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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Thanks! I hope this doesn't violate the Forum Guidelines (key word "Advertisement"). I wasn't 100% sure. If so, feel free to delete it - without giving me a warning point!
  2. Hi! A friend of mine started a small fashion business and is launching a Kickstarter campaign in order to be able to start mass production. If you're interested in organic clothing for kids (worldwide shipping) you might want to check it out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/343493154/orbasics-organic-kids-basics-best-quality-and-fair If you're not interested you totally wasted your time reading this, ha! Thanks a bunch!
  3. Graze is 50% and is multiplicative if I remember correctly - while crit is 25% and additive, but leads to *1.5 PEN as well which might lead to additional (additive) +30% damage due to overpenetration. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Ouh - that's a new one. Nice... But I see big UI problems with this idea.
  5. I don't thinks it's fine. The 2% are only additive as is the bonus from overpenetration - while STR/RES still work as multiplcative modifiers for damage (and in case of RES there's also healing and deflecton bonuses). On a fighter you can for example lower PER and take Disciplined Barrage (and one of its upgrades)as well as Confident Aim and you won't feel much of a difference at lvl 6-9. Every point of PER = +2 ACC - that would be better I guess. Especially since you can't stack ACC bonuses anymore as you could in PoE. And also because offensive casters can't raise PEN and more crits with spells would help them.
  6. You can tune down the volume of your speakers... Or you can do the whole encounter without save/reload.
  7. The style itself is not very appealing to me (to much Torchlight vibe) but their system of showing every item that you equip on your ingame model is great (even including potions in your belt). Also all the different shapes you char can have (heavy frame, thin, muscular and so on) - and the equipment fits nonetheless. Nice system they have there.
  8. But Berserker will hit his own pet. It's not that bad because carnage is not as powerful as in PoE, but still a bummer.
  9. This is so hilarious: I made a nearly perfect tank-bot: Nalpasca/Unbroken, large shield, sabre, plate armor, max INT and max RES (for max duration of Blade Turning). Important abiliies: Tactical Barrage (more INT), Blade Turning, Soul Mirror, Defender Stance I told the AI it should turn on the Wall once I get shot. It also casts Tactical Barrage if it's not already active and as soon as melee enemies are in range the AI shall cast Blade Turning non stop. Since the Nalpasca on drugs generates wounds quickly enough to fuel endless Blade Turning and shots from archers and spells from casters will miss often and get reflected and ranged damage, reflex based AoEs as well as melee damage is very low due to high armor, Defender Stance, the Wall and Blade Turning I can stand there forever while they all beat themselves up. Who wants to leave engagement gets slashed pretty nastily by my sabre with +100% damage and +10 PEN. And once I leave engagement under the effect of Blade Turning they get punished even more... I just wiped the whole village just with custom AI settings. Edit: sorry, I took no pics. And now everybody's dead.
  10. Ha! It still works! And it's marvelous!
  11. I just tried it with monk/unbroken and it seems that Blade Turning + leaving enemies doesn't trigger disengagement attacks anymore. At least I couldn't get disengagement attacks from some CRE_Tigers. Maybe Obsidian read this and nerfed it? Eh wait: the tigers don't have any engamgent slots. Lol - I will try some other enemies... maybe the huana themselves.
  12. No, it was this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94692-the-strongest-beta-build/page-8?do=findComment&comment=1956976 Basically Blade Turning + Disengagement: pile up engagement slots, engage as many enemies as possible, use Blade Turning and then break all the engagements - and turn all disengagement attacks towards the attackers. Don't know if this really works, but it sounds hilarious. Disengagement has +100% damage...
  13. Sweet! Would also be nice as a high level ability for chars.
  14. Wasn't it something else? It was pretty early in the "strongest beta build" thread.
  15. Not so hard I'd say. It's the type of armor mechanic I proposed to overcome the "mushyness" of a flat DR system like PoE's, where thick armor has a big impact in the early game because damage numbers and endurance are low and less impact in the late game because tour endurance pool is way bigger and the enemies deal so much damage that 10 DR difference don't matter that much. But what about Black Jacket now? How could this class suck less without losing its "theme"?
  16. But Spiffy Famosa doesn't approve bounty hunting in general!
  17. But if you are surrounded and get pummeled pretty hard it's actually fabulous to redirect the damage. Dunehunter has figured out a hilarious trick with Blade Turning - I just forgot what it was. Force of Anguish is perfect against casters. First of all it's an interrupt which can cancel spellcasting if no concentration protects the caster. Secondly you can just push him out of range so that he has to move again - which also makes him lose his spell (will get changed - but at least he has to start all over again with casting after moving). I also would have preferred that prone stays to be a disable (as it was in PoE) but I guess that didn't fit into the new affliction system.
  18. Barbarian/Stalker is decent. With Barbaric Blow and Wounding Shot you will have several Full Attacks per encounter, so dual wielding heavy one handers like swords or sabres might be best. Also armor rating can be good (Stalker gets a bonus that stacks with barbarian's passive armor bonuses. From a roll playing point of view Barbarian/Ghost Heart Lodge could be even better: the pet spirit that you can summon could be the former animal companion of your dead brother... Because usually the pet dies if the ranger dies. At least that's the lore.
  19. Yes, that's mean. Hm... why not write a PHP script for that?
  20. Dude... I meant Pathfinder Kingmaker. I backed Original Sin 2, played it for a little while and I absolutely hate it.
  21. I guess bounty hunting itself is out of character for a lot of MCs if we're honest. It's just a quick and tempting way to get a lot of XP, gold and (sometimes) unique items - and because of that most players can't resist it, even if they play a benevolent/honest Priest of Spiffy Famosa (the fluffy pink unicorn of love and peace).
  22. If it's too easy on PotD with a full party you should try a solo playthrough.
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