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Everything posted by Nadrac
So, to clarify: - Even though TWS is on a different line, I assume you wouldn't take it if you're planning to take Shield Style, right? - If you choose to go unarmed (which I hear is worse in the long run, but whatever), does any of the weapon style talents have any effect on fists? - About WF-Peasant, I can see taking it if you're going unarmed or with a hatchet + shield, but if you're dual wielding, aren't there better weapon types? Assuming there's no overlap with the rest of the party, would you still take Peasant over, say, Ruffian or Noble? I want to try a monk but I haven't got round to it yet, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something here or it's just one of those things you can't edit. You can easily take shield after two weapon style for versatility to on occasion transition into an offtank or even a main tank with priest buffs and still do decent damage. Fist is a great weapon with crush damage which is often the best against harder opponents, i didn't do the math but it's good enough, what you will really miss out on is unique effects such as extra critical and lifesteal. Do one run with fist other with sabres and stilettos, or maybe pick up both weapon talents ? They have different damage types.
You are probably better off choosing magran, just like durance and use the amazing Arquebus. Can do something like this. Mig 18 Con 8 Dex 18 Per 3 Int 18+ Res 10 Magran Interdiction Inspired Flame Inspiring Radiance Wf: Soldier Gunner Marksman With potd in mind i wouldn't recommend priest melee dps.
Best i got is some cash, but never made back the price of building the prison in the first place, also locking up people seemed pretty random. Why would my party bother locking up some random guys ? No one wants them and they know nothing, hell i would gladly start a slave and kidnapping business, even sell em off as parts, or snacks or whatever. I rather snatch some nobles off the street they may even have value. Maybe have a chance to gain the allegiance of named captives, so you get them as randomized slightly stronger adventurers with more talents and stats.
What's wrong with plate ? Monk is not Superman, if you want to go without armor to punch faster you can do that but its risky but you can make it work with party composition. Warrior monks wore the heaviest armor they could. I get it, i am familiar with the type, skin and fist as hard as steel. Playing that way is fine, just saying that Obsidians take on monks is not wrong and don't need anything to RP it. Maybe give them a shot before you call them immersion breaking, you can play around with different level of protection, don't have to go plate or nothing.
According to combat log that is not true, but you can get away with it on priest and chanter, they usually don't target their opponents at all or much so don't need an accuracy roll. I appreciate feedback, i lost the right the edit my original post, not sure whats the deal with that, seemingly can't be edited after certain time. Anyway, i intended talents to be taken from top to bottom, and if i included more in one line i did it for the reason so you can think about picking it as an alternative. Basically if you are a Fire godlike pick Scion of Flame, and i did check out Vulnerable Attack, it's still worth it slightly, so pick it and finish with Bloody Slaughter, if you are pushed into a more tanky role pick Weapon and Shield Style plus One-Handed Style. Getting the right to edit my own topic would be nice, Mods *wink wink*
It works perfectly well, but pay attention i am pretty sure all or most of the rogue abilities are "Full Attack" type which means it attacks with both weapons if you are wielding two, and they both roll separately, so if you try to blind a target with dual wield and you miss the first hit then the second hit can just as well can do it. Rogue is bit better with dual wield, that said, if no one is using those superior swords you should totally go for them yourself, it's a lot harder to get two superb one handers.
I am definitely planning to play a spellsword sometime, but wizards level 1-2 spells turning per encounter use later give me doubts. With both wizard rings you can find that's least 12 spells you want to cast in every single fight for free, and the main reason i skipped auto attacking later because i was too busy casting. Earlier i didn't realize how fast, fast spells were, wow, buffing yourself is not an issue, however bit awkward, you still need to chain the buffs and you can't preset these combos. I didn't follow the development, but It feels like they designed the spells first then they added the per encounter system for low level spells, and honestly it doesn't make sense, especially the scaling, out of nowhere you can spam like crazy in every fight while you already have more spells so conserving them between rests is less of an issue. Anyway should make for a fun playthrough when i get to it.
1, I like 14 or more for melee dps guys, pretty pointless to get high dexterity to act faster and get interrupted all the time 2, Getting interrupted already cuts into your dps 3, There are few spells that help a bit, but there is so much they can do for such a weak willed dude, Priest has level 1 spell Holy Meditation that gives 30 concentration
1, it's bad, you jump away barely and he will follow you 2, handy 3, doesn't stack, only refreshes, best with slow weapons, ok choice 4, you should have started with this, now probably you have skip it til the end, too little impact He was right to dump int, slightly longer lasting limited use encounter abilities in the long fights of potd traded for survivability and damage is a no brainer
No, Warbow is best up to 10-12ish dr, and much better for crits, which don't happen too much on potd but with few buffs and debuffs flying out easily Warbow is great again, also Warbow is less reliant on upgrades they both provide slight benefits you can easily do without especially if its your backup weapon. Hunting bow is only truly for ranger Stunning Shot build, really no other point to it. Arquebus is a strong alternative to Warbow, better against higher dr and gets more out of the upgrades, preference of many, also starts the fight in a very convincing manner, but if you are willing to put the talents in Blunderbuss feels very strong with the benefit it gets out of penetrating shot, and also have access to pistol. Was broken last i checked it, also sounds op so it's probably getting reworked before we get it.
Good question, i did consider including it and i used it as well, when you hit level 5 it's a strong pickup replacing your crappy fine wand, it turns you into a decent auto attacker, but when you get to level 9 and your level 1 spells become per encounter use, you just want to cast all of them in every single fight, so less auto attacking. At level 11 i was not even tempted to use it, also wizard picks up 4 1-2 spell slots from items, and at this stage of the game you probably have a superior wand, it's still worse than the spell, but makes it less of an upgrade. I prefer casting Essential Phantom over it, that guy hits for avg 25 shock to a small aoe with a fast attack and has nothing else to do, he can get buffed, he can tank a bit, he is the only summon of the wizard, clearly a must have. Between level 5-8 Kalakoth's Minor Blights is good for offensive wizard, after that i didn't find it that useful. Updated my post to include it.
Can't argue with that You can cut even up to 6-8 res and 2 con to get more dex, my builds are intended to be on the safe side and for the whole game, for the majority of the game you can't really spam and you can always use the fast casting foe only Talon's Reach if you want to. Later i like walking in and zapping them with storm, more squishy druid may have seconds thoughts about standing in the middle of the fight with Relentless Storm. Resolve and Dexterity also similar, Dexterity helps you act more frequently, Resolve helps not getting interrupted therefore act more frequently, but chance of interruption gets lower farther away from the front. You may even want to run in and use Nature's Vigor, extremely good heal, Tangelefoot is also nice for -20 reflex roll, rogues might like it too. It gives access to two accurate fast weapons, exactly what we want with damage bonus, also no one else picks Wf: Noble and great weapons are limited. Runner up would be Wf: Ruffian, it's a strong alternative but becomes weaker if other party members hope to use some of those melee weapons. I was going to say but possibly the two best weapons for dw are in ruffian. Stiletto and sabre. In general yes, but not if you have +20 damage from One Stands Alone, in that case, speed and accuracy is clearly better.
All intended for potd party play. Initially i just wanted to make one or two, then i started thinking what could be the ideal build for them, and made some more, was fun. Don't hesitate to use whatever you need, that especially goes for armors, front liners have to rock the plate or very close to it, and guys in the back may need to use it as well, if there is a real of chance of getting overrun, but usually their choice of attire can be more greedy. Wizard "You thought Aloth was weak" "I go down in every fight that matters" Druid "I can do everything" Priest "As long as i don't die we are in it" Chanter "Just wait until the ogres show up" Rogue "I can still cut people" "Buckshot" Fighter "I thought i was the dps" Paladin "I joined the Kind Wayfarers to kill people" Cipher "Puppeteer" "I am no baby like the Puppeteer" Barbarian "Conan" Ranger "Bounty hunter" "Knight of the Black Army" "Adventurer" Monk "Fisticuffs"
Party of 6 randomized guys with random class, if one dies you get another random, with least the ie mod you can get infinite adventurers, or possibly have a higher pool of them like 10 tops, so you stand a better chance of making the party work. If that's too easy you can keep randomizing them at levelups. Of course play with main off, trial of iron is up to you, not reloading adds to the game but it's a long game and it's sometimes cheaty. If disengaging and running away was more possible i would recommend it, but like this i just recommend playing with the mindset, it's mostly pointless anyway if you know exactly where to be careful and exactly how strong you need to be. Beating the mobs where you find them is also more fun than in a chokepoint, and increases the need for survivability. Goes without saying never kite them.
On melee dps least trying to match the accuracy of the guys you fight is a good starting point, so you don't eat crits, and you have to wear heavy armor, which doesn't slow you down nearly as much as it sounds. On tank you aim to only get grazes or misses, once you are 50 over the accuracy of your opponents it's best to look for ways to help out if they are not hitting you, if they hit you, you will hold, but if not then you need to carry your weight. On ranged it's hard to say it varies from nothing to the level of protection melee dps guy or even an offtank needs, it's highly recommended to have a backup plan, if you face ranged enemies expect them to prioritize you.
It would be easier the other way around, game is not that hard on potd, just have 2 tanks get some points in stealth and before most fights have a plan, holding a chokepoint is often the best. Temple of eothas and Caed Nua stands out early, i postponed the temple until i had a 5 man party and even with 5 it was hard, and i had to stop clearing caed nua basement and decided to get more companions, territory east of defiance bay is easy and gives you 3, harder part is saving the girl. Defiance bay gives a lot of xp for no fights or easy fights, with the exception of the lighthouse which is insane. South of defiance bay is easy too with the exception of the drake cave. Endless paths are easy to up to level 9. Bounties are better left for 8-9 or later. I run with companions aside from a custom rogue i only hired for mechanic, and party is halfway to lvl 11, and didn't do any main quest other than talk to them once in the catacombs.
It's a long cast time spell that continuously does good damage and stun to a single random target in a big aoe. Best way to stop it is to kill the druid, maybe try wizards arcane dampener, should do the trick. Out healing it is a solid plan too, consecrated ground and moonwell are very effective, also summons help share the pain, or just turn the druids with the cipher and they will zap each other. They are only really a problem if the party is too passive.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, just focus on playing the game once without spoiling it too much. By what you told me mig 18 con 10 dex 14 per 3 Int 18 res 12 Now cipher is talent started and focusing on one weapon is quite a job already but on two even more so, but it's a good idea because when you can melee you should Weapon focus adventurer Two handed Style Biting Whip At 6 you are pretty set, with mainly using estocs and warbow, or go Weapon focus soldier Two handed style Biting Whip Gunner Makes your main weapons the pike and the arquebus and even arbalest if you find a good one, can even shoot your gun at start of the fight and since it takes forever to reload just stab the rest to death. Either should work fine with little room for you to alter it to your preference by the end.
Try IE mod on nexus you can make level 12 adventurers and jump to any area you wish. Or spawn a creature. http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/1/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fpillarsofeternity%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D1%26preview%3D&pUp=1 http://rien-ici.com/iemod/console/ There are a lot of other nice features. I personally use fast scouting because i am lazy. Didn't experience any issues using it, but didn't go out of my way to brake the game either. Pretty much the same as that mode but you have to work with console commands.
Help me choose my class!
Nadrac replied to Seccirsin's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Just finish the game there is always other playthroughs, followers will introduce you to many classes. To me it sounds like you are looking for a druid, followed by wizard, aggressive versatile classes to who party turns to when there is trouble, rogue is a brute and chanter is slow, in lower difficulties won't get the chance to cast, he surely does on potd. Cipher could be right, fighter mage that is mostly a controller.