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Everything posted by peddroelm

  1. killstealer build Have high accuracy high rof ranged weapon and try to land last hit on whatever enemy is about to bite it .. Paladin about to trigger on kill inspire ? ..Too slow (needs to be PotD for the 10% to have any meaning)
  2. Rangers get same amounts of endurance as Rogues/Priests/Druid/Chanters and most health (5*) than the other mentioned classes ... Won't really work in a tanking role (perhaps on normal), so you'll probably have to micro manage him well (attack targets already distracted(engaged by other characters)) ... Play similar to melee Rogue glass cannon builds with probably less damage output and less get out of jail escape cards ..(didn't really study the kit yet)
  3. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76286-disable-auto-attackengage-option-not-working/
  4. about monk and their unarmed attacks scaling Lvl 10 monk gets + (5-7) (Monk) + (8-8 )(Transcendent suffering 4) damage to base unarmed attack resulting in 18-23 WEAPON BASE DAMAGE RANGE (and +12 to unarmed accuracy) .. People keep complaining about not being able to enchant his fists - but weapon damage enchantments are "additive" .. There is no 1 handed melee weapon in the game with anywhere near 18-23 base damage range .. NOT EVEN 2 handed weapons get this high (14-20) .. Where does that factor in ? When you start adding the additive damage modifiers on that huge base 18-23 damage range you're going to see the difference .. You need to stack damage modifiers on (endgame) monks to squeeze most of their uber endgame fists .. +20% to 11-16 base weapon range (sword) is not the same as +20% to 18-23 endgame uber monk fist that (attacks faster ? on top of that) ..To really make a difference you'll really need over 400% (achievable ?) additive damage mods .. Monk base fist damage progression L01 12-17 TS 1 (+2-2 damage ) L02 12-17 TS 1 (+2-2 damage ) L03 12-17 TS 1 (+2-2 damage ) L04 14-19 TS 2 (+4-4 damage +4 accuracy) L05 14-19 TS 2 (+4-4 damage +4 accuracy) L06 14-19 TS 2 (+4-4 damage +4 accuracy) L07 16-21 TS 3 (+6-6 damage +8 accuracy) L08 16-21 TS 3 (+6-6 damage +8 accuracy) L09 16-21 TS 3 (+6-6 damage +8 accuracy) L10 18-23 TS 4 (+8-8 damage +12 accuracy) L11 18-23 TS 4 (+8-8 damage +12 accuracy) L12 18-23 TS 4 (+8-8 damage +12 accuracy) There guys need the highest might you can get and also all the other additive damage modifiers you can get from abilities. potions , etc .. ------ Problem is early game // low level - dual fist cannot get +12 accuracy by gripping 1 hand better with the other like the 1h weapons can. Cannot up accuracy with enchants like other weapons can.I strongly suggest peasant weapon focus at lvl 2 for the +6 accuracy .. Big jumps in effectiveness at lvl 4, 7 & 10 .. I'm not convinced about slowing attack speed to get pierce .. Would help early but hurt late-engame max DPS builds ..
  5. And if you've paid a little more attention you might've noticed some gratuitous crazy disengagement attacks going off against your hapless charmed allies as they PEACEFULLY stumble around the place ... AUTO ATTACK is a blight!!!
  6. my current melee heavy party is Paladin Decoy + scrolls (DR aura) Fighter Decoy Chanter Decoy + scrolls (+fortitude/will saves song) Rogue dual wield glass cannon Barb (extended range 2h) glass cannon Monk 2 wield fist glass cannon nice to cast AOE from first line - easy to aim cone spells with low friendly fire danger (scrolls) .. Most fights revolve around holding the tank line (quite difficult without hold ground/position command), poking them with barb from behind tank line and trying to flank with rogue/monk/chanter_phantom when feasible .. In tight spaces rogue&monk will switch to ranged weapons .. Very vulnerable to AOE damage/debuffs because of the tight formation ..
  7. I'm not color blind.. But the difference between the green color your active character gets and the green circles the rest of your party (+ summons, charmed) units is very small and hard to spot with overlaying spell effects on top during combat .. Double selecting (Ex press 3 twice ) will auto-center the screen on the character but - still doesn't quite help since most combats my characters are mostly bunched together (3 tanks , melee party) .. Can you please add some visual effects on the selected/active party member(s) ? Make their circles of dotted, spinning, blinking,bright yellow line or something .. Just something that would make it easier to spot on the battlefield ..
  8. I ve tried that and it never worked the spell acc isnt the same as the standart acc. Logs and all. Maybe getting a better grip on your sword using both hands doesn't improve the "potency" of your spells - stranger things have happened .. Also most spells have an accuracy modifier listed on spell description (Ex +10 accuracy - I assume you are granted bonus 10 accuracy when resolving the chance to hit with that particular spell ..) .. I wonder how casting from scroll works .. I'm assuming most of the weapon accuracy bonuses should not apply - least would make weapon DPS classes better spell casters than the actual spell classes ..
  9. free off hand (no double fist / no dual wield / no shield / no 2 handed weapon) provides +12 accuracy bonus for the 1 handed weapon.
  10. This ability, by definition, will never close the gap because it adds 20% of the gap to the minimum weapon damage. "20% of the range between minimum and maximum." That said, if it could be modded to 100%, you'd have your solution right there. Create a modified version of the ability to do that, then use the IE mod console to add that ability to any character. Voila. yeah I was reading that wrong ( min=min + min*0.2) and it probably is min = min + (max-min)*0.2
  11. I could use a list with stats. Specifically I'm looking for effects operating on weapon damage range before the additive modifiers are added or an unique weapon with damage range tighter than 20% .. Wmin*1.2 >= Wmax ..
  12. I/community needs a list of the items/abilities/spells that operate on weapon damage range (before the additive modifiers are added) .. ( with weapon min damage = weapon max damage - damage roll RNG is eliminated and we (community) can quickly reverse engineer damage formulas and where each and every item/talent/ability/spell effect factor in without having to keep begging busy DEVs to give crumbs . Armed with that knowledge community can then easily test all damage related factors and be able to provide meaningful bug reports .. You've got a big bunch of smart lab rats willing to help - use them !! It is going to happen sooner or later anyway .. ) Only one I'm aware off currently is Fighter ability "Confident Aim" – "the minimum damage for any melee weapon they use is increased by 20% of the range between minimum and maximum. Sadly that is not enough to "close the weapon range gap" for any of the basic weapons ... (gap bigger than 20%) .. Perhaps there are unique weapons in the game with damage range tighter than 20% .. Alternatively (if no such item exists (both Diablo 2 & 3 had them ) ) a modder could alter "confident aim" to provide higher bonus (ex 100%) (still could only test fighter abilities) , a custom testing weapon with wmindamage = wmaxdamage or better yet a "testing ring" that adds certain amount to weapon min damage (or subtracts certain amount from weapon maximum damage ) .. PoE community, how long will it take you ? Will the devs cooperate ?
  13. Confident Aim – A percentage of a fighter’s Grazes are converted to Hits. Additionally, the minimum damage for any melee weapon they use is increased by 20% of the range between minimum and maximum. With this pistol damage range becomes 22 * 1.2 = 26.4 - 30 .. Pretty narrow but not quite min=max we need for proper testing .. I did a cursory examination of spells in manual - didn't find any that would operate on weapon damage range .. Perhaps one of the unique weapons already has tight damage range that Confident Aim could tighten to constant ? Perhaps one of the unique items in the game operates on weapon damage range (before the additive damage modifiers are added ) ... Anybody has a list of all POE unique items stats ? Any modder capable of upping Confident bonus to 100% for testing purposes ?
  14. Build // abilities // buffs play a huge role .. Can't expect a "decoy" (very hard to hit, very durable - hits like a wet noodle ) to do the same amount of damage as its polar opposite the "glass cannon" - dies if enemies sneeze in its general direction but hits like 5 trucks loaded with TNT ... Chief amount equipment - weapon used - some weapons do low damage per hit but - attack with high speed ( think woodpecker ) other weapons do high damage per hit but attack once in a blue moon ...
  15. Perhaps charm spells - should come with some accuracy penalty (harder to pull off - balance issue ) ? But its probably not fair to ask for this on POTD diff ..
  16. Actually is coded the other way around .. You get +12 bonus accuracy on 1 handed weapons by leaving the off hand free ..(stupid edit delay limit)
  17. In PoE terms - for balance sake // work more inline with what the OP expects from previous IE games - charm type of spells should come with a negative Accuracy modifier (-20 or -40 for the more powerfull ones) (go make a feature/mod request ) .. That would significantly lower their chance of success .. (not sure the example you picked to argue this is best picked - shrooms (even in small doses) can really mess with someones head ) Other stats on the monsters using them could be bumped up to compensate ..
  18. Imagine the outcry ... Congratulations, you just made all the tank builds/abilities UTERLY useless ... enemies break engagement all the time and the decorum decoy tanks can only tickle them as punishment ... Only viable talents/builds left -- DPS kill them before they kill you .. On top off all that some encounters designed around tank use might become near/trully impossible to win . You broke the game .
  19. Using the off-hand for anything ( dual fist / dual weapons / 2 handed weapons / weapon and shield ) results in flat -12 accuracy penalty on the 1/both weapons .. Early game before +accuracy perks it makes sense to have only 1h weapons on the DPS classes for the huge +12 accuracy difference..
  20. I do remember seeing lightning damage on my attacks in combat log (lightning strikes) .. But the ability duration is kind of short (balance) ..
  21. yup - sadly there is no HOLD POSITION order to be given .. bump this bug/feature request thread http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76286-disable-auto-attackengage-option-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=1642927
  22. We need a single thing (item / ability) that allows to get a test weapon with CONSTANT damage (weapon min = weapon max).. Eliminating damage RNG roll would then make it trivial to reverse engineer the damage formula and the exact bonuses and places where each ability/talent/bonus/effect/etc.. fits in in said formula.. Some games don't have RNG damage roll to begin with ( Mass Effect 2/3 - they lacked the damage log ), some provide the items required to remove it (Diablo 2/3 have ring/amulet mods that increased weapon min damage ) . Only thing that would qualify that I'm aware of in this game - is a fighter talent that ups weapon min damage by 20%.. Sadly that is not enough to completly shut the RNG gap for any weapon .. ( you can get pretty narrow damage ranges on some weapons but not constant damage) For accurate tesing we will need a modder support - either mod in a weapon with min damage = max damage.. Better yet a ring with +6 to minimum damage (could test most weapon types with 2 of those rings) .. Or make that fighter talent add +100% to weapon minimum damage ( will only be able to test fighter abilities in that case) ... No-one familiar enough with the unity engine capable of such simple modification ?
  23. yet another bump Similar threads http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76407-how-to-make-the-party-members-stand-after-downing-a-foe/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76415-disable-auto-attack-doesnt-work/
  24. Can we please get buttons to show the range for those abilities when hovered over (like chanter song range)? ..So we can then come back here and complain that "Aloth's Leather Armor" doesn't increase the area of those abilities ?
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