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Everything posted by celliott

  1. Hello again. I am sorry to say that this is not yet fixed. I do not know what the hold up is but will make sure to contact the programming team and make sure this is still on the radar. Thanks!
  2. Hello again. While I am no expert on what can run what, I have done some research for you. I believe that with your current setup you would be able to run the game at 1440p with a card such as the GTX 670. It is older by 3 or so generations and according to Game Debate will be able to run the game at high settings. Good luck! Do keep in mind that Game Debate's algorithms might not always be accurate and this should only be used as an estimate, and not an official way to determine if your pc can run the game at these settings. Thanks!
  3. Hello again. I have created a bug in our system for the programming team to take a look at. Thank you for your support and patience during this issue.
  4. Hello, Astorax. I cannot get this to reproduce. With a shield equipped I'm getting the +6 on top of the shield's deflection. It also adds it to Reflex, not Dexterity according to the tool tip, maybe that's where your confusion is? Thanks for your support.
  5. Hello again. Thank you for the additional information. I'm still unable to reproduce it, but am also still looking for the proper way to switch programs on this thing. I'm a PC guy that just uses a Mac here at work. I'll update this thread accordingly, thanks again!
  6. What version of the game are you on, by the way?
  7. Hello, rrva. Glad to hear that it worked itself out. If it appears again please try to get a screen shot of the error and reply back to this thread. I'll keep it open so we don't have to create another one if it happens again. Thanks for your support!
  8. Hello, chalsengi. What OS are you running and on what kind of system? I am not experiencing this issue, but a few other players seem to be. I will need additional information in order to better dig into this issue. Thanks for your support! There is another thread here that a programmer has been answering that might have additional information as well: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80970-blurry-text-big-loading-times-beta-20/
  9. Hello, stuartinzg. We are aware of some issues with different affects appearing to stay on. Glad you got it worked out with a re-load. Next time please upload an affected saved game and an output log to Dropbox with a public link posted here so we can take a closer look. If it happens again please do this and we will have a better idea of what's going on. Thanks for your support!
  10. Hello again. You are very welcome. Happy Monday!
  11. Hello again. No problem about the saved game. Hopefully we'll be able to figure it out with the information we currently have. Nobody wants to fight a mob that is just standing there! Thanks again, Happy Monday!
  12. Hello. This bug is a known Unity bug. We have locked the resolution down as a hopefully temporary fix while Unity addresses the issue as we are not the only game experiencing the crashes caused in OSX on higher resolutions. You can find information regarding this issue here.
  13. Hello again. In the description it says, "As it accumulated damage from war and weather, the buckler became an extension of the paladin's own irrepressibility and protectiveness, as well as a symbol that inspired those in her charge." That's the only place it says anything about it. Honestly I was confused about this shield at one point also. Thanks again.
  14. Hello, karlsimon. Upload the saved game to something like Dropbox and then post a public link here. I'll download it from there and see what I can do. Thanks!
  15. Hello, all. There is a bug currently in our database regarding the confusing description of this spell. Thank you for your support and patience with this issue!
  16. Hello, ThePreciousOne. Thanks for that additional information. Do be advised that playing without Steam has caused some players to lose achievements in Steam. Good luck!
  17. Hello, rrva. I am unable to reproduce this issue on my machine. I'm wondering if it is something inside your system settings that is conflicting with something else? What version of OSX are you running? Which version of the game are you running as well. Please upload these files along with an output log so we can dig further into this issue. Thanks for your support.
  18. Hello, Flatfingers. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, but glad that you got it worked out on your own. It's possible that the game is running in 32 bit mode from the sound of things. You might benefit from increasing your available RAM per application. Thanks for your support, and thank you for posting this for others to see as it could definitely help other players.
  19. Hello, all. We are aware of the issue and already have a bug currently in our database being looked at by the programming team. Thank you for your support!
  20. Hello, riggers. What update of the game are you on? Please upload a saved game and output log to Dropbox and post a link here so I can take a closer look at your issue. Thanks for your support.
  21. Hello. It sounds to me like the problem might stem from your video card. A quadro card is not meant for gaming, but instead for making the games as I'm sure you are aware. The architecture of a quadro card is different than a geforce and doesn't do calculations quite the same way. Are you able to try a different video card that is officially supported? Thanks for your support.
  22. Hello, all. There is currently a known issue with Unity on Windows 10 that is affecting other games as well. I suggest trying to run your game in a compatibility mode for the time being. Keep in mind that any time a new OS hits there are going to be issues and growing pains. Thanks for your support.
  23. Hello, mega-T. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. I have entered a bug into our database regarding this issue. Thank you for your support!
  24. Hello, Jokito07. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Your issues come from running the game in 32 bit mode. See this thread for advice on increasing available RAM on your system as that has helped some players on another Unity Engine game that found this workaround. Please be advised that we are not responsible for anything you do after reading that thread as it involves editing some system files. Thanks for your ongoing support!
  25. Hello, BicycleRepairMan. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Do you have a saved game file that you can upload to Dropbox that is experiencing this issue? That will enable me to take a closer look at the bug. There is a similar bug already in our database about mobs stopping their attacks, but any additional information on a bug like this is helpful. Thank you for your support and patience during this issue.
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