Biblical law and not scoot around it. Do you or do you not acknowledge that stoning children is acceptable under Biblical law and how that makes it "as valid as any other basis?"
  22. But why link there, and not a "hive mind" type site, were anyone can add their own review, that is similar to all of the other review sites?
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