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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hello Sannom, I have confirmed your bug and added it to our database, but I was only able to reproduce the bug in your save and not another. Do you have any ideas on how its occurred? Did you retrain at any point? Thanks!
  2. Hello mogo, I have confirmed your bug and entered it into our database. Thank you for your support!
  3. Hello everyone, Every computer may handle the game differently and we are constantly working on game optimization. So please bear with us while we work out the kinks. In the mean time try out these options and see if it improves performance. There may be various factors contributing to this issue, so take a look at the different fixes to try and solve the problem. Disable Anti-Aliasing Many users have reported running into framerate issues and frequent crashing. If this is happening on your machine, go to the Graphics options and move the Graphics Quality slider to the left. This will disable anti-aliasing and should help your game's framerate. Lower Resolution If framerate issues persist after disabling anti-aliasing, then lowering resolution can sometimes add significant increases to performance. This can sometimes help significantly, especially on machines with lower system specifications. We are working on more ways to support performance increases as we patch the client. Clean and Clear Your Computer Dust and other particles can accumulate on parts of your computer, adversely affecting its efficiency when it attempts to run demanding programs and games. It is also important to make sure there is sufficient access to the ventilation fans for the computer so it can keep itself cool. Make sure to keep your computer or laptop clean and clear to avoid unnecessary strain and overheating. Run as Administrator Some users are reporting major performance issues when not running the game as an administrator. If you are noticing issues such as this, please make sure that you are running the game in administrator mode. You can do this by doing the following: Navigate to the Pillars Of Eternity install folder. Right-Click on the executable icon. Choose Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select the Run This Program As An Administrator option. Click OK. If you see a User Account Control prompt, accept it. Could you guys please post your systems specs (dxdiag file), save files, and an output log so I can add them to a bug report? Thank you for your support and patience!
  4. Hello everyone, I have confirmed the bug and added a bug into our database. Thank you for your support and keep up the good work!
  5. Hello everyone, This bug is rare and difficult to reproduce. I was wondering if you guys could give me and hand and try to recall on the exact moment that the bug occurred? So you happen to have a save before it happened and after that you could upload for me so I can take a look and add it to the bug report in our system? An output log would be great too. Thank you all for your support and patience.
  6. Hello theifzeri0, Sorry for the inconvenience. I notice you are still playing on a older build (v2.00.706) we are currently on v2.02.749. Please update your game and see if that works. If you have The White March installed, there will be 2 patches from GOG. Make sure you download and install the patch for the base game and for the DLC. Also, please make sure your graphics card has the latest drivers installed and check to see if you have EVGA Precision X installed. This application has been known to cause crashes with Unity games, please disable it. Thank you for your support.
  7. Hello everyone, This has been fixed in 2.02. Thank you for your support!
  8. Do you have any specific steps on how to reproduce the bug?
  9. Hello Bio444, We have released a new patch yesterday 2.02, please update to that and also verify your game cache. In you steam library, right-click Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Try that and let me know how it goes. Thank you for your support.
  10. Have you tried reinstalling your steam client? See if that works for you.
  11. Hey Abc123rage, I took a look at your save file and everything seems to be working correctly with bloody slaughter. As for the other bugs, we are aware of them and some of them have been fixed in 2.02 Thank you for your support!
  12. Hello HatchXXII, Could you please upload a screenshot of what is occurring? Thanks a bunch!
  13. Hello AnjyBelle, Thanks for uploading those files. I have tested your save in our latest internal build (2.02) and I was not able to reproduce the bug. Its possible that it was fixed in the patch. Thank you for your support
  14. Hello junki, This is not a bug. There is a 2 step process and the Resolve check is to calm the wolf down. After that you must have either a chanter, Eder, or Field Triage to take the arrow out successfully and not have the White Wolf go hostile. Thank you for your support!
  15. Hey Sannom, As Torm has suggested, could you please upload a save file and an output log via dropbox so I can take a closer look? Could you also upload some screen shots of your action bar and the character sheet too? Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hey Slghia, Those issues have been confirmed in this thread. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81689-ranger-is-heavily-bugged/
  17. Hello everyone, Apologize for the delay. There have been multiple posts about this bug and answered all of them but looks like I missed this one. The issue has been fixed and is now live on the 2.02 beta patch. If you wish to participate in the beta, please refer to this link. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76849-patch-betas-on-steam/ Thank you very much.
  18. No problem, and good morning! Just upload your files via dropbox or any other cloud storage service site
  19. Hello Ilysail, Do you happen to be the person I am currently going back and forth with through email support tickets? Cheers.
  20. Hello everyone, This issue has been fixed and is now live in the 2.02 beta patch! Cheers!
  21. Hello Dinky Dino, Thanks for pointing this out to us, fortunately we already have a bug entered into our system. Thanks a bunch!
  22. Hello mandor1784, Welcome to the Forums! So while we won't be making physical DVDs for The White March, we are looking into a way to make the expansion accessible to those that have the Backer physical copies of the core game. We will have an announcement on how that will work in the future. In the mean time, you should have also received a steam key for the base game as well when you backed the game. So if you wish to purchase The White March through Steam, you should have that option available to you. Thank you for your support and patience.
  23. Hey Torm, It could be that you need to update your drivers. Just in case, download your current version as a back up, so if you don't like the new driver, you can always uninstall it and revert back to the old one.
  24. Hello Jasy, Welcome to the Forums! This is by design. We reduced the bonuses from rings for balance purposes. Thank you for your support!
  25. Hello Sighia, If you respect your ranger, just click exit after level 1 and the abilities should clear out and work properly afterwards.
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