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Everything posted by celliott

  1. Hello again. If one modal ability affects Deflection for instance (Defender applies a penalty to Deflection of -5) then another modal that also affects Deflection (Guardian Stance applies +10 to Deflection) only one of those is going to be able to be activated at a time. Does that make sense? Thanks for your support!
  2. Hello, Heinous Hat. I am unable to reproduce this issue internally, and actually have never seen it. I've been using my 3rd mouse button for toggling interactables since version 1.06. It does not seem to matter who I have selected, the only thing that the button does is what I am assigning it to in the game. It pauses fine, opens the character panel, toggles interactables, etc. I believe your problem is probably stemming from the use of 3rd party software. Please try completely disabling any software that has the ability to change mouse and keyboard functions and update this thread accordingly. Thanks!
  3. Hello all. Thank you for pointing this out. A bug has been entered into our system to be looked at by the appropriate team. Thanks for your support!
  4. Hello, fibes88. Yes, some Modals are designed to be exclusive and some are not. More than one Modal that both affect the same stat are never going to be active at the same time. Thanks for your support!
  5. Hello. Yes, we are aware of the issue, as it has been noted in several other threads. Please use the search function in the future to avoid posting multiple unique threads about the same subject. Thanks! http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81077-windmill-quest-in-gilden-vale-bug/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81132-continue-prompt-disabled-at-start-of-against-the-grain/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81173-game-freeze-guilded-valewindmillfreeze/
  6. Hello, Infinitron. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Can you please upload a screen shot, output log, and saved game that is experiencing this issue to Dropbox? That will enable me to take a closer look at the issue. Thanks for your support!
  7. Hello, KayCline. The stash can be accessed by clicking on the Chest inside your inventory window. It is to the left of the Crafting button. Thanks for your support!
  8. Hello again. No, there is no official way to do this right now. The patch containing the fix will be available very soon. Fortunately it is an optional side quest and can be done later in the game without a problem. Thanks!
  9. Hello again. Thanks for the additional information!
  10. Hello again. Glad you got it worked out. Indeed, hopefully this information is useful for other people as well. Thanks!
  11. Hello again. A save right before the fight, or the autosave when you got on the level would have worked also. Not a big deal though. As for the other files it is going to depend on what OS you are running. The instructions can all be found in the link on my signature. Thanks again!
  12. Hello. As Madscientist has stated we would need a few files next time this happens to really do anything about it. A screen shot, output log, and saved game. Next time it happens grab these things and post an update! Thanks for your support!
  13. Hello again. Fortunately, this quest is not necessary to continue progression of the game. You can easily come back later and complete it and lose nothing in the process. It's inconvenient, yes, but will not break your game. Thanks for your support and patience during this issue.
  14. Hello, again. I definitely see the issue with the scroll popping up and telling you the quest is completed before it is and I will enter that bug into our database. However, I must ask which game guide you are using, as having Intellect at 19 is only half of the equation. You will also need either Perception at 19 or Resolve at 20 for the second part of the questioning by Simoc. I was able to complete the quest without having to fight Simoc by raising perception to 19. I will look into the issue with the game guide being possibly incorrect and enter the other bug into our database. I'm sorry for your inconvenience and thank you for your support.
  15. Hello, LaSpeakeasi. I've downloaded your output log, but was unable to download your screen shot as it is not marked as being public. Your saved game is giving an error about being moved or deleted. I will dig into this issue for you as soon as you can upload those files. Thanks!
  16. Hello, lefreut. I apologize for the confusion. I have entered a bug into our system that will be looked at by the appropriate team. Thanks for the support and patience during this issue.
  17. Hello! Thank you for the feedback. I will forward this suggestion to the appropriate team. Thanks for the support!
  18. Hello, Nobear. I will forward your suggestion to the appropriate team and update this thread accordingly. Thanks for the support!
  19. Hello all. I will forward this suggestion/opinion on to the appropriate team and update this thread accordingly. Thanks for the support!
  20. Hello again, Madscientist. Thank you for pointing this out. I will download the files and take a closer look and update this thread accordingly. Thanks for the ongoing support!
  21. Hello, Ricklucite. I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Can you please upload a saved game and output log to Dropbox and then post a link here? I can take a look that way and dig into this issue for you. Also, have you downloaded the beta and played it and then uninstalled it after saving a game? That would definitely cause this issue also. Thanks for your support!
  22. Hello all. We are aware of the issue and have fixed it in our newest internal build. This fix will be available in a patch very soon. Thanks for you ongoing support and patience during this issue.
  23. Hello. We are aware of the issue. It has been fixed in our newest internal build and will be available in a patch very soon. Thanks for your patience and support!
  24. Hello. As stated in 3 other threads, we are aware of this issue. Please do a search in the search bar at the top of the forums next time to avoid cluttering the forums up with issues that have already been acknowledged. Thanks! http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81173-game-freeze-guilded-valewindmillfreeze/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81077-windmill-quest-in-gilden-vale-bug/
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