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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. You could have provide a suggestion on how he could play better other than resort to said sarcasm right? But i agree with you .. i hate that "tank and spam" it makes game boring.
  2. Possibly? They hinted we will meet some of the previous companions as cameos. Maybe there'll be a quest involved too? They may not directly join your party.. it's possible that you are joining and aiding a fight the companions are in as neutral NPC (blue circles).
  3. If you have not noticed, previously the fig fund was 1.18M and now it's 1.22M. Which means 40K was released from the fig funds to spice things up in just over a day. They are slowly releasing the fig funds. Yes i definitely can't wait for content related stretch goals as those deemed more important to me "personally".
  4. I'm not even sure if many of the backers aware of this reduction. It was not revealed anywhere in the figstarter other than the most recent PCG interview article and on a german tweet. They took this change fiercely and shoot down this question everytime it arises (in both twitch QnA session, tweets and comments). I'd guess the real reason behind it and it's not the simple reason that they have provided. Time will tell and all the folks here we shall see. I didnt get that they shot down the question they seem to be answering the question multiple times in multiple formats. Maybe the answers arent satisfying but they are answering the question What i mean was they are final with their decision and simply no negotiations about it. "We'll stick with 5" regardless of whatever reason or no matter how you are trying to convince them. Even asking an unofficial unlocking of the 6th character from some files.. the answer is simply no.
  5. More companions, bigger city stretch goals, romance.. are the one i'm really expecting for.
  6. I'm not even sure if many of the backers aware of this reduction. It was not revealed anywhere in the figstarter other than the most recent PCG interview article and on a german tweet. They took this change fiercely and shoot down this question everytime it arises (in both twitch QnA session, tweets and comments). I'd guess the real reason behind it and it's not the simple reason that they have provided. Time will tell and all the folks here we shall see.
  7. No it's the opposite. It's going too slow and hence there's not a need for an urgency to post a new one. With all the stretch goals being mediocre (my opinion of course), the only interesting ones are subclasses and xoti. Berath blessings and NPC portraits, those didn't really add anything interesting for me at all other than just fillers in trying to bloat the funding amount. Even they release 2.8M stretch goals, i doubt it be any interesting. They probably keeping the big ones for the funding near 4M i supposed.
  8. Isn't the whole idea of PoE2 to simplify things? PoE was blamed for being clumsy, hard to manage, too fast, too many effects.. rules were not clear and casual folks not sure what's need to be done? .. Even in QnA .. Josh stating some folks need hand-holding on which exit they should choose?
  9. ya 2.8M for the 8th companion please.. plus story related content. this berath blessings really just a filler and non-essential goal. it suxs and it makes other important goals more far-reach.
  10. If it does that... it be actually great. I'm actually thinking on chances to interrupt would be much lower if said enemy casters are much higher level? So.. it would actually be great if instead of adding additional missiles, it would increase the chance to interrupt? But yes increasing number of missile does increase chance to interrupt. Level 8 Wizard vs Level 8 Enemy Spellcaster Chance to interrupt 20% So if you have like 5 missiles.. that would have quite a high chance in interruption. VS Level 8 Wizard vs Level 11 Enemy Spellcaster Chance to interrupt 12% So by maybe empowering.. the chance of interrupt can be increased to 18% per missile?
  11. The way i see it.. MMM wouldn't have very high damage either. The reason to make it confirm hit, probably to account for being so unlucky in the dice rolls that you are unable to finish off an enemy which you would normally have. It would also be a strategic spell that you actually have to keep in mind the remaining HPs of said enemy.
  12. I like this per encounter+empowerment idea. You use it situationally to make very tough fights manageable. It also reduces rest-spam? I think this time around.. rest-spam probably happen on much higher difficulty? i'm not sure if they still would impose the fatique idea where they at least force you to sleep if you have not done so in the past 24 hours? if they do it much earlier, i would see scrapping off vancian very much pointles.
  13. What does this mean exactly? Does it mean that there is around $800k of investment that has to be checked/agreed upon? Checked, validated and maybe even collected. For the Psychonaut 2 campaign, all that was done at the end of the campaign and it took months to collect all the money after the campaign ended. Seems like FIG changed their modus operandi since. Now, if the way the meter increase is based on someone pushing a button at convenient time or just a coincidence. I hope they would verify the funds ASAP. Wouldn't be great if out of a sudden those prankster put a fun on the project.
  14. With this focus/concentration mechanics with longer casting time.. i'm visualizing that this time around.. we probably have to use other party characters to "block" or "hinder" the mage from getting interrupted.. I'm also visualizing that with some party encounters where there's alot of "mobs" around.. and with 2 enemy spellcasters behind the ranks, i'd be start pissing. Combat will be hard.
  15. I think Josh mentioned IINM that you can rename the specialized class name if you dont like the "default" ones.
  16. I think that this counter is just showing where we're at on the journey from 20.5k to 22k backers: around 600 backers in (300 per step/dot). So there's still just the first island. As for the hidden 800k, I really hope that it's real, and not just some bored individual's attempt to sabotage the campaign... Ohh.. i get it.. that suxs lol. Let's hope for miracles that 2/3 of original backers come back.
  17. Maybe they are "slowly" adding to the fig funds when things get abit slow.. to spice things up and to aid in reaching some stretch goals? That's kinda clever..
  18. 1.9m? But you're an Orlan (with a perculiarly well groomed beard), you can't possibly be 1.9m. He should be Amaua if you had asked me
  19. Now i'm imagining.. Engwithan saint cast Timestop... then summons.. then party debuffs.. then big AOE. gg :D
  20. Also.. i'm confused with the Fulvano voyage.. if someone know that be great.. The page shows it already unlocked 2/6 islands. How is that possible? We don't have 1500 backers yet right?
  21. That's how I am reading it. I believe the Investors must be approved, and are waiting for that approval before being added to the total. It wouldn't surprise me if they used it as a boost between stretch goals either. For instance, they don't post all the approved ones at the time, but when we around getting close to halfway to the next stretch goal they update one or two of them to get us closer. That would kind of put a carrot on a stick for people to grab addons and or finally pledge. Especially if the upcoming goal is enticing to someone. That could be me being cynical though. lol I'm really hoping all the stretch goals will be met though. I'm as excited as everyone else here.
  22. It means they are only willing to take 2 million worth of investor money. Once they hit 2 million mark they won't be taking any more money from investors. So the current 1.18M is actually what they have gotten and there's still 800k left if people want to invest. Click Invest please
  23. What does this mean exactly? Does it mean that there is around $800k of investment that has to be checked/agreed upon? I'd actually asked the same thing a post before you. If that's the case we probably have hit all the un-announced stretch goals already?. The only thing we didn't hit would be only Fulvano backer island as that tie to the number of backers instead of fund amount.
  24. I'm portraying the characters based on their portraits in first PoE. I do agree with you that i have the options to stick them as pure-class. What i'm highlighting is that when i chose to multi-class Aloth to for example Wizard/Cipher. It does add a great deal to the gameplay but they have basically turn to someone that not who they were.
  25. To me, based on his PoE portrait, he's much a slender character. By flipping through the concept art as well as some gameplay footage, it seems that Aloth has been redesigned to be much "beefier" or "muscular" i would say. I know this is to promote the new multi-class feature. But wouldn't it be better that returning characters just stick to their base class with no multi-class options? It seems a little immersion breaking to me.. Aloth has always been the slender Wizard type.. and now his outfit is sleeveless and looks kinda "muscular". Same would definitely happen to Eder and Pallegina? Kind of immersion breaking to me out of a sudden she's Paladin/Barbarian or Paladin/Rogue. Doesn't seem to fit to the character, IMO.
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