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Everything posted by celliott

  1. Thanks for the feedback. This bug is in our database.
  2. Thanks for the feedback. This is indeed a known issue and is in our database.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. This issue is currently in our database.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. If you could post a save game up to dropbox and then put a link here in the forums we'll be able to take a closer look.
  5. Mark, Thanks for that. kmbogd is correct. If you can upload the save game file to dropbox or something similar and then post a link here we will be able to take a better look at what you're seeing.
  6. Yes, you are absolutely right. The combat log is only showing for 71 accuracy. I also now see it hitting my allies every now and then, but not every time. I will pass this along to our programmers and enter it into the database. Thank you.
  7. Hello, thanks for the feedback. Do you happen to have a saved game that is experiencing this that I can take a look at?
  8. I see what you are talking about now. The 2 accuracy numbers are for each effect of the spell. 71 accuracy for the Target part, and 59 accuracy for the AoE part. As for the AoE working, it appears to me as it is working as intended, as mobs near the target are also taking splash damage.
  9. Thanks. I will take a look at that and update this thread as needed.
  10. Thank you for the feedback. We currently have a bug in our database that addresses this.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. A bug regarding this issue is currently in our database.
  12. Thanks for the feedback, there is a bug in our database that addresses this issue.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. A bug has been added to our database and will be investigated by the proper team.
  14. I am unable to reproduce what you are seeing with path issues. Do you know of a certain location where you see this happening, and clear reproduction steps so I can test this out? Perhaps a saved game in a location that you are seeing the issue would help me in identifying the problem.
  15. Thanks for the feedback. I'll need some more information to really dig into this. Do you have a save game that you can upload for me to take a look?
  16. I will pass the info along with the bug in our database. If it is related they will take a look, and if it is not we will enter a new bug in our system. Thanks!
  17. Thanks for the feedback. The items Dwellier sells are as intended.
  18. Thank you for this. I have added this issue to our database where it can be looked at by our programmers.
  19. Yes, very easily actually. Thanks for that.
  20. Thank you. This issue is in our database and will be looked at by our programmers.
  21. Thanks. This bug is in our database and is being looked at by our programmers.
  22. This issue has been added to our database and will be further looked at by our programmers.
  23. Thanks for letting us know. I'll take a look at the saved game and update this thread when I have news.
  24. The issue has been added to our database so our programmers can take a look.
  25. Thanks for that. I'll take a look and update this thread when I've got news.
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