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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. But they have different method to fix the build without making an ability trash. Like change the mechansim of Lash, or increase ability cost. couldn't obsidian just address a particular build that is overpowered instead of just nerfing a talent/ability that at the same time make it overpowered for multiclass and underpowered for single? so if let's say BW/Assassin multi-class just address eternal flame for that multi-class itself? possibly it could be too much work for obsidian but again why introduce multiclass if they couldn't balance it correctly in the first place? going the nerf path in balancing multi-class while disregard the single class ability or other multi-class combinations, isn't really a good approach.
  2. Yes, both ways actually for good and for bad. Spell opacity reduction on pause works very well. Spells tent to be more snappy and don’t cover the screen in too many particles. The major issue I had, were some of the lasting AOE abilities (or Greater Sand Blight’s siccoro to be precise). It’s an ability which last for a while and does constant damage and interrupts. I had difficult time seeing what it’s radious is, and on my first playthrough I wouldn’t notice it at all, if not for the combat log. It melts with background as both are sandy, and the more subtle effects don’t help. that's quite disappointing for me. clarity wasn't much of an issue for myself. actually i think the opacity during pause would really help. part of me i really love the spell effects in first poe. if those effects has to be gimped in favor of clarity, that kinda disheartening. hopefully it won't be that bad when i get to see it for myself. Edit Just watched a video of a Fury Druid. I think that's something i wanted to play. It looks hella cool. Now the disappointing part is the sound and the spell effects? Relentless Storm was so good in first Poe both in terms of it's sound effect and visual. Now it looks kinda gimped to me . Tell me it's just beta that they are putting placeholder for the sound effects and visuals. Also the HUD UI looks pretty ugly to me. Wondering if they can have the old UI skin that looks perfect to me.
  3. Well if you buy a copy of the game in steam, you should be able to pre-load that copy, no? You'll just then have two copies in different platforms. Though I need to ask: why so many people claimed keys so early on? i reckoned that still being able to get another "backer" key as they are difference because the are "backers" not just a regular steam version though. i claimed the keys earlier because i've decided that gog was the platform of choice for myself (although i have few hundred games on my steam library)
  4. I actually re-rolled shapeshift to a wolf and out a sudden i felt so meh. Thanks for the confirmation! . Wondering if these were the same as Deadfire? I really hope they change that. For roleplaying purposes damage-wise they should be similar. Make the damage comes from certain modifier instead. Edit I find that after shapeshifted the stats seems different. It seems the shapeshifted animal has its own attribute stats? If so how does high MIG or DEX helps shapeshifting?
  5. talking about combat clarity especially on spells/talents/skills effect on screen. in favor of clarity, they reduced 1 party member and also the effects. if not mistaken, they made effects last for a very short time and even tone down the effects of those spells and abilities. those who played the beta, does this affects the overall experience of the game?
  6. IMO they should be focusing their time in buffing up underpower builds as a priority and not nerfing the popular builds contributed by the veterans. Of course broken builds should be adressed where you get ridiculously overpowered *early* game. I don't mind some overpowering if i'm almost completing the game. What's more those super mega optional big bosses require some form of overpoweredness to make the battle easier.
  7. You mean it makes no difference if i were to pick WF:Peasant or WF:Knight as both will help the ACC for CPS and CSL? Also any WF grant the ACC bonus for Blights? Also does Penetrating Blast help Blights? I kinda torned between shapeshift cat or wolf. wolf has movement speed. But i kinda feel that cat deal more damage than wolf. Can confirm that?
  8. hmm... so still just 1 ability to chose from 2 classes (when multi-class)? if so then i think it's severely limited. if i can choose 1 ability per class then that's much better.
  9. i'm wondering as a backer and have chosen gog as my platform of choice. seems bad i couldn't preload. was wondering if we can still buy a backer key for steam platform?
  10. Looks really good now but i think there's still room for improvement to make it resemble like how he looks in the first poe. I have no complain of him at the moment.. but i think Aloth would be the biggest change. I still prefer his portrait in poe over deadfire.
  11. Exactly, you didn't beat the game on path of the damned if you toggled the difficulty off of it, or started it at a lower setting. PS - they have already said path of the damn is undertuned right now and too easy so why not jump in on it at release? I'm still thinking if i should go for the storyboard :D
  12. I'm still undecided at this point. I wanted a ranger.. anything nice combo with a ranger? ranger/cipher or ranger/druid?
  13. I probably plan to avoid the forum if possible. Although general discussion.. i often see people putting spoilers in the title follow by *spoilers* ... I mean what the heck? I'm already spoilt by the title :D
  14. Something i'm wondering.. if i were to take WF or WS for 2Handed, does it help the CPS or CSL? Also if i like Blights, what WF or WS should be taken for Blights?
  15. It's not more powerful. It probably a must for me to have a ranger in every playthrough. Wondering how effective Maia's bird would be. Is it just there for show? Or justing acting as a familiar that give small bonuses? Really hope it's as good as Itumaak. Probably not dealing as much damage as Itumaak, at least it can disorient, or probably debuff/CC a group of enemies that will be handy. During my earlier playthroughs of pillars i hated Ranger. Now i seems to love it greatly. I'm actually having a hard time in PoE to slot in all the characters i want in a 6 party character. I hope multi-class it will be as good as playing 2 classes with 1 character in Deadfire. I honestly so hyped for Deadfire!
  16. My PC is really old.. It was built since 2012? But heck what is PC gaming today? I'm still playing the latest game without much issues. Of course i did upgrade along the way. My GPU isn't anything great. It's AMD R9 290. don't have the urge in changing seeing hardware is kinda pricey especially GPU. with the current trend in cryptocurrency.. that makes PC gaming even worst. probably outright killing it.
  17. For me 6 will be the best. There's a total of 11 classes. Not sure if it's possible to add more classes? Animancer or Necromancer anyone? I highly doubt it. With 5 characters limit we can only cover all 10 classes if all were to be multiclassed. The 6th can actually cover the last class pure class of your given choice in my opinion. This is important to people who just want to play the game once and experience all of it's classes and get as much out of everything in 1 playthrough.
  18. that's quite disappointing for me. i know many love RPG for it's story. it's same for me but gameplay and combat is far more important and is the heart of pillars to me. hopefully they will put effort in POTD during the development of the DLCs. let's hope it's not just spamming more enemies on screen with higher resist/AR/HP. i do like to see that enemies have some kind of intelligence? where they debuff your party character, use abilities, potions, etc.
  19. I don't understand why Obsidian would not allow players to change difficulty on the go. On second thoughts, i get it probably because of achievements.
  20. i chose gog because loving the concept that it has no drm and the game can be mine forever. darn hating the no scavenger hunt and now no prelaod.
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