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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Yep, unless I have the date wrong. My local gamestop says they should have them for sale on the 16th. :)

  2. Well, the Intel chipset might be a problem - but some people have gotten the game to work on similar systems.
  3. I know that games that only use one of two cores will sometimes speed, although I do not know if this applies to KotoR II.
  4. Well, accourding to Google, /b/ is the name of the "random board" on 4chan.
  5. Of the two, Gone With the Wind is the one to watch. Edit: Yes, I think GWTW is Gone With the Wind.
  6. And I thought my PCs were bad... Anyways, I would recommend you do what I am planning to do whenever I get enough to cover the expenses - buy or build an entirely new system.
  7. Evidently. Luckily I only had to endure seeing it once on DVD due to a friend's insistence that I watch it with her, and, yes, the movie was even worse than I had expected. The best part of the movie was the sinking, I was cheering the iceberg towards the end of the film, although that was not as redeeming to the film as I had hoped it would be.
  8. It was ok...
  9. Most rating systems are ****ed up - although it does not look like things are going to get better anytime soon.
  10. I disagree, if anything the "black and white aspect" of Star Wars is driving me away from the franchise.
  11. I disagree, you named a few games that did not -although I believe that both S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Far Cry can be made to work with a controller-, this is far from "most PC games."
  12. NWN II I have not tried, but I know HL2 is playable with both the Wii and 360 remotes. O RLY?
  13. Well, I'm playing through the game at the moment and I have to say that I do not find it disappointing - although I will wait to buy a copy, I am borrowing one at the moment, until the expanded version ships. As for the autopsy, did you really have that much trouble with it?! I thought it was a fairly easy quest...
  14. Errr... I have found that almost every PC game released recently has the option to use a controller.
  15. Does anything work smoothly with Vista? Yes, lots of things do.
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/technolo...000/7540623.stm
  17. Ok... I am not sure that I agree with the judge in question, although it does seem that the pub, or pubs, were extremely important to this individual - to the point that he killed his wife when she did not give him money for his outings.
  18. Isolated - Chiasm
  19. Talking about The Witcher...
  20. Why would people "who hate MMOs" play a MMO for it's single player?
  21. Good man. I agree.
  22. Well, I've got it so I can convert my copy of the expanded version when I get it -provided it is censored and I do not decide to get the European version- but I'm borrowing a friend's imported copy at the moment.
  23. I'm borrowing the game it see if I like it - and, yes, I have found that I do, in fact, like it. I guess that means I'll about $60 poorer next weekend. >_<

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