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Everything posted by Strange_Trees

  1. Go to the main store page for PoE and there's a 'season pass' option. If you go through the library DLC page, it only displays currently released options.
  2. Interesting... I went ahead and bought the 'season pass', so I'll get part 2 when it comes out, and now my DLC section of the library steam page says I have "pre-order item and pet" installed. Guessing there's some bonus for ordering both?
  3. Edér for sure. Maybe also Hiravias and Kana. I love Sagani and Pallegina as well, but I think with their stories it doesn't really make sense for them to make another appearance.
  4. Yeah, I knew about the Black Hound reference, but not that it happened because a backer never contacted them. 5k pledge and the guy goes MIA, go figure, eh? Well, now I get the context behind the innkeepers story about the previous owner just disappearing without a trace and leaving his dog behind >_>
  5. Ya'know, not going into spoilers (depending on how far along you are) but one of the major themes in PoE revolves around the concept of causing harm (intentional or accidental) in pursuit of good. The divide between what is good and what is evil boils down to a matter of opinion, and whether you personally were harmed or benefited.
  6. I think we're at risk of falling into some philosophical debate on "What is evil?" If a hunter ventures into the woods, falls into the web of a giant spider and gets eaten, is that giant spider evil? Was the giant spider evil before, if that was the first human it ate? What if the hunter was evil? Is a giant spider eating an evil hunter an act of good? *puts on a monocle and smokes a pipe* Not to say that there can't be evil individuals, but even those we meet in-game had motivations and goals beyond just being moustache-twirling-****. Besides, the developers look to have been very deliberate in avoiding the generic good/evil dichotomy and planet-of-the-hats tropes, I don't see them overturning that just because there are people who want to pretend they're playing Drizzt in every single fantasy universe. (Also: Dammit Katarack, now I wont be able to fight any zombies without thinking "meat mecha" and laughing )
  7. I think the races we have as playable pretty much cover the inhabitants of the known world already, so there's no reason to try to shoehorn something else in. The non-playable races such as ogres, delemgan, and vithrack, are all non-playable for a reason; they're either viewed with hostility and wouldn't be welcome in cities, or are just to rare and strange to be able to fit into the role the story requires.
  8. So on my new game, I recruited Durance, and was on the level up screen when I noticed the issue. There's no legs in those boots D: Only happens with his default robes as far as I can tell, all the others I had on hand were longer and didn't have the burned look. Pretty minor but thought I'd post it anyways.
  9. Steam auto-patches as the updates become available by default. Not sure about the beta patch thing, but I doubt it would wipe the game. From what I've seen on other games, beta patches are usually a separate install of the game altogether, but I could be wrong in this case.
  10. I recall, if you go into the house with Nonton and Perly's wife (forget her name) and go into scout mode, there's some supplies including a campfire under the bed. Assuming you haven't already found/used those yet.
  11. Itumak likes this. If Sagani can keep him off the piglet, I have faith she can keep him from eating a bunny >.>
  12. I'm not sure that would work, since established lore so far doesn't even have things like demons, fiends, or even alternate planes of existence the way D&D has.
  13. I hope there's a bunny. I really want a bunny
  14. Interesting. I just checked my save and the line doesn't have any attribute or reputation requirement listed, even with the option to see those checked off in the menu. The line is "I've never been able to do that with a living person... except with you." My best guess is the requirement is not being a cipher yourself?
  15. Interesting, I never thought about that What would happen when a being who is essentially a giant mass of artificially forged soul-essence forces its way into a body already occupied by it's proper, intended soul? Other than a mess, since we already know that's how it ended
  16. Thaos was definitely going to make a move on the Dyrwood sooner or later, since his M.O. is to prevent the development of animancy and the rediscovery of Engwithan science. Again, the whole "killed a god" thing can't have made Thaos happy either, even if that god may have been opposed to him. I think we can assume he was waiting for a good moment. Restoring Woedica was a bonus, but his primary goal was the destruction of animancy by scapegoating it for the Legacy. So I've been pondering and I have some thoughts... - Thaos' primary goal was first and foremost was to prevent the discovery of the gods artificial nature by any means necessary. Animancy is the current issue for him, as it seems to be progressing closer towards the technology the Engwithans used to create the gods. (Okay I just realized something checking the PoE wiki. Aedyr banned animancy 500~ years before the game takes place after an incident where a soul transferred into a dead body woke up and went on a rampage. Isn't that the memory the watcher sees in the asylum when you run into Thaos there? In which case, he's been slowly unravelling support for animancy for a loooong time... I should find a save near there and double-check) - Empowering Woedica so she could rein in the other gods was something he'd have to be careful about. If some catastrophe befell the world right as Woedica ascended to power, someone might make the connection. Scapegoating animancy would have allowed him to collect souls for however long it took people to finally snap and stamp out ALL animancy in the Dyrwood, at which point I assume he would have had the soul stealing stop, letting the population believe that animancy was the culprit. He gets a pile of souls to feed Woedica AND stamps out a threat to his cause at the same time. - Eothas was undoubtedly a wrench in the plan, possibly forcing Thaos to act faster than he would have liked. For one, a god taking on a mortal avatar and acting directly seems to be a massive overstepping of boundaries. Thaos might have seen this as a red-flag that Woedica was needed to lay down some law before the other gods started toeing the line. Kicking the hollowborn plan into action at that point really didn't help his anti-animancy cause. Sure lots of people still blamed it, but the blame was split between animancy and Waidwen, instead of animancy alone. - If Eothas did pull the whole Waidwen/Readceras invasion thing to stop Thaos from empowering Woedica, I wonder why that was his choice of plan? Was he going to use Readceras to destroy the Engwithan machines, something that would have undoubtedly led to bloodshed with the Glanfathans? Did he just not have enough influence with the Dyrwood itself? Questions, questions...
  17. As far as I recall there are only three named pale elves in the game (outside of the backer characters): Glasvahl, Vesgel, and Iqali. Not a lot to go off of :/ Maybe someone with more knowledge of languages can pin those to a similar IRL naming convention.
  18. I'm buying it for the story Hopefully there's some extra banter between the expansion companions with the main game ones.
  19. If any sales are being held back by the lack of multiplayer, I highly doubt that all of those "potential" sales combined would cover even a fraction of the cost of developing such a system.
  20. What does any of that have to do with this game? There's nothing that says I can't go back to my keep and finish clearing out the basement. Most games end when the story ends. The story ends when the primary conflict is resolved. Anyways, the game makes a save file before you jump into the pit with a default title of "Burial Isle (PRE-ENDGAME)" which you can load up and finish side-quests with.
  21. Okay, I see these topics come and go, and I've thought about it a bit. Now, I'm a bit of a sap at heart; I like romance. I've shipped ships in various fandoms, read trashy novels, written long-winded praises to artists who produce heartwarming fluff fanart, all that jazz. Do I think PoE suffers for not having any romance? Absolutely not. In fact, I think it's better for it. Here's my little beef with romance in video games: it noticeably restricts what the writers can do with the characters. It's not expanding character possibilities, it limits them. A romance plot isn't something you can tack on at the end of character development and have it done well. Being "romanceable" becomes a key central aspect to that character. The character has to be reasonably likeable, attractive, and somehow emotionally available. Even if it doesn't seem like it, those points determine a huge amount of what you can do with a character, and all the other things that tie a character into the actual story of the game end up taking a backseat. A character can't be old, ugly, at odds with the player, married, entirely not-even-humanoid, or otherwise disinterested. If a game has 6 companions, and 4 of them are romance options, that only gives the developers actual creative freedom with 2 of them. PoE wouldn't have characters like Sagani, Grieving Mother, Durance, or Hiravias, if there had been a major focus on writing 'romanceable' NPCs during development. I've played some Bioware RPGs, and without fail the characters who aren't romance options end up being better written and more interesting. I suspect this isn't really a coincidence. From what I've seen in Bioware fandoms, there's still a lot of shipping outside of the pre-packaged romances, or heavily altering the given ones anyways. Also, character development often gets locked behind the virtual sex-wall. Character story will just hit a point where it wont continue without the romance active. Baldur's Gate 2 had a characters ending depend entirely on whether you slept with them or not. That just irks me. I mean sure, you could tack on 3 lines of dialog, marry an NPC, and have them sit at home dispensing pies while selling things you give them, and call that romance. That's what Skyrim does, but I don't think it's very romantic (Although Saints Row 4 managed to make romances a comedy gold mine. That parody was one of the best things to come out of the ME2 romances) I admit, I get a little annoyed every time I see people lamenting the lack of romance in PoE as some sort of flaw. All in-game romances really boil down to is some pre-written, pre-rendered, developer approved fanfiction. That's it. Since the dawn of fandoms, people have been writing fluffy fanfiction, drawing smutty fanart, and bonding with other fans over it, and I think that's great. And anyone who didn't participate in that aspect of the fandom generally wasn't exposed to it. So whenever I see people whining that "[some character] is awesome I wish you could romance him/her/it/whatever" my passive-aggressive side just wants to tell them to go write their own damn fanfiction instead of expecting developers to do it for them EDIT: Demolished wall-o-text's in favor of readability. Sorry if I'm rambling
  22. I think priests and druids (I think Paladins as well) get full access to all the spells of a level when they can cast at that level, but are limited by a number of casts for each of those levels. Wizards have the whole grimoire swapping mechanic, which I admittedly haven't played around with much. They can only have 4 spells per level in a grimoire, but can swap them via quick-slots in combat to have access to a different saved set of spells... Chanters and Ciphers both work on a sort of charges-accumulated-in-combat thing, chanters are a time based thing, with ciphers gaining points on hit... Something like that I'm sure people in the strategy forum can give much more detailed breakdowns...
  23. I guess my advice would be: Take your time. Explore, talk to NPCs, get a feel for the world. Don't always feel like you have to make the "right" choice for a quest. Personally, there's nothing quite like the feeling of exploring a new game world fresh for the first time, and I think it's something worth savouring a bit Oh, and don't forget to save often. Nothing frustrates me quite like getting murdered near the end of a level and realizing I haven't saves since I got through the door D:
  24. Right, I got the names mixed up. Basically White March steel > Crucible Knights Steel. Hopefully the expansion delivers and we can get some of that sweet sweet march steel for ourselves
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