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Everything posted by celliott

  1. Hello. I've downloaded your files and will take a closer look at your issue. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and support during this issue.
  2. Hello again. I have good news. In our most recent build, upon loading your saved game, Pallegina popped out of the wall and was able to move again. You will have to wait a bit until this build goes public, but in your specific case, it is fixed. Thanks for your patience and support!
  3. Hello again. I understand the confusion. The DR penalty for Crush on Mail armor is done at the very end of the calculation. I will bring this to the attention of the proper team to see if anything can be done about the tool tips giving better descriptions when enchanting. Thanks for your support!
  4. Hello again. So as it turns out I've been corrected by my superiors. Enchanting is working as intended. Mail armor is weak against Crush damage, and therefore instead of having 13 DR against Crush to begin with, it only has 7. Because it is weak to Crush it does not get Enchanted as highly because it is inherently weak to Crush. I'm still confused on the issue somewhat as it isn't completely clear in the UI of the game, but have been assured that it is working as intended. Sorry for the confusion, and thank you for the support!
  5. Hello. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully we are able to help you out in the future. Thanks again!
  6. Hello again. I did some additional testing as well, and all 'proofing' enchantments are broken. Crush is only adding +1, while Burn and Corrode are adding +10. A bug has been entered into our system and will be looked at by the appropriate team. Thanks for your support!
  7. Hello, MathieuG89. Can you please upload a saved game and output log to Dropbox and post a link here so I can take a look? That will enable me to better help you on this issue. Thanks for your support!
  8. Hello again. Not a problem at all. When you do get the files figured back out go ahead and post new links. I'm actually brand new to it also and only use it for this job. I wish I could be more help. Thanks, and good luck!
  9. Hello, Xaratas. I will look into that. It was daunting getting the system back to English as it was, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks!
  10. Hello, Madscientist. The link you provided is giving an error message about the file being moved or deleted. Thanks!
  11. Hello, Madscientist. The link you provided is giving back an error about the file being deleted or moved. Thanks!
  12. Hello, Madscientist. The Dropbox file you linked does not work. Thanks!
  13. Hello. Actually, that's a great point. I use OSX here at work. I'll see what I can do about getting another tester to look at the issue on linux, thank you for pointing that out!
  14. Hello, Xaratas. I've changed my system language over to Turkish and tested the game. All strings that I encountered were in and working correctly in English. From what I understood from that other thread is that changing the system language to Turkish overall caused the issue, as Turkish is not a language selectable in the game currently. I had no issues running the game in this way. Thanks for your support!
  15. Hello. Yes, that is an option as well. Not one supported by us though, which is why I can't recommend it. I can't give support on it, therefore I don't want to recommend it as I've never used it and wouldn't know the first thing about troubleshooting it. Thanks for the additional information though, that is good to know.
  16. Hello again. Ok, so, unfortunately there is nothing that can be done currently about Pallegina being stuck that isn't going to have some downsides. 1. You can cheat by entering 'iroll20s' in the console menu which will disable achievements but enable you to continue your game with your party intact. 2. You can kill Pallegina which means you get to keep your achievements, but your party is down a paladin. I've entered a bug into our system to hopefully avoid this all together in the future. Thanks for your patience and support, and again I apologize there's not more we can do.
  17. Hello, biochemRhapshody. I'm very sorry for your inconvenience. I am downloading your files and will update this thread as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience and support during this issue.
  18. Hello, qwert_4463. Yes, we are aware of the issue. Thank you!
  19. Hello. Thank you for pointing this out. There is a bug in our system marked high priority regarding this issue. Thanks for the ongoing support!
  20. Hello SurfSpider. I have no official answer for you, but the site Game Debate might be able to help you out. You are able to enter your system settings into an estimating algorithm and have it determine whether or not you can play certain games at certain resolutions and settings. Keep in mind this is not official and is only one way of researching what you are asking and is only intended for estimating purposes. Thanks for your support!
  21. Hello again. I will bring that suggestion to the proper team. I'm honestly not sure how all that works or if it is possible, but will make sure that our team knows about the suggestion. Thanks for your support!
  22. Hello again, Procco. You're very welcome. Thanks for the support, Happy Tuesday!
  23. Hello again, BicycleRepairMan. Thank you for the additional information. I have added all pertinent information to the bug in our system so the programming team can really dig in and take a look to see what is happening. Thanks for your ongoing support!
  24. Hello again. What Aurelio is saying is correct. I have no time line at all as it is not our bug. Unity will have to fix it before we are able to get a chance to even test fixes on our end. Thanks for your patience and support!
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