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Everything posted by celliott

  1. Hello, again. Thanks for the update, do let us know how it goes.
  2. Hello, again. Are you by chance using IEmod? Try turning that off if you are. If you are not, turn off all the auto-pause options right before the end of the fight, as I've heard that can help. Thanks for your support during this issue!
  3. Hello, Kefky. Yes, we are aware of the issue and it is currently in our database. Thanks for the support!
  4. Hello. This has been discussed in another thread that you have also posted in. One of our lead programmers explained the issue due to the plugin that stopped working. Please don't open new threads that discuss the exact same issues. Thanks for your support.
  5. Hello. Do you have a saved game that you can upload to Dropbox? Post a link here when you get it uploaded, along with an output log and I can take a closer look. Thanks for your support!
  6. Hello, Luzeryn. Do you have a saved game and output log that you can upload to Dropbox? I am unable to reproduce this issue. Any files would help. Thanks for your support and patience during this issue.
  7. Hello, Gl1tch. Can you please try what AstralWanderer suggested and then get back to us? If that doesn't work please upload a saved game and output log to Dropbox and post a link here so we can take a closer look. Thanks for your support and patience during this issue!
  8. Hello, all. This bug is in our system and is being looked at by the programming team. Unfortunately I don't have an ETA for a fix, but it is marked as high priority as it is breaking progression. We are working on it the best we can and hope to have a better answer soon. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you for your ongoing support and patience with this issue.
  9. Hello, all. blahlbah12, thank you for the additional information. Hopefully that will help other people having similar issues as well!
  10. Hello, Belsirk. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Do you have a saved game and output log that you can upload to Dropbox? Post a link here to the files so I can download them and take a closer look. Thanks for your patience and support during this issue.
  11. Hello again. No offense taken at all. I was unable to reproduce the issue with the files you provided. I did however create an issue in our database and passed it along to the proper team to take a look. Thanks again for your support!
  12. Hello, again! Glad everything worked out. Thanks again for your support!
  13. Hello. I've downloaded your saved games and watched the videos. I will take a closer look and assign this to the proper team. Thanks for your support and patience during this issue.
  14. Hello, all. We had an issue with Chanter's phrases being counted as equipment, as AndreaColombo noted. This is a bug, and is known, and is fixed in our current internal build. It will be fixed in a future patch as well. Thank you for your support and patience with this issue!
  15. Hello, hogart. Yes, this is the proper place to report bugs. Thank you for your feedback. We are aware of the issue, and it is fixed on newer builds. May I ask what build you are currently on that you are seeing this? You can find the build number on the main menu screen in the lower left corner. Thanks!
  16. Hello, JeneralBen. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Do you have a saved game that you can upload to Dropbox along with an output log? That will enable me to download your file and take a closer look. Thanks for your patience and support during this issue.
  17. Hello, Intertio. Could you please upload a saved game and output log to Dropbox and post a link here? That will enable me to take a closer look at your file and get to the bottom of this. In the mean time thank you for your patience and support on this issue!
  18. Hello! With your saved game I was able to reproduce this 100%. I entered a bug into our database and assigned it to the proper team. Thanks again!
  19. Hello again. The bug stems from Unity and affects games such as Wasteland 2 and Hearthstone as well. We understand that this is not completely ideal and hope that together with Unity we can solve the issue completely. Thanks for your ongoing support.
  20. Hello again. Thanks j.e.d. Player log is the same as output log, that will do nicely. Thanks!
  21. Hello again. Unfortunately this is an ongoing issue with the Unity engine and is happening with games such as Wasteland 2 and Hearthstone as well. I apologize for your inconvenience and thank you for your support.
  22. Hello, Ryurien. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Unfortunately your computer doesn't really meet the minimum requirements. If you are able to play on lower resolutions, I recommend doing so. Thanks for your support!
  23. Hello, Burnov. I am sorry for your inconvenience. Unfortunately it looks like your video card isn't quite up to our minimum requirements. If you are able to get in game and lower the graphics slider all the way down that might help. Thanks for your support!
  24. Hello, SuperSirLink. Our current fix for 4k and Retina displays is to lock the resolution down, as higher resolutions are not playing nicely with our game and the Unity engine on OSX. Refer to this thread if you have any other questions regarding the current issues with higher res displays. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your support.
  25. Hello, Davenv. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. I've downloaded your files and will take a closer look to see what is going on. Thanks for your support and patience during this issue.
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