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Raven Darkholme

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Everything posted by Raven Darkholme

  1. You have to be on the actual world map, where you travel around with the ship for this to work, it neither works on islands or dungeons or anything. You have to first get Good Food, better friends before any permanent bonuses like dawnstar, because sometimes it deletes your bonuses. Now you go to the ship map, pause your game and then press the rest button, now you can combine all food bonuses in the game, you will get something ridicolous like 500 hp at max level, -60-70ish damage taken an d +50ish% damage dealt, my freezing pillar did something crazy like 180-200 damage on hit and almost 300 on crit, PER TICK.
  2. So after testing this out on stream today it seems like food pause stacking only works AFTER you got Good food better friends.
  3. Hm, so pausing the game doesn't hinder you from doing scripted encounters, but it prevents forced rests, nice. edit: Hm, not quite, "only" works for "good food better friends" and camping (opieop) but doesn't work for scripted encounters where it says something like "x hours passed", but still being able to combine all foods ingame is pretty crazy edit: also this doesn't work for camping in a dungeon and the likes, this only works while exploring the world map.
  4. Wall stacking is only necessary if there is no low defence enemy in the fight. Any fight with ads still works with one wall and for fights without ads you simply use Belt of Magran's chosen for the blight. (Start out with killing your own phantom's with essence interrupter until the blight is actually there, since it can take a while) Stacking walls on low def targets did make the buff duration go up faster. but having just one 50 will blight will still make the durations increase. In fights with ads you might be able to hit several enemies with one wall which will still be super fast.
  5. Even with +2 Pen Dragon thrased pen is bad, sorry to speak against your suggestion Boroer, but the base pen of the chant is so bad you can't pen against enemies WEAK to Fire, like BOW Dragon (at least on upscaled PoTD, if you're high enough level the dragon gets upscaled it has a 10 AR vs Fire) With a multiclassed chanter you will be able to pen against the handful enemies weak to fire, but will be useless against everyone else, while with a singleclass chanter you'll have Eld Nary which is only useless against frost immune enemies but outside of BOW there is not a lot of those. (Even in BOW it's only the dracolich and the ice blights, maybe some polar bears) The amount of enemies a single class chanter is strong against is much higher and anyway the amount of damage upgraded Eld nary does with empower by Sashas is not even close to comparable to the meagre damage of dragon slashed even with pen. Oh btw base pen of dragon chant is 7! and at PL7 (max for multiclass) it's 8.5, so +2 from Tenacious will make you JUST pen a creature weak to fire. edit: also just remembered the chanter gets an invocation for +2 pen as well, it doesn't stack with thunderous blows.
  6. Very easy to install, just a matter of unpacking files in an override folder (might have to create the folder first).
  7. Killed the ooze today as well, as the last of my megabosses. It has indeed a "cleansing" attack, so your defenses need to be decent to not lose your durations, even tho you're draining. Small shield (no w+s style) + arcane veil was enough for me, didn't pay attention for a while and had bow equipped, lost my brilliant even tho I was stacking walls like crazy. As to the sigilmaster you have to burst the cleansing sigil when you'rte in phase 1 and no more than 1 sigil is up, in phase 2 you wanna retreat if both cleansing and tayn's sigil are up. I killed Sigilmaster as first megaboss, wayyyyyyy before I used walls of draining, so my main "schtick" was brilliant with phantom, but keep in mind if you retreat to the exit sigilmaster won't follow and you will eventually get brilliant, so retreating whenever a combo of sigils you don't like is up, will actually fullheal you and get all your spells back. (also uit's good to know arcane reflection is good vs tayn and unbending is good vs missiles)
  8. I think Withdraw would also work to wait out Dampener and it even heals you if a dot is on you, all priests have access to withdraw. Yeah when the game came out we really wanted brilliant to get nerfed, but neither wanted it to be removed or made useless, just less op, 12 secs to regain resources could be a thing, maybe even 18. I didn't stream my initial preparations, since sometimes it can take a while to get the flame blight, so I don't know how long that took me, but after that initial phase the fight took 1:30h. Keep in mind most of that was a buff phase and the actual fight took a little over 30 mins, also I didn't know about brilliant cloak yet, accidentially discovered that in the next fight vs Belranga.
  9. I played a dragon slashed chanter in both deadfire and poe 1 and the only thing good about it in deadfire is the fact that brisk recitation doesn't remove the linger from enemies, so you can stack similar to poe 1. The base damage is so bad and the fact you need pen for it makes it so much worse it can not be remotely compared. Best thing you can do is go single class chanter so you have upgraded Eld Nary which will be the thing actually carrying your build but it's kinda nice to also do damage while building phrases.
  10. True, but unbending is not necessary with BDD and the other fighter goodies are not as big as unbending. Some stuff will maybe be missed but the priest brings other stuff in return. (some of the priest buffs are insanely good and only one thing pissed me off about them, duration back when I played my cipher/priest, but with drain wall durations are infinite) One of the biggest upsides for BDD compared to Final stand potion is you can apply it on full hp, while the potions don't work if youa ren't near death. Also the priest has built in pen inspiration, so consumable slots can mostly be filled with grimoires.
  11. @Bhall, my wall accuracy is only 128, I have 14 Perception, so only could improve it by 5, weird. Todays stream brought forth another extremely important wall of draining cheese, using the cloak with 1% Brilliant chance actually gives you a buff called mind over matter and unlike the tactician brilliant, this buff has a duration and can be prolonged with walls, so you will have brilliant forever if you need it, without flanking, heck even without tactician. (Priest/Blood mage prolly the best high level class out there now) Dorudugan died in about 1:30h and Belranga can't even kill you with injuries if you have Final Stand, injuries just stop at 3 and you keep living. :D
  12. The base accuracy of the phantom is pretty high, but the 9 from level seems wrong. Phantom has the same stats in my game. Tentacles seem bugged in a similar way.
  13. The club is only for getting +25% damage from the curse, after that switching to the bow, yes. I have no idea how you did this fight in 1 hour, your accuracy must be a lot higher for some reason (maxed Per?), because my wall misses a lot vs Doru and after 1 hour my Unbending duration is at 80 secs which is hardly enough to even visibly damage his hp bar. With the belt I need several seconds to accomplish what took an hour without the blight.
  14. You're right, Chromoprismatic is much better, it has No pen on hits and grazes but still does more damage due to higher base.
  15. I tried killing it like that before but just didn't have the patience, since it took me an hour to get unbending duration to 80 secs, which isn't even close to enough to kill it. I took Essence interrupter because shock is the lowest AR, but Chromoprismatic might be better damage, I will check thanks!
  16. Good point. One wall is still pretty good if you just spawn multiple blights, but if unbending stacking gets removed having to use the potion of final stand will be a little harder.
  17. It's not even about the walls ticking faster, it's about them ticking at all, since against Doru's 160+ will you will have many many misses. In about an hour I couldn't get my Unbending higher than 80 secs vs Doru, this takes several secs with the blight (less than a minute). The belt adds 5% fire damage with essence interrupter I haven't seen a higher number than 5, while grazes do 30ish damage and crits 70ish. (if you have at least 25% damage from the curse club stacked and ofc the 25% from final stand pot). From my quick testing it takes 1000s to get Doru to bloodied (50%) so a bit over 2k buff duration should be enough to kill him, will find out in my stream tomorrow.
  18. The fire blight summoned by the belt only has 50 will, walls crit like crazy against it, while against doru you need to get lucky to even graze. The fire blight also doesn't have a summon duration it stays there forever unless you kill it. I stacked my Unbending to 1k healed and 700 secs duration in a few minues, potion of last stand actually had the same duration! I also found out what recklicking unbending actually does: It does not remove the stacks as I thought at first, but it replaces the duration of the actual buff ("33% of damage taken converted into healing for xxx secs" in the character sheet). Since you can quickly gain hundreds of secs of duration with the fire blight replacing this with 20ish secs is quite bad and if you are not careful you just lose your stacks due to the buff running out.
  19. Didn't have time to stream today, since we're moving soon and I spent most of the day packing, but while theorycrafting on the side, mainly thinking about how to stack Walls of draining quicker vs Dorudugan, which I found an answer too with belt of Magran's chosen, I alos realized you can use Wall of Draining for Potions of the fiunal stand!
  20. Flanking like that (targets with big circle) doesn't get rid of the penalty, sadly. In most fights I just flank with chillfog and if I reallly need to get rid of the penalty either summon level 4 phantom or tentacles right next to me. The good thing is in a long fight once you got rid of the penalty it will stay gone for the rest of the fight, so if you summon right next to you, wait a little and then summon the proper flanking phantom you will not get the penalty again. So in short, penalty only goes away if you have been very close to your ally at least for a few seconds while the ally engaged an enemy.
  21. Yes, I'm not doing this for a monk, but for a Tactician/Bloodmage. Just tested it and it works like a charm, essence interrupter is much better than the belt tho, if I kill a level 4 phantom with it it seems almost guaranteed to get a hostile, while the flame blight takes forever to proc, at least on a high defence target like Doru. This also confirms my long suspicion that wall of draining doesn't need to actually steal duration of beneficial effects from hostiles, since neither the dargul/imp from interrupter nor the blight from the belt have buffs, but unbending gets duration added as needed. edit:after further testing the flame blight doesn't seem to have a duration, so it is actually better than the essence interrupter, as long as you don't kill it it will provide draining wall target practice forever, since it is also immune to Dorus Fire nuke.
  22. Oh that is even better than essence interrupter for my purposes, thank you.
  23. I vaguely remember someone posting a monk strategy to kill dragons with the monk injury attack that jumps. It was mentioned that on a dragon with no ads there is an item to spawn hostiles so you can still jump and apply several injuries. Sadly i don't remeber the name of the thread or who posted it. I'm interested in the item to spawn hostiles for my own ends, mainly easier unbending stacking vs Dorudugan (or smth ). What is it called and where does it drop? edit: I'm an idiot and forgot essence interrupter can also spawn hostiles if not upgraded, sorry but I can't delete the thread.
  24. Yes, Salvation of time should work very similar, didn't even think about that. :D My theory is that either you can escape the injury leap if you're not backed into a corner or cast a phantom right before Belranga gets hurt and she might leap on it. My main improvement is gonna be to focus the burrows earlier, so she doesn't get as many spider stacks, it's not like I need her to have -30 deflection. :D
  25. As far as I can tell triggering Unbending via clicking the ability removes the endless stacking, so to get these type of numbers you need to cast Unbending once and never again. Also Tactician and brilliant is not actually needed to stack unbending, actually in this fight I coulldn't get Brilliant for quite some time, since Belranga starts with super high fort. I had to keep getting my wall back by clicking Blood Sacrifice, but the accuracy and damage of the boss at the start of the fight allows for that even with around 100ish healing from unbending and after a couple of walls the healing goes up dramatically, since the small spiders have no defence vs will and the boss is nuking you for very constant damage. Luminous Adra Potions to remove the injuries?? Could work in heory, but without my one injury I lose immunity to interrupts from my helmet which mith be a big deal.
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