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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Exar Kun used a blue double bladed ligtsabre. I want Exar Kun's lightsabre! Purple ligtsabres also appeared first in JKII, or the Mystreries of the Sith expansion (which pre-dates Mace Windu). However for some reason my graphics card didn't like that colour and kept crashing.
  2. Have you seen the Obi-Wan style robes in the screenshots? I expect we will be seeing a significantly improved choice of robes this time round.
  3. Bandon's gear looked different on Bandon than on anyone else! I't wasn't the same as Revan's robe though.
  4. I have the Mongolian edition of PC-Doodz and it says someone is getting their leg pulled.
  5. ? Shouldn't do, should be a robe with a hood(down), sort of like a dressing gown. the LS robe looked like that ; white, hood down and with brown armor on the torso the DS robe looked exactly liked bandons robes ( when i say looked like bandons i mean when he wore them) The dark side robe was the same model as the light, just differently coloured. Bandon's gear wasn't a robe at all, just a regular armour model.
  6. ? Shouldn't do, should be a robe with a hood(down), sort of like a dressing gown.
  7. That picture sort of rules out White Hair and Masked Sith being one of the same person doesn't it? Also I initialy thought Masked Sith was female, but looking at the exposed wrist holding the lightsabre it now looks more male.
  8. It's a lot easier for a young person to disguise themselves as an old person, than an old person to disguise themselves as a young person. All it takes is a bit of makeup, a bit of hair die and a bit of acting (not to mention the aging effect of the dark side, it's realy bad for the skin). Maybe Bastilla is very good at this Force linkage thing and uses it a lot? My suggestion was made not entierly seriously however.
  9. ^agrees about the lamers, which Opus131 probably thinks of me as... All i ask is for people to think about what they are going to say. At the end of KOTOR, Revan is about as strong as Yoda, how in the bloody hell are you going to make a game out of that ?!? LOL! Exactly. Can you imagine if a movie where the main character was uber-powerful - we're talkin' Christ-like powerful - at the end of the movie returned in the sequel? What kind of challenges would he face? How could anything be believable after that? Oh, wait. That was the Matrix trilogy wasn't it? A problem with Superman too, and why Batman is much cooler.
  10. The lack of a PC voice didn't normaly bother me, as I read the line in my head my brain filled in the black. However there was a cut scene near the end in which the PC had a line (to Carth) that apeared in subtitle but wasn't spoken, this seemed odd. If (as is most likely) there is no PC voice again the writers should try to avoid this situation.
  11. The only one it that list that forces you to play the developper's character is PS:T with TNO. All the rest has basic background history and then lets me to create any type of character I want. But I don't recall being able to play as a Jedi in Baldur's Gate!
  12. A projectile deflection force power might work. I don't know if toggle powers for things like Force Sight and Battle Meditation are being introduced. If not it could have a fixed duration like Force Valor and the rest. It could have 3 levels like many of the other powers: Level 1: Protects character only, projectile deflected in a random direction. Level 2: Protects all friendlies withing 10 feet of the character Level 3: Protects all friendlies within 15 feet. Projectiles are directed back where they came from. I doubt it would be desireable to interupt combat to ask if you want to avoid a crowd of civilians, but a general collateral damage system would be good that gave you dark side points whenever you acidently hurt a civilian. Such a system was in Baldur's Gate and Jedi Knight.
  13. It occured to be that Kreia could be Bastilla in disguise, notice how she keeps her hood over her eyes? If Kreia is a full powered jedi she would rather dominate the action at the begining when everyone else is 1st level, so she would have to be weakened in some way. It has been mentioned that she is force linked to the PC, so if the PC lost his powers maybe she did to? I suspect that Kreia will die fairly early in the game, or be revealed as a Sith Lord.
  14. Firstly, I'm not convinced the Elders where good. I didn't trust those goggle-eyed wiseguys an inch! What about the scientist who was experimenting on prisoners to regain force powers? I am inclined to the view that Revan encontered a great evil on the rim that started him on the dark path and caused him to seek out the SF. It could be a Sith lord, or a Rakatan artifact, or even a surviving Rakatan dark force wielder, or whatever was responsible for the plague. Over the months following the battle of the SF Revan's memories started to return and he realised he had to return to the rim to deal with this threat to the Sith empire/Repubic. Dark side Revan isn't going to leave the SF hanging around for other would be Sith Lords to use, so he would either have to take it with him or put it out of commision. Light Side, devoid of Revan's leadership the jedi and republic flounder. Afterwards deadly Sith assassins start to hunt down the remaining Jedi. Those who are not killed go into hiding.
  15. You where impressed by Wing Comander 4!!?? The DVD version for the PC had a helluva lot of options how the story could go and the acting and story wasn't half bad. Add to the fact the game itself was quite fun. I'll take your word for it. My PC didn't have a DVD at the time and I thought Wing Co II and III where getting increasingly lame.
  16. You where impressed by Wing Comander 4!!??
  17. What else do you need ?!? And what is this mythic status you are speaking of ?!? It's just a weapon, and not a very effective one against a single opponent, i think some people are giving double bladed sabers FAR too much importance, and all because of Darth Maul. Actually Exar Kun go there first. The fact is outside of games only 2 very powerful Sith use this weapon.
  18. It is harder to use. You need 3 whole feats just not to get penalize by using a doubled bladed sword (or dual wielding). Is anybody actually READING Drakkon posts AT ALL ?!? I think the argument is "are 3 feats sufficent to give this weapon it's mythic status?"
  19. I don't think the KotOR engine can support diverting rockets with the force (turn based) - it should work on grenades too anyway. It would be good if you could pull weapons out of enemies' hands in KotOR, that should be possible as disarm was in NWN.
  20. I've heard "sabrestaff". I agree that this weapon should be harder to use. If it was treated seperatly to the standard lightsabre so you needed their was a seperate proficency, focus and specilisation feat, and you needed the duel wielding feat to use it without penalties it would requre 6 feats to fully master, which seems about right to me.
  21. Yup, they could have had a few more aliens being rounded up and sent to death camps.
  22. KotOR plays pretty fast and loose with the D20 rules, so I don't know that the manuals would be that helpful. I reckon they can get away with this because WotC licences Star Wars from Lucasarts, so it is Lucasarts who wield the big stick. Thus the developers have to respect the Star Wars univese but can do pretty much what they like with D20.
  23. You could read the text in the tomb section, which may have been complety changed to conceal the plot, but that seems like a lot of trouble for a demo. You can also read what planet the tomb is on.
  24. I could imagine a light side ending in which the PC dies in the end. I also think something very bad might have happened to Revan. A serious betrayal could also give the story a very dark twist.
  25. go to www.lucasarts.com and look at the video, it shows mira using that rocket, damn that thing kicks ass Pursumably have to find or buy rockets though, unless you can use repear skill to modify grenades or mines. Given how dangerous grenades where unless you moved out of the way I wouldn't like to be on the recieving end of one of these things. Does the launcher ocupy an arm inventory slot?
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