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Everything posted by Strange_Trees

  1. Following my last post, I made a vague collection of blobs I think might somewhat resemble the "known-world" of Eora. Obviously not to scale, and not meant to indicate climate/borders/whatever. Few additional notes: - Sagani mentions how it's not unusual for pale elves to winter in Naasitaq if the winter in the White are especially bad that year. That leads me to think that Deadfire is close enough to the landmass of the White for that trip to be considered fairly easily doable. - It's mentioned that both Meadow Folk and Wood Elves originated north of Aedyr and migrated south, although it's not mentioned if they originated from a different landmass or further up the same continent. - I probably screwed a lot up but I already flattened the layers and didn't bother keeping a working copy so meh I say
  2. There are a few tidbits here and there that kind of suggest where other continents and nations are in respect to the Dyrwood. Including stuff from the guidebook, here are some tidbits I know of: - Aedyr is tropical, roughly situated along Eora's equator. - Natlan (sahvanna folk) originate 'just south of the equator, north of Readceras' (guidebook page 44) which means that Readceras, Dyrwood, the Valian Republics, all the places we see in game, are actually in Eora's southern hemisphere. That means Aedyr is northwest of the Dyrwood. - I'm a bit iffy on the location of Old Valia, but that might be my reading comprehension failing me Going off the guidebook, they had settled both to the north and south of Eir Glanfath. Page 56 of the guidebook states "To the north,...[something about crop failure]" and "To the south, their former territories in the Valian Republics..." which initially made me think that Old Valia is NORTH of the Republics, but a post by J.E. Sawyer says "the crumbling island nations of Old Vailia sit thousands of miles to the southwest of their offshoot, the Vailian Republics." So for now I'm going with poor reading comprehension on my part (I thought the north/south in the book was comparing against Old Valia, when it might've been Eir Glanfath). Anyways, going with Word-of-God and settling for Old Valia being southwest of the Republics, likely fairly far south of Aedyr itself? - Another note in regards to that Sawyer quote, refering to Old Valia as 'island nations' makes me think it was likely rather large geographically. - We know that Deadfire Archipelago is directly south of the Eastern reach, and is pretty much a last frontier in terms of seafaring exploration heading east. As to what lays north of that, in regards to the landmass of the Eastern Reach, we don't really know. We know that mountain dwarves originate on the mainland to the east of Dyrwood, but not much as to how far that landmass stretches, or how hospitable it might be. - The Ixamitil Plains are "northeast of Eir Glanfath". We know from dialog with Zauha that the place is vast, with many different peoples, so it's likely a sizable chunk of landmass. - Rauatai sits on a "northeastern" continent, with the gulf of Rautai facing towards the west (pg 56). - The Living Lands (all from pg 56 again) are a mountainous island far north of Aedyr. Much of the population lives in basins in the southern mountains. Also has isolated populations in the colder northern climates. - It's probably safe to assume that the White That Wends is part of whatever landmass makes up the south pole of Eora, or at least is closest to it.
  3. Huh, I had Maneha volunteer herself, which I agreed to, but since she had high enough CON (she was still buffed from the previous fight) she survived and swam back. I don't even remember if I have the diving helmet >_>
  4. I think there's still places the Watcher's story could go, and where the game left off, there are still story threads that could be resolved. Besides, I think the endings BIG-REVEAL would make starting with a new character a little meta-gamey from the start. The player knows this huge secret of the world, but any character they made wouldn't have any reason to, so the player either meta-games, or knows-but-pretends-their-character-doesn't.
  5. Hello, So I started up the game today, haven't played for a couple of weeks, and I noticed the glow effects on things have turned into square blocks: I've tried transitioning areas, as well as removing and re-equiping the items, but the glows continue to look like that.
  6. That seems like about as good of an idea as having an AA meeting run by a moonshiner >.>
  7. One thing that kind of bugged me is how the game stated that male Pale elves could grow facial hair, in contrast to male Wood elves which couldn't, but none of the Pale elf portraits sported any beards??? So I bring you some more amateur Photoshop hacking together of various other official portraits to try to get a bearded pale elf. Not perfect but maybe someone can make use of it?
  8. I loved them all, but I voted for Devil of Caroc, mostly because I found hers to be the biggest emotional gut-punch to me. Sagani and Edér were up there too.
  9. I'm not a huge fan of arenas, but I suppose it might work in a sequel, assuming it had some sort of plot relevance. I really hate when they're just a grind for rewards. That said, given PoE's setting and current happenings, any sort of bloodsport arena would make less than zero sense.
  10. I just find it strange how there is no racism between elves and humans. Neither race can reproduce, elves dominate the "hut Dweller" culture, and not to mention that elves can live longer than humans. You would think that last reason would give some elves a superiority complex. Because race does not automatically equate to culture. I forget the exact timeline, but meadow folk and wood elves in Aedyr have been melded into a single culture for something like 2000 years? I'm sure telling an elf in Gilded Vale that they should feel kinship with some elven "face painter" because they both have pointed ears would get you a black eye and some missing teeth
  11. So I booted up the game today and noticed the new feature. Kind of hard not to see it right away, since I think a block that sits above the rest of the UI and has a shiny green border moving on it is horribly obnoxious :/ Would it be possible to move it somewhere or add an option to disable it?
  12. You didn't miss anything, that door cannot be opened at that time.
  13. Oooooooh she looks lovely :D I wonder if she might be from the Living Lands? Her accessories look pretty fancy and different from anything seen on the other companions. And unless I'm mis-remembering, it's one of the only areas that we know pretty much nothing about from in-game yet? Also, what size are those pictures? Because I would definitely buy (and pay whatever absurd shipping rates to Canada) the hell out of a set of decently sized set of companion portrait art
  14. I especially love the music in the ogre cave, it's so catchy :D
  15. Most, if not all of them, have dialog regarding events that occur towards the end of the game. What you say in those conversations actually determines the endings for some of them.
  16. It's probably tied into your level, but there definitely is a you-are-going-to-get-face-stomped warning if you're not in a doable range.
  17. Click on the characters portrait, and click on the enemy you want that character to attack. Seems like your auto-attack is turned off, which you can change in the new tactics thingie (click on a character and one of the icons on the bar is which, forgot what it looks like at the moment) if you want to.
  18. This *really* needs to be made more clear in the actual expansion. The way it's worded is ambiguous at best, and players who head to Cragholdt right off the bat are in for a *VERY* rough time of things. I've never seen that kind of targeted "kill the squishie" obsession in enemies before and it was....surprising. It *almost* frustrated me enough to stop playing. The Steward in Caed Nua said outright that I'd be outmatched if I went there when my party was all level 7, and said I should avoid it until I was stronger. Not really sure how much clearer it could be without breaking the fourth wall.
  19. If you open your map, you should see little yellow diamond symbols at certain points. The ones in the city will mark exit points to other parts of the city ("To Brackenburry" for example), and you have to use those first to "discover" the areas you haven't been in before. After that you should be able to travel directly to those areas from any other.
  20. Nope, the chest is still empty. I remember having a bunch of stuff in it on my first playthrough a bit ago, but I didn't check it very often. That's why I was wondering if maybe the 'minor adventures' didn't actually award gold and/or items despite the message mentioning spoils (but nothing specific).
  21. Hey everyone, quick question: I've been playing a new-game, and I'm just starting Act 2, and have 2 companions on standby in the Stronghold. Both times I've had a minor adventure, assigned a companion, and when it was completed something about 'spoils awaiting in the Great Hall' was noted on the stronghold status, but the treasury has stayed empty. I really can't remember if minor adventures just don't give gold or items? Or am I possibly looking at a bug? Thanks in advance! <3
  22. Respeccing companion attributes doesn't really make sense. From the 'role-playing' perspective, a companions stats reflect them as a character, not just as a class. The whole min/maxing with stat-dumps doesn't really reflect the spirit of that very well, so it makes sense that it's limited to the player and mercenaries, as they're basically blank-slates.
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