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Everything posted by cirdanx
Health > rest however i´m the last person who should give any advice about health
Feeling so old...still love it... Funny how the reup-ed anything.
There is some truth in your statement, but strifing for better is also a good thing.
THIS, and this is not marketing THIS is LYING out of their ass. The lead for DA2 did the same, "you can totaly play it like origins it makes NO difference". It does and that was a LIE. ME3 ending etc was nothing but a LIE over a LIE over a LIE...DA:I tactical view is for **** on pc, its worthless and controls horribly. again a LIE. Yes i´m pissed -.- If you enjoy their games fine, but don´t let them get away with sales based on lies ffs.
I really loved the origin idea, it made me play thru the game with each variant possible, just to see the slight differences. I liked it. Sure you ended up in the same spot, but so do all games like this because we are not able to make a game that acts to everything we do :D As i see it, DA:O was a genuine attempt to stick to their roots and bring back this genre in a new light (with 3D and everything). DA:O was originally a Bioware only product with no publisher, i still have some game magazines collection dust with interviews from the lead at that time that confirm this, and where then he hoped that a publisher would take it up. At that point of time DA:O looked godlike good (graphics wise..which was latter brought down because of consoles) It was also planed as a PC only game. Unfortunaly Bioware had not the money to do this on their own, creating a new engine and everything takes time, so you have the money to feed the staff. But they also made a deal for Mass Effect with MS for Xbox and then EA for PC. And somehow they owners decided to sell their company to EA. Why, i don´t know. So they had now the funding to finish DA:O, which i think was a very good game and could have been the start of a great new party based RPG series. Could, but EA is **** and famous for ****ing and destroying beloved studios and franchises. and the moment came not with DA2, but with the first expansion to Origins. With still the smell of DLC in the air they decided that making an expansion of something that was to be a DLC was a good idea. It was, if they would have the time. EA gave them no time. Awakening was a buggy ****ty mess and is to this day. DA2 was rushed out, buggy and despite some interesting story telling with characters a complete dissapointment if we compare it with DA:O. On it´s own, it´s a decend action RPG with a low story. But its a sequel so it should be critized that way. DA:I has also not gone back...and even more console than 2. Now also with tons of filler content (fetch mmo quests to fill time). Though there are some great moments of what i have seen. Still. the console combat **** is uninteresting to me and the overall story is so horrible... And that comes from someone who loved that company. I really did...i forced their games upon everyone i know lol But after DA and don´t even get me started on Mass Effect, or the so called "bioware austin" and the **** they call TOR . Nope, Bioware is dead. But don´t worry, it´s just another mark on EA. I´m sure they are proud of their history. Edit: I also went over my head sorry for that. Why the genre came to a halt is simple: the uprise of consoles, publisher saw their money in that direction and stopped making this kind of games and generally games for pc in that time. Yes the irony that "indis" came than back to PC is not lost to me and STEAM rose out of the ashes (something big publishers probably still fum about) . But the genre "died" back then because of publisher dissinterest in PC as a gaming platform and the focus on consoles. This is even more stupid considering BG3 was mostly done.
That wasn't a "crafting system" though, more like a collection of minor side-quests spanning multiple chapters and rewarding exploration. I think the only crafting I enjoyed besides The Witcher's system was the armor/weapon making in NWN2, with the multiple materials. Of course, it may have been because the choice was most often a complete no-brainer... what was the name of that metal which reduced the weight category of the armor by a factor of one? I disagree, it was a crafting system, you could make a weapon etc out of parts you found, the only difference was, that you didn´t made them, you had to turn them in. Which i prefered because of RP aspects. (Why am i suddenly a smith?) The witcher handled it very well, but considering the story with the Witcher he is needed to know how to improve his weapons, its part of his "job". It was Mithral, but it made it not zero...kinda like 2/3 of the weight or something like that. I agree with you on your first points. They can just stick to their current crafting system as far as i care, i just think a deeper system would add more to the game. Nothing more. You are also right that you don´t need to use it, as i didn´t most of the game, so..it is kinda pointless in the sense that you don´t really gain anything from it. (where you did get better weapons in BG2 as an example) I do have to disagree with the BG2 craft items though, most of them were very useful the dragon armors were great, Gesens bow was awesome, Crom Faeyr was your weapon against Golems and Trolls, Silver swords was almost instant death against low lvl enemies, the Wave was one of the most powerfull weapons in the game. That is hardly useless, however you could do easily without them. Thats the whole point. You got reward for doing it, but you could go without it, that was very well handled i think. And yes Caspenar made them even better and had new ones, which however were rather easily obtained in ToB, but the mainfocus of ToB was combat, so that came naturally. (you still could miss a lot of stuff though) Anyway i´m not against PoE crafting system, i just wish it would have more depth and there would be some iconic items in the game. Thats all I suppose the dragon armors were nice, i've never had much use for them though since i never take a lot of characters in my party that wear such heavy armor, and since my main PC for most of my playthroughs is some form cleric, i prefer getting the Armor of faith +3, which is much easier to get early on in the game, has the same defense as the shadow scale armor, and i find the +1 saving throws is more useful then the 50% fire/acid resistance. I don't think i've ever used the wave except for on one playthrough where i threw it on minsc, same thing for the silver sword. That said, in pillars i have used the crafting system on almost all the armor/weapons my party is equipped with, even the items you can find buy that have good enchantments on them already can usually be improved with elemental lash for more damage, an added stat bonus, or proofed for extra DR against a single damage type. I used a lot of the items that were crafted on harder playthroughs. Anyway :D I don´t disagree with you, again i did use PoE system to upgade mine a few times, i just wish it would have been a deeper system. Also i don´t think there is some problem to add something iconic into the game. "Iconic" weapons or armor stick with your game experience. Armor of faith +3 was a fantastic cleric armor, just as baldurans was for my paladin, not to mention Carsomyr on a paladin, this are things you just don´t forget if you are invested in a game. I can´t think of one weapon or item in PoE that i can even remember. Sadly.
RPGCodex Review #1 - Hŵrpa Dwrp
cirdanx replied to Sensuki's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Thats not an objective review, it´s an opinion and should be treated as one. Meaning it´s as good as yours. Not that i care what RPGCodex says, but they have some good points. PoE has its problems. NO question there, still i enjoyed it. I got almost 50h of playtime out of it and was never bored. However PoE is NOT the BG2 of our time...well of course not because BG2 needed BG1 to get where it was, that is something people tend to forget. I will judge Obsidian on a PoE 2 and compare it with BG2 anytime. But anyone who thought backing the game to become the next BG2 is an idiot. PoE is at best laying the groundwork for a new franchise where a PoE 2 can happen, just LIKE BG1 was for its sequel. And keep in mind that BG was based on an existing IP and they didn´t have to made up all by themself. Keeping all that in mind, i think Obsidian did a very good job, not perfect, but thats fine as long as they support it and fix problems. I´m looking forward to the expansion and next patchs and will replay it at last once, more like twice with expansion...so at last i got a good 100h+ out of a CRPG...how is that bad? Also, PoE, for it´s shortcomings, made me play BG2 again...and bring me back in big time...so thats also a bonus I DID expect a tad more, but not much, overall they did a good job for a first game in a possible new franchise that came out of nowhere. -
Pillars of Eternity and Buddhism
cirdanx replied to Manart's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
I don´t really understand the point of this thread....are you trying to say that PoE was influenced by existing religion? Well that should be given considering people wrote that. :D There are also elements of a christian theme and mostly Polytheismus going on. Sooo? I think you are makeing a far stretch here. The religious aspect in this game is VERY open to interpretation. Thats pretty much the last part of the whole game: "what is a god, are they even gods etc". As for the character choices, it´s just a lazy point i could critize, there are no multiple ways how they can turn out, it´s mostly just yes/no. You picked that answer they are going that way..you picked the other, they are the other way. I think it´s neat that they managed a game where people can see themselves/their religion reflected. But don´t project it onto things that don´t exist. -
I agree with you on your first points. They can just stick to their current crafting system as far as i care, i just think a deeper system would add more to the game. Nothing more. You are also right that you don´t need to use it, as i didn´t most of the game, so..it is kinda pointless in the sense that you don´t really gain anything from it. (where you did get better weapons in BG2 as an example) I do have to disagree with the BG2 craft items though, most of them were very useful the dragon armors were great, Gesens bow was awesome, Crom Faeyr was your weapon against Golems and Trolls, Silver swords was almost instant death against low lvl enemies, the Wave was one of the most powerfull weapons in the game. That is hardly useless, however you could do easily without them. Thats the whole point. You got reward for doing it, but you could go without it, that was very well handled i think. And yes Caspenar made them even better and had new ones, which however were rather easily obtained in ToB, but the mainfocus of ToB was combat, so that came naturally. (you still could miss a lot of stuff though) Anyway i´m not against PoE crafting system, i just wish it would have more depth and there would be some iconic items in the game. Thats all
Thats kinda the problem, but even game footage wouldn´t do it for me. Rome 2 was so broken (in terms of AI), and every other Total War game was released as a bugy mess, except maybe Rome and Shogun (still problems), that i just can´t allow myself to be excited. I´m very very cautions about this.
I only hope it´s totally different. If it´s anything like ME3...no chance i will buy it. That is not forgotten. Bioware is a LIAR. End of story. I could live with the ending and just say: "well ok its ****..lets close this chapter" but they flat out lied and based on THIS lie i bought it. And i have no intention to bend over again. Having said that...ME died with part 3 for me anyway, i expect a shiny shooter and nothing else, whit all the typical EA stuff, DLC in form of maps, maybe weapons, a season pass, always on and Origin etc. Nope thank you.
Is that true? Huh. I only played from 2005-2007 and it sure seemed like they had quest helpers. But that was a long time ago. Maybe for those days it seemed carebear but today it would seem hard core. Absolutely. The quest I'm referring to for example had an NPC ask you to find his wife. The only direction given was that she was in the southern half of the Barrens, which is to say, somewherein the lower half of the largest zone in the game. Even Morrowind would have been proud of that level of vagueness. I also remember quests that started from tiny books or scrolls, which weren't marked with exclamation marks like they are these days. Indeed I suspect the only reason most people would know of them at all is through third-party websites such as Thottbot and Allakhazam. A quick Google shows quest markers were added in patch 3.2, which it shows was released in August of 2009, 4 years and 9 months after launch. Yes the infamous quest. It´s well known in the wow community, at last back then. However Blizzard did add questmarker before that, they were just very rarely placed, just like EQ2 did it. It took them some years to add them all over the game, thats true.
I'm not sure anyone in this thread believes their punctuation, much less their sentences, at least as far as the topic is concerned...? I try to believe that even a pointless/silly thread can bring up an interesting discussion. But as i said i believe that OP´s point is nonsense
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Yeah some of us really enjoy discussing global events. Oh and that reminds me you and I are going to be on the opposite sides of most political debates so please don't take it personally when I disagree with you. Its not personal, its just we have very different views on certain events like Ukraine I can live with that, as long as you get your facts straight True though i take the Ukraine situation on a more personal lvl because i do know people there and have a sort of first person view on what is going on and the rage that this has brought up is new to me, thats the kind of thing where you go "yeah lost any hope in humianty". I am going to respond to your Ukraine point you made, I went back and read your long assessment of the Ukrainian situation I don't agree with much of it but you raise some interesting points. Yes I rely on facts, I can support anything I say through links. Please don't post videos...just links if you want me to read it. And its not that I am being dismissive, I just don't have the time to watch hours of videos and some people like Vals keep posting these hours long videos and expecting people to watch them But I look forward to future debates with you Thats fine, i just want to point out thing, except ONE video, all are very short and represent the very view on the subject, coming directly from the mouths of the people in charge, so its important to watch them. Because thats the whole point that underminds the history of this conflict. Not sure i will respond to it, it was meant as one time post as i made clear..but we will see, as long as i don´t involve my personal anger i might Getting angry on the internet is pointless ^.^
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I'd like something like this as well. A handful of unique and fairly powerful items that you can craft from various ingredients - or choose to use them for something else. Something that makes you weigh the pros and cons of crafting that particular item. I wouldn't mind the current system as is if they added to it with something like this. As it stands, and as others have said, you don't get that 'wow' factor when you can easily craft stuff that's as good as or better than what you find - and none of it's particularly exceptional (pun not actually intended). The gear being kinda "bland" seems to be a popular opinion. Sure, the first playthrough i had a hard time sometimes even making out what was better and what was not. (the item stat bug didn´t help). Iconic weapons don´t need to be overpowered if the combat system is solid. Right now i´m playing thru BG2 EE (just to check out the EE part..and..no..don´t buy it) and crafting my red dragon armor feels as good as it did over 10 years ago because it is made of one bad ass dragon i just killed or having The Equalizer made because i chose that path and explored everything is rewarding. It does make the game a tad easier, but never to the extend that you steamroll it, not to mention the harder difficulties. So yes, something like this would enhance the game, in my opinion.
Yeah some of us really enjoy discussing global events. Oh and that reminds me you and I are going to be on the opposite sides of most political debates so please don't take it personally when I disagree with you. Its not personal, its just we have very different views on certain events like Ukraine I can live with that, as long as you get your facts straight True though i take the Ukraine situation on a more personal lvl because i do know people there and have a sort of first person view on what is going on and the rage that this has brought up is new to me, thats the kind of thing where you go "yeah lost any hope in humianty".
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I would say it´s slightly smaller than BG1. Less open maps to discover. The city is kinda similar in size. (lacking the big sewers though). It´s still very well made and if you explore everything you should play somewhere between 40 to 60+ hours in the game. The disc space doesn´t matter much, that is more of a technical aspect that does not translate very well to playtime. You can have a 8h single player 3D game taking up 8GB and another one twice the size just because of badly compressed audio and visual files. It also depends on the engine and many more factors. Long story short, disc space has nothing to do with playtime.
I think BG2 did it very well with Cromwell. First you are not the smith...thus avoiding a conflict with RP. You found the stuff and brought it to him. Only a few weapons, very powerfull but also easily to miss, meaning the people who got into it and explored everything got a reward. You could easily ignore it also. Like the hammer Crom Faeyr, do i really want the weapon or do i prefer the two strength items on my chars? GIve i back the silver blade or keep it? It was open to you and not overdone. I liked that. For my first playthrough i did craft a bit, or better upgraded existing weapons. Otherwise i didn´t use it.
No offense to the community here..but if anyone really believes that a gaming forum from a small developer is worth the attention of any paid propaganda (which does exist on both sides don´t get me wrong) you have to be so full of yourself. Chances are you will find that **** more on imgur, facebook, twitter etc you know...social platforms that matter because you can influence more people. However i´m not surprised to find people in a forum, mostly dedicated to deep RPG, having a strong opinion. Thats not really a bad thing.
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The Weird, Random, and Interesting things that Fit Nowhere Else Thread..
cirdanx replied to Raithe's topic in Way Off-Topic
You are allowed to have a free speech and privacy..as long as we know everything about it. This is worrysome: http://sputniknews.com/military/20150423/1021248805.html- 488 replies
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They don´t, you could be lucky and it could be good (like in my dads case, he had almost the same from the look of it)...on the other side it could be worse. Seriously it should be no problem to get an appointment assap. Is health care that bad where you live?
WOW...that sums up the most naive post ever. "mainly that the Ukraine's primary financial backers happen to be Western countries and they just wouldn't support a Neo-Nazi government ..that should be explanation enough :geek:" i hope that was irony, or otherwise i would suggest YOU educate yourself in history because you have NO idea what the hell you are talking about. I might also redirect you in this case on my post in the ukraine thread here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69691-ukraine-discussion/page-20 Which lays out pretty well the situation and history in this conflict WITH the words of western leaders and they speak for themselves. So there is NO denying it. I coudl also add links to the offical ban of "communism", trying to rename most cities despite historical value, continueing fire from Ukraine side against the donbas (which even the OSCE can´t hide anymore), foreign solider proof (namely US, UK, Canada) including weapons found and reported to the OSCE (mostly banned by UN) in use from Kiev. Or maybe the slaughter that has been going for weeks now of journalists and "free press" members who don´t support the current Gov, with the right sector (aka Junta) openly and proudly taking responsibility for it. No? Too much for you? You have the internet, its all very easy to find, just don´t use google (which is cencored) use duckduck/startpage. It´s all open information. All evidence and facts, including the words of the western leaders dissagree with you...not the other way around.
Oh oh...ohhhhh goood that looks nice....i have a hard time not getting excited and must remember myself that Total War games usually launch as a buggy mess. Please be good, please be good
All the data on the issue, disagree with your idea of facts. Why should i be happy about it? I don´t need you to have the same opinion as me, but i also have no interest getting called a "sockpuppet" because i have a different opinion than you. Also my view on the "west" is not as extrem (whatever you are suggestion with that) as you may think. In this specific subject, this thread here, i´m just sick with the same old story. "X country does this, how stupid are they look at us we are so much better" yeah no that is not true, this false sense of superiority is BS. What kind of data disagrees with me? Some pools or "experts" on Fox? ABC? CBS? One very good friend of me spend half his life in russia and grew up there, i do believe him more than a news outlet. I also happen to know people living in Ukraine (before some had to flee). Don´t get me wrong i do understand that you can easily find russians who would also disagree on that and frequently do so. They are allowed to have an opinion you know. Russia has a fifth column and there are people who are more pro-western. Though, they are a minority. Also that was a fail quote, because i mention free speech and just like people are able to openly express their opinion against Obama, they do so against Putin in Russia too, just like in most countries the people in charge will have pro and contra followers. So whats the difference there? (and in both countries harsh critics will always get **** for their comments) I was talking about Media bias, as in propaganda and honestly after following this media campaign in the last 12 months, you have to be blind to believe that stuff that gets out there. Or maybe i was not being clear enough due to my lack of english skills i don´t know... But again you can believe what you want, if there is no basis for a discussion to even begin with, there is no point in having one.