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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Nope. But the loot-tables of former times don't work anymore. Don't know if they just changed the days or if they really randomized the loot.
  2. It doubles all DoT damage that's on the target, delivers its own DoT damage, is a debuff and also jumps to two additional targets. It's really good.
  3. I don't know. With some builds you might have a very high crit rate (for exame a hearth orlan rogue with one handed style, predatory weapon and durgan steel) so that nearly every attack results in a crit. He would become unplayable if there was too much fuzz around every single crit.
  4. That is right. Monk's fists do more base damage than other classes' fists. Transcendent's Suffering then adds less damage than Novice's Suffering does. This leads to a situation where things like crits and Savage Attack and so on work OK for monks but not good with other classes who use Nov. Suffering. On the other hand a character using Novice's Suffering doesn't need to care about grazes - they nearly do the same damage as crits. This allows for quirky low ACC builds which can get high MIG which still deal OK melee damage (like unarmed wizard for example). It's also cool for carnage because the -33% damage malus only affects the whimpy base damage, not the bonus of Nov. Suff.
  5. Did it with a 20 MIG/20 CON build with high INT and dumped DEX and added Frenzy for max fortitude. Basically what Kaylon said. Dropped RES as well and compensated with Potion of Spirit Shield. Added Veteran's Recovery and a Belt of Bountiful Healing as well as Savage Defiance. Not a big problem then. Also helps a lot against xaurip skirmishers. If you could get Rhymrgand's Mantle it should be easy.
  6. Very nice work! Scion of Flame doesn't work with Holy Radiance. Empowered Interdiction only buffs the dazing, not the weakening part. I want to add a few things that might be useful: - The ACC bonus of Inspiring Radiance stacks with everything which makes it a very powerful talent. - The ACC bonus of Devotions stacks with nearly every other source of ACC bonus (like Disciplined Barrage, Zealous Focus, Blessing and so on), making this spell even more awesome. - Circle of Defense stacks with all active defense buffs that do not also raise all defenses. So for exampke with everything that only raises deflection (Shields for the Faithful) it will stack. In a normal game you could say it stacks with nearly everything. - the -75% healing of Aggrandizing Radiance only affect the priest. Besides that little drawback he will get a temporary +2 to all stats and movement once every encounter. If you use your radiance as buff and not as healing tool, it is very good to use this at the start of every encounter as a self buff in combination with Inspiring Radiance. It stacks with everything! If you cast Minor Avatar first and then Aggrandizing Radiance you will have +10(!) to all stats for a long enough time. Very good solo tool, too. - Triumph of the Crusaders: it's one of the best spells for soloing since you and only you will kill enemies. Your endurance bar is always full as long as you keep killing. This allows full offense mode. - Withdraw: a chanter will not stop chanting when withdrawn! You can create an invincible, unmoveable source of Dragon Thrashed with this. Somebody called it a "totem" once. You can cast Crowns for the Faithful first to maximize the radius. - Cleansing Flame also works on wounding, Envenomed Strike, Runner's Wounding Shot and Wounding Shot as well as Enduring Flames. You can create very powerful party synergies here that bring down every boss in seconds. --- What about lvl 8 spells and stuff like Storm of Holy Fire or Symbol of <Deity>?
  7. Mechanics don't improve your priest's seals. It's just like that.
  8. Maybe I have to work even harder then - in order to balance that out.
  9. Cool - but it's not enough to back Deadfire. You'd have to upgrade your pledge by 8$, using the forum batch addition you can choose as an addon.
  10. I don't care for the credits at all. If the BIBs are mentioned as a whole group that's totally cool with me. But seriously - if we compile said list and make it so that it's nice and not too goofy then putting it into the game (with a bit of lecturing) shouldn't be too hard. I mean other ship crew donators will also be able to place crewmembers and put items and certain stuff on their crew. So a ledger with some text in it shouldn't be too much to ask for, or is it? The CRPG in the Salty Mast has a guestbook with all the weird backer names in it. That did not seem to be a problem for OBS.
  11. Torm, you can get the badge as a backer on fig (upgrade your pledge) or the backer portal at obsidian.
  12. You all never tried Firebrand with a cipher. It's hilarious with all the dmg mods a cipher can get. But obviously it's not suited for dual wiedling. Why would one clone Purgatory when Resolution can do the job of the second sabre as well? They both are annihilating. I also think sabres are the best choice overall. Another nice alternative for dual wielding are war hammers (because of the two weapon types): Shatterstar comes quite early and is annihilating as well. Speaking of stilettos: did anybody try if Flames of Devotion from Vent Pick generates focus? It should, since it's a lash...
  13. Maybe in an expansion (aka DLC). Since the Nagas are intelligent and also live peacefully side by side with the Huana most of the time it's not too far fetched.
  14. You're welcome. And if something I said doesn't turn out to be fun for you then don't hesitate to retrain. As I said: melee priest is tricky in the early game. Only a few spells which ar not really powerful and quite low starting values. He needs some levels to unfold.
  15. Nooo - I just meant that Osric is acting as if you just killed his beloved pet and not his archenemy. And since some people make a huge fuzz about those koi carps and pay thousands of dollars for them...
  16. An arquebus for a priest of magran is a good thing in the early to mid game. But the priest class has no special abilites that work well with an arquebus except Runner's Wounding Shot. Later in the game you will fire one shot - and the rest is casting. So... no BIG need for the special ACC talent for sword and arquebus to be honest. The sword & shield approach works well if you want to prevent swarming. With sword & board most enemies won't target your priest - and that can be a really good thing. But with this setup he will also do no serious damage and you will find that you cast all the time but don't attack very often. But it's true that it's a viable solution to give the priest one arquebus and sword&board. Every encounter he will fire a shot and then switch to the melee setup. It works quite well but don't expect a lot of damage. The spellchance of Steadfast (Sunlance) is great, but I don't expect that you will see it often because you will cast all the time. This could be better on a paladin who actually uses it all the time in melee. The berathian priest is an exception because he can deliver serious single target damage with Tidefall und thus keeps on swinging a lot - even at higher levels. But even he will cast a lot and will attack less compared to a fighter, rogue, paladin, barbarian and so on. Abydon's Hammer is ok for a priest. The +4 MIG can help to deliver a lot of spell damage. It works with every weapon focus - like Steadfast, too.
  17. Yeah, pretty silly. Especially how Osric is overreatcing as if we just killed his beloved Koi because we were bored or something...
  18. Haha... nice! Well, some victims might boast and say something like "Don't you know who I am? I am Lord Popelmar III of Humkenstein! This will have dire consequences!"
  19. There is a point: you can use Vulnerable Attack and wear a plate armor and maybe even squeeze in Cautious Attack. It can be quite nice to "overreach" 0 recovery if you then can add those things and still be at 0 recovery.
  20. Well... I used plate until I got Ryona's Breastplate.
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