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Everything posted by celliott

  1. Hello all. We are aware of this issue, as it has been addressed in many other threads. Please do a search next time and add to existing threads to prevent cluttering up our system with issues that are already known. Thanks!
  2. Hello, Alistan. Thank you for the feedback, we are aware of this issue and it is currently in our database.
  3. Hello, kungfujoe. I am sorry for your inconvenience. Unfortunately I'm going to have to ask you to completely remove IE Mod and see if the problem persists. Since we do not develop that tool we cannot reliable test with it. If the problem is persisting after completely removing it please add a link to a saved game and output log that you have uploaded to Dropbox. Thanks!
  4. Hello, palan. I'm very sorry for your inconvenience. If you could please verify the integrity of your cache in Steam and then update here if the problem persists after doing that. In the mean time I will take a look at your output log and get it to the proper team for investigation. Thanks!
  5. Hello, palan. Can you please try verifying the integrity of your cache in Steam. I will go ahead and download the files from your other thread. If the problem persists after verifying your cache please update this thread. Thanks!
  6. Hello again. In regards to Durance, did you dismiss him through dialogue or did you just leave him at the stronghold? I can see the issue with your game but am having a hard time reproducing it on my end. I will keep plugging away, but any additional information you have, steps that you did before and after you noticed, etc would be helpful. Thanks again!
  7. Hello, Nobear. Yes, we are aware of this issue and currently have a bug in our database being looked at by the appropriate team. Thank you for your support and feedback!
  8. Hello all. There is currently a bug in our database regarding this issue. Thank you for the ongoing support and patience as we work with this issue.
  9. Hello, Chimpanzul. Sorry for the inconvenience. Your answer can be found in another thread here. Post #2. Thanks!
  10. Hello, Barely3Dimensional. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Can you give me some more specifics of your machine? There are many Core2 Duo chips at 2.53Ghz. If you happen to know the actual model number that would greatly help me in determining if your machine is up to spec. Thank you!
  11. Hello, Quillmonkey. I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. I've downloaded your files and will take a closer look. Thank you for your patience and support while I work on this issue.
  12. Hello. I am unable to reproduce either of these issues. I've progressed a new game to more than half way through act 2 and haven't seen one instance of either of those abilities just going away or not working. If either of you have an output log and saved game that you can upload to Dropbox and then post a link here we can take a closer look to make sure that this issue is solved correctly and fully. Thanks!
  13. FrederickT, it sounds like you have FRAPS turned on for video recording. Try turning that off, that's the only program I know of that adds yellow FPS numbers in the corner of the screen.
  14. I am unable to reproduce these issues. Azmodiuz, do you have a saved game that is experiencing the issue that you can upload? Upload it and the output log to Dropbox and then post a link here so we can take a closer look. Thanks!
  15. Any time! Glad to see someone else plays the way I do!
  16. Hello. SkinnyLegs, EphemeralToast is correct. You can simply talk to Riply at the end of the hall on the right, next to Moedred's office. She will enable you to go back upstairs and continue the quest.
  17. Hello. Your Graphics Options menu should look like this. If it does not something is wrong with your files and I suggest re-downloading or verifying your cache. The top slider 'Graphics Quality' will remove things like anti-aliasing if moved all the way to the left.
  18. Insolentius, I have added your suggestion to our internal database including your screen shots and saved game. We appreciate the feedback and thank you for the ongoing support!
  19. skwerly, after taking a look at your saved game, you are still friendly with The Dozens. Sticking with your playstyle, I went to the Expedition Hall in Copperlane and killed everyone I could. Going back to Lady Webb after that gave me the dialogue option of all 3 bridges burned. So go ahead and just slaughter The Dozens and you'll be good to go!
  20. I'm glad to hear that you got it working pretty easily. Thanks for your ongoing support!
  21. Hello, Insolentius. Do you have a saved game and output log that we can attach to feedback in our database? Upload it to Dropbox and then post a link here and we can take the necessary steps. Thanks!
  22. From what I understand the shield is intended to give the entire party the buff. However, if that is intended, it should be clearly added to the description of the shield and what affects it has on the party. Glad to see you got Faith and Conviction figured out. Unfortunately since we do not develop the mod we can't reliably test with it either. Thanks!
  23. Vorok, is this issue still occurring for you? If it is, can you upload a saved game to Dropbox and then post a link here so we can take a look? Thanks!
  24. Jojobobo, I've downloaded your save and don't notice an issue at all. Can you please list the specs of your system here so I can get a better idea of what is causing this? There have been many MacBook related reports, and some workarounds have been found. Refer to this thread if you have one of the newer MacBook pros with discreet video cards as that thread seems to have fixed the issue for some members of the forum. Otherwise just know that we are aware of issues with MacBooks and are working on a solution. Thanks!
  25. Hello, skwerly. If possible can you upload a saved game that is experiencing this issue to Dropbox and then post a link here so we can take a look? Thanks!
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