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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I just find them to be too much. It's a fantasy game alright, but why do my weapons start to glow once I turn on Savage Attack or Vulnerable Attack?
  2. Tyranny combat and mechanics are boring - with some exceptions. What I don't want to see anymore is this very annoying bug when you try to drink potions while being attacked. If necessary, just remove the animation altogether. Better than having to click on that button all the time. I also would like to turn off all that glowing aura VFX stuff for Vulnerable Attack, slayer enchantments, Savage Attack and so on. It just looks ridiculous and ugly. It's ok to put VFX when the weapon has an elemental lash like burning lash or freezing lash (actually, that one is quite beautiful) but that should be it.
  3. I think what QuiteGoneJin means is that there's nothing like "Dodging" where you don't use shield or weapon to parry, but using your speed, perception and agility to dodge and evade melee attacks instead. So, if you would want to carry the Tyranny stuff over to PoE2 you would have to invent a talent or ability that lets you use reflex instead of deflection against melee attacks. As QuiteGoneJin said, this would be a bit OP. Once you create such mechanics where you can dump one defense completely players will abuse this to create OP-builds - which is understandable. I personally found the mechanic of tyranny quite interesting where you could either increase your defensive conversions (crit to hit, hit to graze, graze to miss) with certain talents and also with certain "light" items while heavy stuff gave you more damage reduction but no conversion and could be boosted with other talents (making you less slow like Armored Grace does). I could also imagine a talent like "dodging" or "evasion" for nimble builds that'll give you an evasion bonus for all defenses, based on the type or armor. So basically wearing clothes would give you the full bonus while heavy armor would give you zero. We have the rogue ability that raises the chance to avoid attacks which target reflex. But only AoE attacks target refles in PoE, so it's not too useful. Something like that but for deflection would be nice.
  4. Our currency is called "Euro", it basically means "cling together, swing together". I will also send another batch soon...
  5. No, it's no bug. This is the case with all abilities. Things like Knockdown, Crippling Strike and so on all get +1 ACC per level. Even bash does. Else its ACC would be so crappy that you wouldn't hit anything with the shield. With Accurate Carnage and lvl 16 carnage will have +11 ACC compared to your normal auto attack. I really don't know if the +1-per-level-ACC bonuses of Barbaric Blow and Heart of Fury or Vengeful defeat also translate to carnage though.
  6. Picking the exceptional option at creation time is actually a very bad pick. Like Khagmas and JerekKruger said you can enchant it later with any quality you like. Based on your character build there are usually three ways how Cladhaliath can be enchanted for best performance: - Stunning + Vicious: mostly for barbs who want to stun in an AoE and then deal a bit more damage. Works really well with Apprentice's Sneak and especially One Handed Style because you will have +12 ACC + hit to crit conversion as well as the +5 ACC that all spears have. - Stunning + Coordinating: mostly for rogues who flank. It will lead to good damage and a very high chance to crit (65% hit-to-crit conversion, +21 ACC bonus) if you use it single-handedly. ONce the target is stunned it will nearly always be perma-stunned. - Marking + Coordinating: mostly for builds that want to flank and give huge ACC to others while also gaining a bit of damage for themselves - like a ranger with focus on pet damage or a paladin with Coordinated Attacks or a priest with Inspiring Radiance and Devotions. If you also use Shame or Glory and dual wield it with a marking Cladhaliath the marking enchantments will actually stack and you will give stackable +20 ACC just with marking. One example: a Darcozzi Paladin with Inspiring Exhortation can give the equivalent of +50 ACC to a single ally with whom he flanks enemies: +10 Insp. Ex. + 10 marking + 10 marking + 10 Coordinated Attacks + 10 flanking (actually -10 defense for the enemy). Setups like this make it very easy to disable and kill dragons and other tough enemies. - I can also imagine a Draining + Valiant combo for Fire Godlikes, but this is a very special and not too powerful appliance I guess. Edit: @Khagmas: the link that you accidantially posted as your steam name messes up the forum.
  7. I played a one handed chanter with a lot of DEX and PER, high move speed and low armor in order to spam Killers Froze Stiff. You can perma-paralyze at higher levels if you choose lvl-1-chants. I just didn't write a build for it because it became more powerful once you switched to Dragon Thrashed - and well we already have a build around that. There are some vague build descriptions of summoning chanters floating around. Basically they dump PER and MIG and let the summons do the offensive work while being sturdy enough but keeping recovery time short. But nobody wrote down a proper build description.
  8. Maybe they have the talents you have - but I don't know for sure. It would require some testing to find out. I know that they wear the armor that you wear. At least it used to be so. I don't think they get your current buffs.
  9. Yes. And Raiment of Wael's Eyes is also nice.
  10. One donated 900$ and the other 350$ if I had it right (thanks again!). We reached 25% (roughly 1250) before that. Then it jumped to 50% (2500). At the same time the "highest pledge" rose from 333$ to 900$. 1250 - 900 = 350. That's how I calculated it.
  11. I think you're speaking about Gwisk Glas. It's from the bounty where you kill the Vithraks in Pearlwood Bluffs. In the Endless Paths you can find Rundl's Finery quite early which is brown/red.
  12. I'd have to sit down and think about it. At the moment I'm quite busy so I don't know when I find the time for it. It was ok - I digged a 40 meter trench for a site power supply (building a house atm) and now I feel happy but worn out.
  13. It's not so bad. Jolting Touch fits pretty nice for a wizard with fists. Actually fists are quite good for wizards because with fists you don't need to care about graze, hit or crit - they all do nearly the same damage because of the weird mechanics of Novice's Suffering. At the same time, a wizard can have high MIG due to Citzal's Martial Power. Novice's Suffering scales with MIG, so that's another plus. Slap on the Sandals of the Forgotten Friar and your melee damage will be pretty neat. And you will be fast. Note that dual wielding influences you ability to cast spells indirectly, too. If your recovery after a melee atttack is very short or zero you can add a spell to the last punch pretty quickly. Crackling Bolt and Chain Lighning are not bad, too. Also note that the phantoms you can summon will cause shock damage. The other levels could be filled with summoned weapons, self buffs and cc/disables which somewhat could be associated with electricity or electromagnetic stuff, like Dazzling Lights, Bewildering Spectacle (think of sparks and flashes), Pull of Eora and so on. Sounds fun! A bit like an electric monk.
  14. Thanks a lot. And I totally missed Fenixp's post about that, sorry. Thank you, too.
  15. In other games? Can't say how often I gulped a Potion of Infuse with Vital Essence. Not so rare those things...
  16. Sounds more like being a parent than being a narcissist. I mean not the "feeling insulted" part, but he part where I ignore my kids as long as they can't articulate their troubles and wishes in a somewhat decent manner. Also, it seems to be more obtuse to ignore several good arguments (like those from Gromnir) than to give you some insight why you won't get sh!t in life if you can't express yourself politely.
  17. I don't understand that. Isn't there actually less choice? How can there be more choice if you take away options? When you are preparing for a race and have the following options: a) repair and pimp your old but beloved red racing car (maybe it's not as fast and nippy as a new one, but you know it inside out) b) get a new fancy green racing car (highest speed) c) get a new gorgeous blue racing car (best acceleration) Now you take away option a): b) get a new fancy green racing car c) get a new gorgeous blue racing car How is there more choice? Or why is the choice more meaningful? And I don't want to nag or something - I really don't understand what you guys mean with that.
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